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Guide to Save the Planet

One small step for you, but it can be a big step for mankind

In the bath house

1 - Do not take immersion bath.

2 - Close the tap while brushing your teeth or shave (saves between 10 and 30 liters of water).

3 - Do not leave taps or flush dripping (water leakage can reach another 30 liters per day).

4 - Opt for dual flush toilets or control button (in each discharge spends up 10 to 15 liters of

5 - Do not throw any trash in the toilet, or will contribute to increased pollution in rivers and seas.


6 - Use more public transport than the individual. But it is best to move on foot or by bicycle,
not only does physical exercise as protects the environment.

7 - If you have to choose a car do not buy more than your needs: the heavier cars spend up to
50% more fuel than the lighter models.

8 - When washing the car, avoid using the hose, or use around 500 liters of water; using a
bucket and sponge consumption is only 50 liters.

9 - When driving slowly walk enables us to appreciate the landscape and emit less CO2. The
transport sector is responsible in Portugal for 33% of emissions of greenhouse gases, while the
European average is 28%.

In school

10 - You should choose easily recyclable material - less plastic over paper.

11 - Encourage that rectifies the work on the computer, and send messages and other documents via
email instead of printing.

12 - In the canteen and bar buy fresh produce (to ask for less packaged foods reduces the waste

13 - recycle what is left in all school facilities (on a tonne of paper, avoid killing 15 to 20 trees, and
reduced by 75% the toxic emissions to air).

At work

14 - well Enjoy natural light, before turning on the electric light.

15 - Protect windows with shutters and avoid unwanted heat. It is a thousand times better to resort
to air conditioning, which releases gases that contribute to global warming.

16 - Make notepads with used paper and print only what is necessary.

17 - At the exit, always turn off the lights and machines to computers, copiers and printer.

In the street

18 - Refuse to direct advertising, it does not interest him is less accumulated paper.

19 - If you have a pet, always collect the droppings in a small bag, which must deposit household

20 - If you can plant a tree when it reaches an adult size absorbs about six kilograms of CO2 per
ano.Nas shopping

21 - If you go shopping use a reusable bag ecological material and tougher. A plastic bag takes a
second to produce, it uses 20 minutes and then take 500 years to decompose.

22 - Buy what is locally produced: a distant source means more transportation, more more consumer
packaging resources, more pollution.

23 - Look for products with flower logo, the European eco-label, which means an environmental
performance of high level.

In the kitchen

24 - Close always well the refrigerator door. If left open is spending extra energy.

25 - Cleaning the regular freezer: the presence of ice on the walls entails an increase in energy
consumption. A full freezer is more efficient than a void.

26 - Leave the pot covered while they are on the stove. To boil a liter and a half of water, a simple
lid reduces energy consumption to just one room. Pressure cookers and steamers allow saving about
70% energy.

27 - Note to a household appliance efficiency class: can be more expensive, but the reduction that
sit on the electricity bill over the years makes it a safe investment.

In the room

28 - Do not use disposable dishes, even at parties. If you want dishes that will not come apart,
prefer the plastic, washable and reusable.

29 - On the table, opt for water. Bottled water is not essential. Our tap water is usually very good
quality: we save the environment aggression manufacture and storage of plastic bottles.

30 - Before leaving the room, be sure to turn off the TV and other devices, the button and not with
the command: in standby mode consumes 25% of energy. The environment thanks: get at least 70
tons of carbon dioxide a year.

In the engine room

31 - Turn the machines, clothes or dishes, the more economic times: the installation of a two-hour
meter will allow you to save on the bill.

32 - Use of low temperature programs, much of the power expended in flushing is to heat water.
The laundry is washed in the same well.

33 - Put the gears when they are full, if not possible, opt for shorter programs, saving you a fifth of
the energy.

34 - Choose detergents that have a low content of phosphates and are bio-degradable, and use the
doses recommended by the manufacturers (detergent more does not mean better wash).

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