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Establishing Occlusion

By: Naghman Zuberi

Methods of establishing

There are basically two methods of

establishing the occlusion of RPD:

Functionally generated path


The articulator or static technique.

A - Functionally generated path


.All functional movements of the mandible are

recorded on hard wax occlusion rim. The record

represents the pathways of each tooth opposed
to edentulous space. The artificial tooth is
positioned and formed to make harmonious
contact with its antagonist at all times

1. Acrylic record base is attached to framework

then construct hard inlay wax (purple)
occlusion rim.
2. If occlusal contact between opposing natural
teeth fail to maintain the vertical dimension of
occlusion record this V.D (V.D of rest 3

3. Occlusion rim is constructed so it's

slightly higher (keep the remaining
teeth apart about 0.5 mm) and wider
than the width of opposing tooth
to record full range of functional
4. Patient continuously wear the
framework and occlusion rim for 24
hours except during eating and
5. The framework with function
generating path occlusion rim (wax
pattern) reset in master cast.

6. The wax pattern is poured in hard stone to

produce stone record.
7. The stone record and master cast with
function generating path occlusion rim is
mounted on the articulator, the incisal
guide pin is opened 1 mm before the
artificial teeth are positioned. The increase
in V.D will return to normal by selecting
grinding the artificial teeth. Using watersoluble Prussian blue dye paint the surface
of stone record.

8. Selective grinding is made on

articulator in open and close
movement only (i.e. articulator is
locked in centric relation). The
articulator is not moved into
protrusive and lateral because
these positions are incorporated
in the pathway.

Limitations to use the

generating path:

The occlusion in one of the arches must

be completed before the generated path
can be developed (one PD constructed
before the other can be made).

PD against complete denture Here

complete the partial denture by
articulator method and functional
generating path for CD.

Movement of distal extension base carrying the
occlusion rim is possible produce inaccurate
pattern of path.
The pattern (path) developed in the wax is
accurate for wax only but not for food stuffs (as
masticatory cycle depend on the type and
texture of food).
Elimination of the use of tracing device.
Elimination of the use of face-bow transfer

B- Articulator technique:

a.Direct apposition of casts [Hand articulation]:

When hand articulation is used, tooth
position can be determined by occluding the
model together (i.e. when sufficient opposing
teeth remain in contact to make the existing
jaw relationship.
It should be used when only a few teeth are to
be replaced.
The occluded casts are secured together with
wooden sticks and sticky wax and mounted
arbitrarily on an articulator.
No face bow is used.

b. Occlusal relation using

Occlusion rim:

The mandibular distal

extension occlusion rim may be
constructed so that the height
will be even with cusps of the
anteriorly and posteriorly to the
height of the retromolar pad.

Clinical procedure:
maintained by occlusal contact of several
standing teeth in both jaws and the tooth
occluding the models together centric
occlusion has been selected as the proper
jaw relation.
1. The height of the occlusion rims must be
adjusted so that no contact takes place
between opposing occlusion rims or
between rim and opposing teeth. A
space of approximately 1 mm is desired.

2- If opposing occlusion rim is to be

used one of these, usually mandibular
rim is adjusted to establish an ideal
occlusal plane [because the
landmarks that are normally present.
The posterior height at of
retromolar pad and anterior height to
the height of remaining teeth] and the
opposing maxillary rim adjusted to
short of contact.

3. If opposing occlusion are to be used.

The recording medium is placed on
the mandibular rim. The maxillary rim
should be indexed with several vshaped notches.
4. The surface of occlusion rim that
support the recording medium should
be roughened to ensure that the
record will remain attached to it.

3. If any portion of the wax

occlusion rim shows through the
recording medium indicates that
incorrect jaw relation as any
force occur in the occlusion rim,
the distal extension base will
depress the soft tissue beneath
the base relief the portion of
the occlusion rim and the record
made again.

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