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Place your backpack up front with your phone.

You need your English notebook and a pen or
Your notebook should have your Essay A
Your letter is due now.
Place it in the turn in tray.
You need Essay B next class period.

The Count of Monte Cristo: Question

A.Which characters best exemplify the idea of true

In your group, answer the following two questions:

1. What is true love?
2. How do people portray true love in real life?

Time to reflect on your essay

Based on what we discussed, take a moment

to jot some notes on your essay for how you
may improve it.
Remember, your essays will compose part of
your second major grade for the nine weeks.

Figurative Language
You need to know these.
Majority of them you should already know.
English Bible! Dont freak out


The author uses words and phrases to

paint a picture in the readers mind.

The gushing river stole its way down the lush green
mountains, dotted with tiny flowers in a riot of colors and
trees coming alive with happily chirping birds.


Comparing two unlike things using like,

as, or seem.


Making a comparison between two

unlike things without using like, as,
or seem.



The different between appearance and


Verbal irony
Situational irony
Dramatic irony

Verbal Irony (Sarcasm)

The intendedmeaningof a statement differs from

themeaningthat the words appear to express

You got straight As on your report card? Im so


(The speaker feels the opposite of disappointed.)

Soft like a brick

The steak was as tender as a leather boot.

Situational Irony

The outcome is opposite of what would be expected

A couple appears in court to finalize a divorce, but during the

proceeding, they remarry instead

Dramatic Irony

Irony that occurs when the meaning of the

situation is understood by the audience but
not by the characters


A statement that seems contradictory or absurd but

expresses the truth. The purpose of a paradox is to make a
point by shocking readers with a contradiction, so they look
more deeply at the statement.

A rich man is no richer than a poor man.

I must be cruel to be kind - Hamlet
All animals are equal, but some are more equal than
- Animal Farm
I know one thing: that I know nothing. -Socrates

Truth is honey which is bitter.

Nobody goes to that restaurant because it is too


The beginning of the end

Drowning in the fountain of eternal life

Write a sentence or two using the

following literary device in order to
describe the photo.
Verbal Irony (sarcasm)
Imagery (a lot of details!)
Paradox (this may be a
group effort)
If there was no photo, using these
devices helps me picture this same

Neighborhoods are important - What are

some of your memories of a neighborhood
where youve lived?

Objective: to create a sensory-laden essay that recreates the

sights, sounds, smells, etc. of somewhere youve lived. It is a
reflective memory; not a narrative or short story. There is
no plot in this essay.
neighborhood project planning sheet

Neighborhood project sample essay

We will start this together next time! :)

Absent students need to:

Either print the literary device handout from the Handout page, or grab the handout from
the Extra folder when you return to class.
Understand and be able to use the specific devices in this PowerPoint.
Be prepared to turn in your Freshman Letter to Self.
Have Essay B when you return to class.

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