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Rajiv Shrivastava
Roll No. 15MP08
ME Manufacturing
2nd sem

The combination of several sensors to detect different
parameters with a control system in manufacturing
system is called Networking of Sensor.
When designing an error-free manufacturing system, the
manufacturing design group must have an appreciation
for the functional limits of the automated manufacturing
equipment and ability of sensors to provide effective
Sensors and control systems, actuators/effectors,
controllers, and control loops must be considered in
order to appreciate the fundamental limitations
associated with manufacturing equipment for error-free

Design Consideration
Manufacturing facilities can be designed by describing
each manufacturing systemand the sensors and
controls to be used in itby a set of functional
These parameters are:
The number of product categories for which the
automated manufacturing equipment, sensors, and
control systems can be used (with software downloaded
for each product type)
The mean time between operator interventions (MTOI)
The mean time of intervention (MTI)
The percentage yield of product of acceptable quality
The mean processing time per product

Parameter 1:
The number of product categories for which the manufacturing
system can be used, represents the key concern in flexible
A software is used to distinguish among product types.
Parameter 2:
The MTOI value should be matched to the factory configuration
in use.
In a highly manual operation, it may be acceptable to have an
operator intervene frequently where accuracy may reduce.
Parameter 3:
Compare the design intervention time and planned mean time.
If the intervention time becomes large with respect to the
planned mean time, then the efficiency of the automated
manufacturing equipment drops rapidly.
Parameter 4:
Achieving higher yield levels will, in general, require additional
sensing and adaptability features for the equipment.
These features will enable the equipment to adjust and monitor
itself and, if it gets out of alignment, to discontinue operation.

Values of Available Parameters


To increase in productivity and product
quality we needed in an intelligent, flexible
and automatic manufacturing system. So
for that some special type of sensors are
needed to detect the problem. These
sensors are


Priori information - Any previously established fact or relationship that the

system can exploit in making a diagnosis.

Posteriori information - The information concerning the problem at hand for

which the diagnosis will be made.

Sensors and transducers - Convert physical states into electrical signals. These
signal in the form of - a table of values, a time domain waveform, or a
frequency spectrum

The analysis including correlations with other data

A set of possibilities with their respective probabilities, based on the a priori

and a posteriori information.


Diagnosing deteriorating machine elements in steady-state process


Resonance and vibration analysis in diagnosing faults finds

application in robots.

Sensors and transducers must be located as close as

possible to the component of concern to maximize the
signal-to-noise ratio.



Electric motors generate back electromotive force (emf) when subjected to

mechanical load

Motor current can be measured anywhere along the motor power cables

To discern sounds from myriad background noises
Any diagnostic system based on sound would have to be able to identify
damage-related sounds and separate the information from the ambient noise
A nonlocal noncontact inspection method


Used for equipment running at high speed

Best for indicating that a fault has occurred, rather than the precise nature
of the fault

Thank You

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