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Training Program

Zubiar Yousaf


Zeeshan Ahmed 13-Arid-3790

What is Training Program?
Why Run a Training Program?
When should Run a Training Program?
Who should be In Charge of Training Program?
How to Develop and Run a Training Program?

What is Training Program

Training is directly related to the skills,
knowledge, and strategies necessary to do a
particular job.
It can include teaching staff members new skills,
exposing them to unfamiliar ideas, giving them
the chance to practice and get feedback on
particular techniques or styles.
Simply encouraging them to discuss their work
with one another

What is Training Program?

Training program might include following;
Training of new staff who never done work
Training of new staff who did this work but not in
a method that your organization use
Staff development
Professional Development

Why Run a Training Program?

Shows organization is serious about what it does
It encourages employees
Employees feel organization is supportive to them
Boosts confidence
It makes more competent to emplees
It increases their knowledge

When should Run a Training Program?

o For a new staff it should be conducted as
soon as possible they are hired
o Staff development should be scheduled
o Professional development requires mony
so it may not possible for every
organization but organization try to provide
at least one opportunity in a year

Who should be In Charge of Training ?

It refers tow aspects of training
Who actually controls the program?
Who conducts training itself?

Who Should In Charge of Traing?

Who controls a training program?
The director, program director, another
administrator, or training coordinator, with or
without input from other staff members
A particular staff member or group of staff
All staff collectively (including administrators and
support staff).

Who Should In Charge of Training?

Staff and other interested parties, such as
participants, who may have knowledge of
the training needs of the organization.
An outside facilitator or organization
A combination of some or all of these.

Who Should In Charge of Training?

Who conducts a training?
program or training director
other staff members
outside presenters (including participants and
other community members) or organizations
or some combination

How to Develop and Run a Training?

There are four major considerations in
developing and running a training program

How to Develop and Run a Training?

1- Planning
Involve staff members in the planning and
implementation of training programs
Respond to staff members' needs
Schedule training around staff member's needs
Decide what areas your staff should cover
Decide how much training your staff need

How to develop and Run a Training?

2- Methods
o If the training is meant to teach a method or
technique, it should be conducted using the
method or technique in question
o Training methods should be consistent with the
mission and philosophy of the organization
o Group activities small group problem-solving,
collaborative projects

How to Develop and Run a Training?

o Vary presentation methods to keep people
interested and excited
o Be aware of different learning styles
o Use humor, games, and other fun activities
o Try to design activities with as much opportunity
for feedback as possible

How to Develop and Run a Training?

3- Logistics
Location: to hold training or staff development
sessions at your workplace, or would it be better
to go elsewhere. Other possibilities include
people's houses; (free) institutional space (a
library or college, for instance) space loaned by
another organization; outdoors; or rented
conference space,

How to Develop and Run a Training

Setup: How are you going to set up the space?
How formal or informal do you want it to be? Do
you want comfortable furniture? Chairs in rows,
or in a circle?
Material:Training materials will, of course, be
dependent on the nature of your training and the
methods you choose.These have to be available
at the right times, and that's probably the
responsibility of the coordinator

How to Develop and Run a Training?

Training program should be dynamic,
constantly changing to improve its
effectiveness and meet the evolving needs
of the organization. There are some
obvious ways to determine the
effectiveness of your training program

How to Develop and Run a Training?

Feedback from staff members both on individual
sessions and on the training program as a whole
Feedback from participants, target populations,
community members
Observation and supervision of staff members in
job situations

Training program should continue throughout the
life of the organization. and include initial training
for new staff, staff development, and
professional development.
Creating such a program involves planning that
includes the people to be trained. The
development of a training program also requires
planning, thinking about methods, logistics, and


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