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April 8, 2014

Writing structure:
Simple Past & Past Progressive (pp. 31 33)
Simple Past use to talk about actions/states/situations in the
past that happen at one point in time.
- He finally passed the law exam.
- Yesterday, Doug fought a bear.
- In 1492, Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic Ocean.

Writing structure:
Simple Past & Past Progressive
Past Progressive (past continuous) describe a continuous action
that was in progress at a specific time in the past (i.e. yesterday,
last night, last year, at that time)
- At that time, he was working at a law firm.
- Last year, I was preparing for the college entrance test.
- Yesterday, I was walking home when a bear attacked me.

Writing structure:
Simple Past & Past Progressive
Past Progressive can be used to describe an action that was
interrupted by another action.
- Yesterday, I was walking home when a bear attacked me.
- He was living in France when a flight attendant saw him.
- When the flight attendant saw him, he was living in France.

Writing structure:
Simple Past & Past Progressive
Past Progressive With while, can be used to describe two actions in
progress at the same time in the past.
- He was enjoying himself in California while the FBI was searching for

- He was enjoying himself in California while the FBI searched for him.
- Jill was carrying water while Doug was fighting that bear.
- Jill was carrying water while Doug fought that bear.

Vocabulary (p. 29)

- See website for answers.

Writing Chronological Order

When discussing past events, the easiest organization (for
both the writer and reader) is from:
the beginning end
the beginning the most recent

Writing Chronological Order

Example: p. 34
Topic sentence:

When my friend went to a car repair service,

it was the worst experience of his life.

Time-related transition words:

- A few hours later
- Now
- When

Writing Chronological Order

Topic sentence for chronological order:
- The topic sentence should tell the reader what kind of experience the
paragraph describes.
- When my friend went to a car repair service, it was the worst

experience of his life.

- An unforgettable experience in my life was a magnitude 6.9

- This past weekend, George had a great time in Los Angeles.

Writing Chronological Order

Transitions words: Time order signals



At last

First (second, third, etc.)

At 12:00 (St 3:30, etc.)


After a while,


After that,


Before beginning the lesson,


In the morning,


The next day,

Chronological Order - Transitions

An unforgettable experience in my life was a magnitude 6.9
earthquake. I was at home with my older sister and younger
brother. __________, our apartment started shaking. ________,
At first what was happening. ________ my sister
yelled, Earthquake! Get under something! I half rolled and half
crawled across the room to get under the dining table. My sister
also yelled at my little brother to get
under his desk. ___________,
my sister was on the kitchen floor holding her arms over her head
to protect it from falling dishes. The earthquake lasted less than a
At last
minute, but it seemed like a year to us.
_________, the shaking
thatFor a minute or two, we were too scared to move.
_______ we tried to callNext
our parents at work, but even our cell
phone did not work. ________, we checked the apartment for
damage. We felt very lucky, for nothing was broken except a few
dishes. However, our first earthquake was an experience that none
of us will ever forget.

Journal Entry # 4
Deadline: Thursday (4:15 pm).
Write a narrative paragraph based on todays walk around
the campus.
Remember: Topic sentence
Background sentence(s)
Tell the story from start to finish

Journal Entry # 4
In your textbook, write the following:
- What places did you go to?
- What did you observe at those places?
- What happened while you were walking from place to
- How did the walk end?

Assignment 2
Instructions: Write two paragraphs.
Paragraph 1: Write a narrative paragraph describing an
experience with fraud. You can write about your experience
or an experience of someone you know.
- Explain the event from the beginning to the end.
NOTE: The questions on p.33 ("Prepare to Write") may
help you develop your ideas.

Assignment 2
Instructions: Write two paragraphs.
Paragraph 2: Answer the question: Are current
punishments for fraud in South Korea sufficient?

- In one paragraph, provide one reason to support your

- In this paragraph, remember to follow paragraph
structure: topic sentence, explanation, evidence,
explanation of evidence, concluding statement.

NOTE: This paragraph will require you to research

current punishment for fraud in South Korea.

Assignment 2

First draft: Friday April 11 (bring to class)

Second Draft: Monday April 14 (email to me by 11:59 pm).

Final draft: Thursday April 17 (email to me by 11:59 pm)

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