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Sarah Inderayanti, M.D.

Miniature of the entire human body

Each part of the body has a corresponding
auricular point / area
Points & areas physiological & pathological
condition of the body
Points & areas stimulated to regulate
dysfunction of the corresponding body parts
Distribustion of ear points & areas an upside
down fetus in shape

Lobe ~ head & face

Antitragus ~ head & brain

Tragus ~ throat & internal nose

Antihelix ~ trunk

Superior crus of antihelix ~ lower limbs

Inferior crus of antihelix ~ buttocks

Scaphoid fossa ~ upper limbs

Triangular fossa ~ pelvic cavity & internal genitals

Helix ~ diaphragm

Peripheral crus of helix ~ digestive tract

Superior concha ~ abdominal cavity

Inferior concha ~ thoracic cavity

Pemilihan titik sesedikit mungkin

Penggunaan titik bdk kelainan organ
Penggunaan titik bdk teori fenomena organ
Bdk indikasi

Sebaiknya dilakukan bersama dg akupunktur tubuh

Titik terpilih dibersihkan dgn kapas beralkohol 70%

Jarum ukuran 0,5 cun no 30

Arah penusukan :
Tegak lurus
Miring utk menembus titik yg lain
Tdk terlalu dlm jgn smp menembus keluar

Jarum ditinggal 20-30 mnt, tiap 5-10mnt jarum dimanipulasi.

Terapi dpt dilakukan tiap hri, 2 hri sekali, atau 2x seminggu. Selama 1
seri terapi

Jarum dicabut kulit bekas tusukan dibersihkan dg kapas beralkohol

70 %

Jarum ditusukkan ( lbh tepat : ditekan &

ditempelkan ) pda titik akupunktur terpilih
di telinga
Jarum tekan direkat dgn plester
Jarum dibiarkan menancap pda telinga slma
1 mggu atau lebih
Penderita disarankan merangsang sendiri
jarum tekan tsb dgn menekan & memutar
jarinya selama 2-3 mnt

Prepare taping objects, adhesive tape (0,5 cm square)

Local sterilization

Hold the auricle with one hand

Press auricular points tape the seeds press for several

minutes until a needling sensation of heat, pain / distention

Tape the points upper to lower, frontal to dorsal, bilateral

3 5 days, each point should be pressed 2 3 times / day

Each time, every point pressed a needling sensation (usually

3 5 minutes)

Remove the evening before the next treatment & clean the

Knead & pressed the auricle congestion

Local strerilization
Hold three edged needle / thick filiform with
other hand
Prick the skin of selected point quickly
Squeeze the local area to cause bleeding
Strict sterilization after puncture

Strict sterilization
Prevent infection of the auricle
Redness / distention / pain after puncture 2,5
% iodine / anti inflammation medicine
During summer
not advisable to embed the skin needle for a
long periode
Usually within 1 3 days
Preventing needling fainting
Otopuncture stimulation serious pain
pregnant, the aged & very weak patients
Inflamation area, cold injury chondric

T. 17 ( titik haus )
Letak : di pertengahan garis penghubung T. 12 dan
T. 14
Indikasi : menahan haus

T. 18 ( titik lapar )
Letak di pertengahan garis penghubung T. 14 dan T.
Indikasi : menahan lapar

T. 55 ( titik Sen Men )

Letak : daerah antara 2 crura, lebih ke tepi crus
Indikasi : analgesik, penenang

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