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The correlation between

mothers' knowledge of
colostrum on the provision of
colostrum in early lactation

Dadi ardiansyah

BAB 1 : Backround

Mothers may breastfeed their children

two complete years for whoever wishes
to complete the nursing [period]. Upon
the father is the mothers' provision and
their clothing according to what is

More than 8 million Indonesian children are

malnourished. One way to handle it is the
promotion of exclusive breastfeeding health
department supports the policy of WHO and Unicef
recommends early initiation of breastfeeding as an
act of rescue. (Jatmika 2013)
Infant Mortality Rate in Indonesia high 32 per 1000
live births (IDHS 2014)
World Health Organization states that one way to
reduce IMR due to diarrheal diseases are breastfeeding.
Among the types of milk that is rich in protein and
provides extra protection against germs that attack the
digestive tract baby is colostrum (Roesli, 2012).

Research :
1. Dr Edmond in 2006. Research in Ghana to 10

947 babies breastfeeding results obtained

allowed the first hour with skin to skin contact,
the 22% of babies under 28 days of lives could
be saved
2. Dr. Luke C. Mullany et al in Nepal. Research
since August 2002 -Januari 2006 involving 22
838 babies. Results of 19.1% of all neonatal
deaths could be avoided by feeding the first
hour after birth.
Law in indonesia :
3. UU RI No.36 tahun 2009 pasal 128 & 129
4. Pemerintah (PP) No 33 tahun 2012

According to data from Demographic and Health

Survey 2014, coverage of exclusive

breastfeeding in infants until the age of 6
months at 52.3% whereas the target of healthy
Indonesia by 80%, according to the province
there is only one who managed to reach the
target provinces namely West Nusa Tenggara
84.7%. Meanwhile, Central Java province is only
Data from the Health Service Grobogan coverage

of exclusive breastfeeding in Grobogan in August

2015 amounted to 68.0%. I Purwodadi area to
area and in August 2015 amounted to 70.36%

BAB 2 : Teori
1. Knowledge

Knowledge is the result of human sensory or results to

know a person against an object through the senses
owned (eyes, nose, ears, and so on). At the time of
sensing until the results of such knowledge is strongly
influenced by the intensity of attention and perception
of the object (Notoatmodjo, 2010).
2. Factors affecting knowledge
a) Education
b) Information / media
c) Social, cultural and economic
d) Environment
e) Experience


1. Colostrum
Breast milk is produced on the first day until
the third day after birth. Colostrum is the first
milk produced by the mother's breast yellowish
liquid or clear syrup containing high protein
and less fat than mature milk (Wiji, 2013).
2 Content of mother milk

3. Benefit of Colostrum
Increasing the body's immunity
Lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels
Kill viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites
Improve memory
Strengthen bones, joints and teeth
Improve the system of DHA in the body
Improve the system of regeneration of cells in the

Streamlining blood vessel
Maintaining the gut and deodenum

Theoretical framework

Hyphothesis :

Ha : There is a relationship level of knowledge

of mothers about colostrum on the provision of
colostrum in early lactation.
Ho : There is no relationship level of
knowledge of mothers about colostrum on the
provision of colostrum in early lactation.
Concept framework

BAB 3 : Metodologi penelitian

1. Variabel

Independent : Knowledge
: Giving Colostrum
2. Population :
The population in this research is all mothers
giving birth in January - February 2016
amounted to 151 people
3. Sampel
Sampling quota sampling technique
researchers decided to take a sample of 20%
of the total population, 151 * 20% = 30 people

inclusion criteria
Exclusive breastfeeding mothers in Puskesmas Purwodadi I
Breastfeeding mothers in the postpartum period (0-40 days)

Ekclusion criteria
Breastfeeding mothers who are not willing to become respondents
Mothers who experience breast abnormalities medically

4. Time and Place of research

Research will be conducted in July 2016 in Puskesmas Purwodadi 1
5. Method of collecting data
Primary data: The collection of data directly from respondents by the researchers
who come to the respondent (door to door) with the enclosed questionnaire and
interview one question whether giving or not giving colostrum colostrum.
Data Secondary: Secondary data were obtained from Puskesmas Purwodadi one
form of data post partum mothers.

Definisi operasional

Instruments and data collection tool

The research instrument was a questionnaire enclosed with the criteria questions about knowledge of positive (favorable) fund
negative (unfavorable)? Which previously would have tested the validity and reliability.
Data Analysis Plan
1. Data processing
a. Editing
b. Coding
c. Tabulating
2. Data Analysis
a. univariat analysis
b. bivariat analysis
3. research ethics
a. informed concent
b. anonimity
c. confidentialy


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