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AVL Tree
An AVL tree is a binary search tree with a self-balancing
condition stating that the difference between the height
of the left and right
subtrees cannot be no more than one.

Tree Rotations
A tree rotation is a constant time operation on a binary
search tree that changes the shape of a tree while
preserving standard BST properties.
There are left and right rotations both of them decrease
the height of a BST by moving smalle
r subtrees down and larger subtrees up.

Algorithm LeftRotation(node)
Pre: node.Right ! = ;
Post: node.Right is the new root of the subtree, node has become node.Rights
left child and,BST properties are preserved.
RightNode node.Right
node.Right RightNode.Left
RightNode.Left node
end LeftRotation
algorithm RightRotation(node)
Pre: node.Left ! = ;
Post: node.Left is the new root of the subtree, node has become node.Lefts
right child and, BST properties are preserved.
LeftNode node.Left
node.Left LeftNode.Right
LeftNode.Right node
end RightRotation
The right and left rotation algorithms are symmetric. Only pointers are changed by a
rotation resulting in an O(1) runtime complexity; the other flelds present in the nodes are
not changed.

Algorithm CheckBalance(current)
Pre: current is the node to start from balancing
Post: current height has been updated while tree balance is if needed restored through rotations
if current.Left = and current.Right =
current.Height = -1;
current.Height = Max(Height(current.Left),Height(current:Right)) + 1
end if
if Height(current.Left) - Height(current.Right) > 1
if Height(current.Left.Left) - Height(current.Left.Right) > 0
end if
else if Height(current.Left) - Height(current.Right) < -1
if Height(current.Right.Left) - Height(current.Right.Right) < 0
end if
end if
end CheckBalance

AVL insertion operates flrst by inserting the given value the
same way as BST
insertion and then by applying rebalancing techniques if
Each time we insert a node into an AVL tree:
1. We go down the tree to flnd the correct point at which to
insert the node,
in the same manner as for BST insertion; then
2. we travel up the tree from the inserted node and check that
the node
balancing property has not been violated; if the property hasnt

Algorithm Insert(value)
Pre: value has passed custom type checks
for type T
Post: value has been placed in the correct
location in the tree
if root = ;
root node(value)
InsertNode(root, value)
end if
end Insert

Algorithm InsertNode(current, value)

Pre: current is the node to start from
Post: value has been placed in the correct location in the
tree while preserving tree balance
if value < current.Value
if current.Left = ;
current.Left node(value)
InsertNode(current.Left, value)
end if
if current.Right = ;
current.Right node(value)
InsertNode(current.Right, value)
end if
end if
end InsertNode

Our balancing algorithm is like the one presented for
our BST.
The major difference is that we have to ensure that the
tree still adheres to the AVL balance property after the
removal of the node.
when the value is in the tree and its removal upsets the
AVL balance property then we must perform the correct

Algorithm Remove(value)
Pre: value is the value of the node to remove, root is the root node of the Avl
Post: node with value is removed and tree rebalanced if found in which case yields true,
otherwise false
nodeToRemove root
parent ;
Stack path root
while nodeToRemove ; and nodeToRemove.Value = Value
parent = nodeToRemove
if value < nodeToRemove.Value
nodeToRemove nodeToRemove.Left
nodeToRemove nodeToRemove.Right
end if
end while
Then continue as node remove in BST
Case 1, Case 2, Case 3, Case 4.
while path:Count > 0
CheckBalance(path.Pop()) // we trackback to the root node check balance
end while
count count -1
return true
end Remove

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