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Concept Artist Spotlight

Kekai Kotaki

ArenaNets Guild Wars 2 had a distinctive

art style that has been stuck in my head
for 5 years. 20 separate artists worked on
the concept art for the game, but more
than 200 distinct pieces were produced by
the lead concept artist Kekai Kotaki.
Kotaki started as a texture artist at
ArenaNet and worked his way up to
concept artist, working on all of the original
Guild Wars games before spearheading the
artistic direction of the sequel. In that time,
as a freelance artist he has also produced
concept art and illustrations for high profile
Geographic, and Wizards of the Coast, to
Selection of Kotakis freelance work, some
name a few.
recognisable from games such as Destiny and

Concept Artist Spotlight

Kekai Kotaki

Kotakis style can be quite ethereal. His

concept art is often characterised by
distinct sections of detail supported by
rough, ragged, brushstrokes that create
wraithlike extensions of detail. The detail
isnt really there, but hes suggested
enough that your brain fills in the gaps.
Whilst working on the original Guild Wars
games, his focus was primarily character
concepts and small scale environmental
details, and he was not particularly prolific,
but there are clear early roots apparent of
the vivid style present in his work on Guild
Wars 2.
Character and environment concepts from
Guild Wars,

Concept Artist Spotlight

Kekai Kotaki

The style Kotaki showcased with the

original Guild Wars developed substantially
in his work on Guild Wars 2, especially in
ambition of scale.
His artwork still relied heavily upon rough
ethereal detail an element which always
seems to have a flow to it, like water or
smoke, which I find hugely aesthetically
appealing. With characters designs its
used to help convey strong action or mood,
in some instances bearing suggestions of
the characters immediate environment.
architecture, the rough, ethereal strokes
are used to rapidly create both tone and
Character, environment, and architectural
extraordinary depth.
It clearly is an
concepts from Guild Wars 2

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