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Strategies & Prevention

M ethods
Focusing on Internet use and Social Media Awareness

The Im portance of School& Education for C hildren

Children initially learn about social norms and behaviours

while at home from their parents or caregivers. After this
for the duration of their childhood and adolescence, they
attend both primary and secondary school.
This essentially becomes their second home. They are
taught about social norms outside of the family and ways in
which to behave. Not only do the school and the teacher
educate them on the curriculum, but they also model and
shape their personalities and awareness for others.

Factors Infl
u encing Bullying
First bullet point here
Second bullet point here
Third bullet point here

Fam ily Challenges

Family challenges are one of the main factors in
influencing bullying behaviours. Difficulty at home can
leave a child feeling insecure and possibly angry with
their situation. This is why it is important to assess why
the bullying is occurring in order to stop it.

Behavioural issues are another factor that can influence
bullying. Children who have behavioural issues such as,
conduct disorders, ADHD or other behavioural issues
may find it difficult to manage their feelings and
emotions in the classroom setting.
This may lead them to take out their frustration on
another child in the classroom. It is important to assist
the child with their own issues first, in order to stop the
bullying behavior.
Learning difficulties such as dyslexia, autism spectrum
disorders or dyspraxia may also have difficulty
expressing themselves to others.

Academ ic D if f
Academic difficulties among students can create upset
and anger, as they may feel as though they are failing.
This anger can sometimes be taken out on other
student who find academic work easier and receive
good grades.
By providing assistance to these students with their
academic work, you may eliminate the upset and in turn
prevent the bullying behavior occurring.

Children with low self-esteem are usually seen as the
ones who are being bullied. However sometimes it is the
case that they are the children who bully.
This may be a way for them to build up their self-esteem
through popularity from bullying others. This gives them
a sense of power, with may give them a false boost in
their self-esteem.

Peer & SocialInfl

u ences
Peer & Social influences are a major component of why
children behave the way they do. Their peers are their
biggest influencers and when in school peer pressure
can occur.
Sometimes bullying occurs in a group do to the
pressures from other group members to behave in a
certain way.
This is difficult as the individual may feel guilt and
shame for what they are doing, but feel they have to in
order to fit in.

Internet & SocialM edia

Due to the fast growing rate of internet use among
young people, the internet is one of the biggest
influences in their lives
It also allows children who bully to do this while hidden
away in their bedrooms.
It creates a sort of anonymity for them to say things
they might not have the confidence to say in person
The focus on strategies of prevention through social
media and the internet is extremely effective as it
removes the element of it being hidden from adults

O verallStrategies
Random Pairing
Open door Policy
Interpretive Readings
Group work
Technology Awareness
Introduction of technology into Curriculum
Role Play/ Drama
Diversity Awareness Workshops

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