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Revision in
Dr Manal Behery
Zagazig University
Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 1

1-What this photo show?

2-What is the indication name 2?
3-What is the complication ?name 3
4-Name 3 prerequisite

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 2

1-What is the Malpresention in this photo?

2Name 3possible cause?
3-Describe briefly how to
manage during labor ?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 3

1-Determine fetal head position in this photo?

2-What is the attitude of this fetus?
3- What Is The Engaging Diameter
4-What is the mechanism by which head is delivered?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 4

What is the curve ABC refere to?

What is the curve EFG refere to ?
Which one has obstetric importance


Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 5

1-What is this procedure ?

2-Name 3 indication to do this procedure?
3-What is the right time to do this procedure?
4-Name 2 possible
complication ?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 6

What is name of A

What is the name of B

What is the obstetric
importance of A and B?

What is the position of fetal

head in C

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 7

What does this photo show?

What is the cause of this malpresention
name 2
What is the possible complication at vaginal
delivery mention 3?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 8

What this photo show?

What is the cause of this abnormality?
What is the preferred maternal position to
decrease complication ?
Mention 3 factors affecting the prognosis ?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 9

What is the name of these 4 manouvers ?

What each one detectA,B,C, D?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 10

What this photo show?

What is meant by 0 station
What is the obstetric importance of level
of iscial spine mention 3 ?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 11

1-What is the name of this procedure?

2-What is the indication
3-Give 2 precaution before performing it?
4-Name 2 possible complication

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 12

1- Congenital anomalies ( 25%)

1-What Does This Photo Show ?

2-What is the complication of this abnormality
during pregnancy and in labor ? mention 3
3-Give the name of drug used in prophylaxis ?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 13

1-What is the name of this manouver ?

2-What is the indication?
3-How does it act
4-Name 2 alternative methods one medical and one

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 14

1-What is 1 and 2 refer to ?

2-What 3 refer to?
3- What is the name of segment between 1&2 ?


Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 15

1-What is the name of these 2 maternal changes with

pregnancy ?
2-What is the possible cause ?
3-Mention another 2 cuteneous changes with
pregnancy ?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 16

1-What is the name of this abnormality?

2-Mention 2 possible causes ?
3-How it is diagnosed by US
4- Mention 2 complications


Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 17

1-What is the name of this condition ?

2-What is the possible cause name 3 ?
3-Mention 3 complication during pregnancy ?
4-Mention 2 complication during labor ?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 18

1-What is the name of this machine ?

2- What is the difference between A and B ?
3- Give 4 criteria to consider the trace normal

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 19

1-What is the name of these 2 fetal head

2-What is the importance of A ,B?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 20

1-What is the name of this procedure?

2-Mention 2 indication ?
3-Mention 2 complication
4-Give alternative method for prenatal

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 21

1-What is the most probable diagnosis ?

2- Mention two risk factors?
3- Mention two symptoms ?
4- Two methods of investigations?


Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 22

What is the name of this operation ?

What is the indication ?
What is the best time to perform this
operation ?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 23

A patient presented with Unilateral pelvic pain

and tenderness, + HCG ,palpable adnexal
mass on PV,Exploration reveal this photo,

1-what is the most likely diagnosis ?

2-Give 2 differential diagnosis

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 24

What Does This Photo Show?

What Is The cause of this abnormality
How to diagnose antenatally?
Mention 2 line of treatment

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 25

What is the cause of this abnormality?

Mention 3 risk factors for this condition ?
Mention 2 maneuver to solve this condition?
Give 2 possible complication ?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 26

What is the name of this manouver ?

What is the indication
Name 2 precaution
Name 2 complication

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 27

What is the name of this operation

What is the type of incision
What is the indication of this operation in the photo
What is the incidence and cause of this
malpresention name 2

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 28

Name the placental abnormality in A ,B ,and C

Give 2 main cause for this condition
Name 2 indication for C.S in this condition
Name 3 complication

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 29

1-What is the patient position in A and B

2-What is the name of the syndrome in photo A
3-Which position is preferred during pregnancy
and why

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 30

What is the name of these instruments?

Give 2 indication for its use
Mention 2 complication if used improbably

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 31

Describe the abnormality you see in this image

Give 2 causes
Name 2 complication
Name the characteristic US appearance of this

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 32

What this photo show?

What is the commenst site in the tube for
this condition occurs
Name 2 fate of this condition from the photo
Give 2 surgical lines of treatment

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 33

Give the name of this operation

Name 2 indication
Name 3 complication

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 34

What this image show

What is the cause of this condition
How to avoid this complication
How to suspect this complication antenatally

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 35

1-What is the name of maneuver

2-Give to prerequisite
3-Name 2 indication
4-Name 2 complication
5-Name 2 precaution

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 36

1-Describe what you see in image A

2-Describe what you see in image B
3-What is the common site in uterus for this
complication to occur
4-Name 2 common causes for this condition in labor

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 37

What is the name of this placenta abnormality

What is A in photo refer to
What B in photo refer to
Name 2 complication for this abnormality
during and after labor

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 38

1-What is the name of this maneuver ?

2- Give 2 complication for this maneuver
3- Name 2 alternative methods for delivery of
after coming fetal head

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 39

What is the name of this condition

What is the commonest presentation ?
How to diagnose name 2 ?
What is the differntial diagnosis name 2 ?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 40

1-What `this photo show ?

2- What is the name of diameter red arrow ?
3- Give 3 risk factor for this condition
4- Name 2 maneuver to solve this problem

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 41

What this US image show ?

What is the type of zygosity ?and
Name 3complication

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 42

What is the name of this syndrome ?describe

briefly ?
How to avoid it during pregnancy (what is
the preferred maternal position to avoid it ?

inferior vena cava

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 43

This is a case of shoulder dystocia

What is the name of this maneuver?
Briefly define how does it work
Name 2 alternative maneuvers

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 44

What is the name of this manouver ?

What is the aim of this maneuver
How to avoid perineal laceration in labor
name 2 ?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 45

1-What This Photo Show? ?

2-How to diagnose direction of fetal back by PV
examination ?
3-What is the best line to manage this condition ?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 46

1-What this photo show?

2-What is the type of this incision ?
3-Give 3 indication for recurrent operation
4-Name 4 complication 2 intra operative ,2 post

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 47

1-What image A and B show

2-Which type has a better prognosis and why?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 48

1-What you see in photo A

2- What photo B show
3-What is the site of cord insertion in photo A
4-Name 2 abnormal sites for cord insertion

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 49

What photo A show?What does it detect

What photo B show? What does it detect
What is the direction of examiner head in A
and B

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 50

1-Name of this maneuver?

2 -What is the examiners hand assessing?
3-If the hand can not catch the presenting
part the; presenting part is engaged (Right
or wrong)

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 51

1-Describe the placental abnormality in photo A

2- Describe the placental abnormality in photo B
3- Name 2 complication for these abnormalities

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 52

What photo A show ?What is the significance

of this maneuver
What photo A show ?What is the significance
of this maneuver
When maneuverB is considered inaccurate

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 53

1-What is the name of pelvic outlet diameter in

photo A
2- What Is The Significance Of This Test
What is thoms dictum
3- according to photo B is this diameter normal or

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 54

What is the name of this malpresention ?

What is the diameter of engagment in this case
What is the movement by which head is delivered

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 55

What is the presentation of these fetuses

What is the safest mode of delivery
How you manage if 1st twin delivered
vaginally and 2nd twin retained

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 56

1-Describe what you see in photo A

2-What is the name and aim of this maneuver
what you see in photo B,
what is the risk if maneuver A is not done

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 57

1-What THIS photo show?

2-What does this manouver detect

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 58

Is fetal head engaged or not?

What is the station the photo show
What is the position of fetal head
Name 3 causes for non engagement of head
in prior TO LABOR

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 59

1- what is the attitude of fetal head in A,B ,and C

2-What is the presenting part of fetal head in
A ,B, and C?
3- What is the denominator in A,B, and C?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 60

1-What this photo show ?

2-What is the name of this instrument
3-What is the advantage of using this instrument
4-Name one alternative method to deliver the head

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 61

1-What is the degree of pernieal laceration in

photo A
2-What is the degree of pernieal laceration in
photo B
3-How to prevent perneal laceration in
labor? name 2

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 62

What photo A show?

Name 2 diagnostic test for this condition
What is the complication seen in photo B
Name 4 clinical signs for this complication

Amniotic fluid

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 63

1-what photo A and B show

2- give 2 complication for this condition
3- Name 3 indication for C.s in this condition
4- name 3 differential diagnosis

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 64

2- what is the diameter passing through vulval

ring (red arrow)?
3- Why is this called ?
4- what is meant by crowning ?
5- What is the expected next movement of the
fetal head


Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 65

What this photo show?

which is more common A or B
How many chorion ,amnion in photo A
How many chorion ,amnion in photo B
Name 3 complication for this condition

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 66

1-Describe the condition of cervix in photo

A,B,C, and D
2-What is the cause of cervical effacement
3- what cause cervical dilation name 2
3-In primigravida which occurs first dilation
or effacement ?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 67

1-what this image shows

2-what is the 3 main
item of this graph ?
what is the cause of C.S
as The Graph show?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 68

What is the name of this cervicogaph?

What does it shows ?
Give the name labor pattern in of A .B .And

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 69

1-What is the name of these 3 cardinal movement

of labor ?
2-What is the cause of B
3-What is the cause of C

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 70

what is the prerequisite after delivery of 1st twin

in photo A?
What is the preferred mode of delivery in photo
B? and why ?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 71

1-What this photo show?

2-What is the comment site for this complication
to occurs
3-give 3 causes for this complication in labor
4- Name 2 lines of management

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 72

What is the name of this manouver?

Give 2 indication
Name 3 prerequisite
2 complications

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 73

1- give the name of these 2 cord abnormalities

2- Name 2 complication for these anomalies
3-How to diagnose B antanally ?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 74

Cesarean hysterectomy ,what this photo show?

Name 2 clinical signs for diagnosis of this
condition at operation
Give the histopathology finding in this case
Name 2 risk factors for this case


Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 75

What is the name of this placental abnormality?

What is the cause of this abnormality
Name the commonest complication for this

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 76

Describe what this photo show?

At what stage in labor this condition occurs ?
Name 3 risk factors for this condition
Name 2 symptoms if this condition occur in

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 77

What is the name of this operation ?

What is the indication of this operation as appear
in the photo ?
What other types of this malpresention
Name 4 indication of this operation in this

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 78

What image A shows?What image B show

What is the structure hold by Allis forceps in
red arrow?
What is the structure hold by Allis forceps in
red arrow ?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 79

What is the name of this test? what is the

prerequisites for this test ?
What is the name of instrument A, and B?
What is the indication of this test ?
Name 2 ominous signs requiring interference in
this test

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 80

Name the three component of

this graph
Describe what you see in this
What TR mean
Is this course of labor
normal? and why

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 81

What is the name and length of the pelvic diameter

in green arrow ?
When we considered pelvic contracted according to
this diameter
What is the name of ligament in red arrow(1)?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 82

1-Describe what photo A,and B show?

2-What is the 2 cardinal movement of labor in photo
3-What is the cause of cervical change in photo B

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 83

1- What the examiner assess in this photo?

What is the value of this examination ?
Which angle is considered normal and why

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 84

What is the name of pelvic type in A,B,and C

Which pelvic type is considered normal,name 3
Which type favors occipto posterior position
Which type favors transverse fetal head position

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 85

1-What is the name of this patient position

2-What is the name of this examination ?
3-What is the information gained by this
exam as photo b shows ? name 2

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 86

What does this photo show

Describe brifely how to deliver both fetuses
Name 3 factors affecting the prognosis of
this condition

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 87

1-what is the difference between a ,b, and c

2-which one has the worst prognosis
3-give 2 other factors affecting the prognosis
of the condition
4-name 2 diagnostic signs

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 88

What is the
abnormality in this
What is the cause of
C.S as the graph

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 89

1-Describe what this

graph show
2-What is the type of
abnormality in this graph
3- This case delivered
vaginally after
correction of which item
in the graph

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 90

1-what this image show

2-what is the name of this operation
3-what is the risk of this operation
4-name 2 alternative methods

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 91

1- What this graph show?

2-What is your comment on this CTG trace
3-What is the degree of this abnormality as the
graph show
4- at what stage in labor this abnormality occur ?
5- briefly what is your next step in management

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 92

1-What is the name of this decleration

2-Describe its onset and offset in relation to 3uterine contraction
3- What Is The Cause ?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 93

1-What this photo show

2- What is meant by engagment
2-What is the station of fetal head in A and B
3- name 3 importance for the level of ischial

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 94

Define the three cardinal movement in labor

illustrated in this photo
What is the cause of internal rotation
What is the station of fetal head in photo B

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 95

What is the name of this operation

What is the indication
What is the next step if this operation failed
Name 3 risk factor for this condition

Uterine artery

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 96

What this image show ?

Name 4 risk factors for this condition
What is the first line of treatment of this case

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 97


Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 98

What is the name of this investigation

What is the patient postion for this
What is the abnormality shown in this photo


Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 99

Infertile women taking ovulation induction

presented with abdominal pain and enlargement
What is the name of this syndrome
What is the risk factors
What is the treatment

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 100

A case presented with uterine myoma

1-What is the name of this operation
2-What is types of this operation
2-Name 3 contraindication
4- name 2 complication

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 101

What is the name of this operation

What is the indication
What is the contraindication
Name 2 complications

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 102

What this slide show

What is the commonest presentation of this lesion
What is the diagnostic method in this photo

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 103

1-What is the name of this examination?

2-What is the patient position for this
3- Name 3 indication for this examination ?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 104

What this image show

What is the degree of this condition
Name 3 risk factors
What is the differential diagnosis of this case

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 105

1- What this photo show

2- What is the risk factors for this condition
3- What is signs of malignancy in this case
4-what is the stage of this lesion

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 106

What is the name of this operation

What is the indication
Name 2 diagnostic test for this condition to be
treated by this operation
Name 3 different types for this condition

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 107

Describe what you see in the photo

What is the types of this condition
What is the most probable type of this
condition as photo illustrate
How to diagnose it clinically

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 108

1-Describe what you see in the photo ?

2-What is the different types of this condition?
3- What is the type of this condition as photo illustrate
4-How to diagnose it clinically?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 109

1-What is the name of this operation

2-What is the indication
3-What is the predisposing factors for this

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 110

1-What this photo show?

2-What is the degree of this condition
3-How to differentiate between A and B

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 111

1-What this photo show?

2-What is the degree of this condition
3-How to differentiate between A and B

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 112

What this photo show?

What is the pathology in this photo
Name 3 clincal presention for this condition
Name 2 investigation

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 113

1- Describe what you see in this photo?

2- Name another 2 investigation to confirm the
diagnosis ?
3-What is the differential diagnosis name 3

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 114

1-What is the name of this operation

2-What are types of this operation
2-give 3 gynecological indication
3-Name 3 complications

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 115

What is the name of this test?

What is the indication ?
Name 2 precaution before the test
Name 2 disadvantage for this test

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 116

1-Describe what this photo show

2- What is the name of this instrument
3- What is the indication of this examination
What is the finding in A and B

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 117

1-What is the type of this uterine anomaly

2- What is the cause of this anomaly
3- What is the commonest clinical presentation

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 118

What this photo shows ?

What is the cause of this anomaly
What is the possible complication of this
condition ?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 119

A patient with throbbing pain and swelling in the

right side of the vulva
1)which structure is involved
2)What is the diagnosis
3)What is the name of the operation for this
condition as photo B shows

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 120

1)What is 1 in this photo refere to

2- Name 2 differential diagnosis for this condition
2) 3 predisposing factor
4) Mention two complications
6) Mention two lines of treatment

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 121

1 what this photo show

What is the site of this complication
as the photo show
3 - What is the position of this uterus?
5- Identify instrument in arrow (1).
6 - Identify instrument in arrow (2).

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 122

What is the name of this investigation

What is the indication name 2
Name 2 abnormal finding by this examination
Name 2 contraindication

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 123

1-Describe the character of vaginal discharge in

this photo
What is the name of this characteristic cervical
appearance B
What is the name of the organism in C
What is the specific treatement


Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 124

1-What is the name of pathology in this photo

2-What is the presentation of this patient
3-What is the name of investigation in B
4- Name 2 alternative investigations
5-What is the best treatment if condition is bilateral

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 125

1-What is the name of this uterine abnormality

2-What is the investigation used in this photo
3-Name 2 clinical presentation
4-Name 2 obstetrical complication

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 126

What is the name of this operation

What is the indication
Name 2 complications
Name 2 contraindications

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 127

1-Describe what image A show ?

2-What is the name and cause of this condition ?
3-How to confirm the presence of this lesion
4-What is the treatment as image B shows

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 128

A patient with chronic pelvic pain and infertility

,laproscopy revealed this photo
1-What is the provisional diagnosis
2-What is the comment organism responsible for
3- What is the specific medical therapy for this

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 129

1-Name the type of this intrauterine contraceptive

2-List 3 contraindications to the use of this form of
3-Name 2 complications
4- Name 3 non contraceptive benefits for this method

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 130


What this photo show

What is the responsible hormone
Name 3 possible causes
Name 2 drugs used to treat this case ?
How would you treat it?

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 131

1-What is the name of this lesion

2-What is the commenst clinical presentation name 3
3-What is the comment site in pelvis this lesion
4-Name 2 diagnostic tests and 2 surgical lines for

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 132

A 19years old girl presents with 1ry

amenorrhea . She is 141cm.
1) What is the most likely diagnosis
3)What hormone test would you request
4) What IS her uterus looks like
5) What IS her gonads looks like
6) Name two other associated anomalies

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 133

1-What is the type of this lesion in A ,and B

2-What is the commonest presentation?
3-Name 2 complications?
4-What is best line of treatment in A ,and B

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 134

This is a case of cancer cervix ,From the

1-What is the staging of this patient
2-What is the commonest clinical
3-Name 2 complication
treatment (in
one word)

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 135

Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2000

Slide 136

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