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Communicating with Children

Language Development

What we will cover

Fostering Language through Infancy
Fostering Language during Preschool yrs.
Communication Styles
Debunking the Myths

Fostering Language through

By: Arlene Lugo

Respond to your babys gestures, looks and sounds

When the child puts their arms out to you, pick
them up, kiss them and use simple words, "You
want up." When he gazes at you, make eye
contact and talk with him. These immediate and
familiar responses tell your baby that their
communications are important and effective.
This will encourage them to continue to develop
these skills.

Talk with and listen to your child

When you talk with your child, give them
time to respond. Make eye contact on
their level. This will communicate your
desire to hear what they have to say.
Talking with your child helps them see
them self as a good communicator and
motivate them to keep developing these

Help your child develop a "feelings" vocabulary

Provide the words for their experience. Keep in
mind that feelings are not good or bad, they just
are. Sometimes parents are afraid that talking
about an intense feeling will escalate it, but
many times the opposite happens. When
children feel that that their feelings and
experiences are respected, they are often able
to move on more easily.

Encourage pretend play

Children often express themselves more freely
when theyre pretending. It may feel safer to
talk about how the Teddy Bear is afraid of the
dark, than how your child is. Pretend play is
also a chance to take on different roles and to
act out what different people might say, think or
do. This develops language as well as social
skills like empathy.

Respect and recognize your childs feelings

Children are far more likely to share

their ideas and feelings if they know
they wont be judged, teased, or

When you
hold an
infant, hold
him not
just with
your body,
but with
your mind

Sign language provides the ability to communicate

earlier than speech

Common signs to teach young children

Fostering Language during

Preschool Years
By: Dianna Gutierrez

Helpful Tips

1. Get down to their level.

2. Acknowledge their feelings.

3. Ask questions to build understanding.

4. Try to view the situation from the childs
5. Let the child share their feelings.

6. Ask child to help with the solution.

Remember to offer choices and set limits.

7. Make it fun and light

as you are talking with a child.

Communication Styles
By: Cherilyn Helguera

These children start off the
interactions with others and they
respond easily when others
interact with them.

These children do not start an
interaction very often. When the
child does it consists of messages
that are missed or overlooked.

These children do not initiate
communication nor interact when
someone is communicating.

Personal Agenda
These children with personal agendas
spend a lot of time playing alone,
appearing uninterested in interaction
with adults and peers

Debunking the Myths

By: Ana Zapata

Dont use baby talk youll ruin


Use telegraphic speech

Using Educational products

stimulates language

Second and third-born children

are late talkers.

Girls talk later than boys.

Late talking children always

catch-up to other children their

Learning two languages at the

same time causes language
delays. Bilingualism

More boys have language delays

than girls.

The End

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