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Rainwater Total Dissolved

Solids (TDS) as Pollution

indicator for Dipolog City
An exploratory experiment to determine whether or not
rainwater TDS can be used to show how much particulate
pollution there is in a given locality.

Objective: Compare the TDS of rainwater

from different location with DENR Air Quality
indices and determine if there may be a
correlation between the two
The study can therefore be divided into three major
1. Laboratory Determination of TDS
2. Air Quality Research
3. Statistical Determination of Evident Correlation of the
two Variables abovementioned.

This report will be about the

laboratory experimentation only.

The experimentation will take only 3

Standard and Sample Preparation
TDS Determination

Step 1: Sampling
HOW? Using a water bucket that is left to catch rainwater.
Which is then transferred to three (3) water bottles 500ml for
each site. (All containers are Analytically Prepared)
For Dipolog City: 3 Barangays: Sta. Filomena, Central, Miputak
For Polanco: Brgy. Poblacion
For Katipunan: Brgy. Poblacion
For Dapitan: 2 Barangays: Central, Gloria de Dapitan
For Roxas: Brgy. Poblacion

WHEN? After 1 or more days when it did not rain

WHAT? The kind of rain does not matter to this study, so
long as the rainwater has not mixed with other materials.

Step 2: Standard Preparation

Blank Standard: Distilled Water
(Note: Error Correction shall be done professionally.)
1. The Sampling bottle is to be shaken vigorously to distribute the
2. The 20 ml of the sample is to be pipetted into 25ml pre-weighed
3. The flasks are to be covered until TDS Determination
4. The three (3) Blanks shall be subjected to the same process.

Step 3: TDS Determination

Dimension of Measurement: Mass in grams
Balance: Analytical Top-Loading Balance (Sensitivity: 0.01 g)
1. The prepared flasks shall be neatly arranged over a hotplate or alcohol lamp.
2. The water component of the sample is allowed to slowly evaporate (the heat level
should be kept at about 100-150 centigrade to avoid degradation of organics, if any).
3. When a thick layer of white solid dries as residue in the flask, they should be
removed from the heat source and placed on insulating pads until cool enough to
4. Weighing: The flasks shall be weighed analytically. The mass of the flask with residue
minus the mass of the flask before the sample was put in shall be the TDS mass.

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