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Strategy use and the relationship with cultural backgrounds


How cultural background is a resource for learning?

What is cultural responsive teaching?

Why cultural responsive teaching is a good teaching strategy for ELLs?

Culture Responsive Teaching Strategies for ELLs?

Ontario schools serve a student population from a rich array of cultural and
linguistic backgrounds
Culture background is a resource
for learning ...

Gloria Ladson-Billings (1994) introduced the term Culturally

Relevant Teaching to describe teaching that integrates a
students background knowledge and prior home and community
experiences into the curriculum and the teaching and learning
experiences that take place in the classroom.
In order to ensure that all students feel safe, welcomed and
accepted, and inspired to succeed in a culture of high
expectations for learning, schools and classrooms must be
responsive to culture.
Cultural Responsive Teaching

According to Gay (2002), Culturally Responsive Teaching is

defined as using the cultural characteristics, experienes, and
perspectives of ethnically diverse students as conduits for
teaching them more effectively (p. 106).

Culturally Responsive Teaching is a pedagogy that recognizes the

importance of using students cultural background in all aspects of

Cultural responsive teaching will build ELLs English language

Cultural responsive teaching is a good
teaching strategy for ELLs

Researchers (Gay, 2000, 2002) have asserted that the academic

achievement of students from culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD)
backgrounds would improve if educators were to make the effort to
ensure that classroom instruction was conducted in a manner that was
responsive to the students' home cultures.
This teaching pedagogy is about mimicking students cultural learning
styles and tools. These are the strategies their moms, dads, grandmas,
and other community folks use to teach them life skills and basic
concepts long before they come to school and during out-of-school time.
Culturally Responsive Classrooms to meet
the needs of ELLs
resources, events and extracurricular activities reflect cultural diversity, and
provide realistic and positive images of various cultural groups;
schools find creative, meaningful ways to involve immigrant parents and offer
services such as interpreters, bilingual aides, cross-cultural counselling, and
mentorship and tutoring programs;
signs, notices and displays are multilingual; and
students first language is valued and encouraged.
Celebrate diversity - It is important that all students have opportunities to
share information about their languages, cultures, and experiences. In this way,
they can develop an enriching awareness of both the differences and
similarities among their cultures and languages, and all students can experience
a sense of belonging in the classroom.
Impact on Teaching

Design language-learning activities that enable English language learners to

draw on their own experiences, and to talk, read, and write about topics that
are important to them. The project We are all related described here
demonstrates how linguistic and cultural diversity can be used as a foundation
for 18 Supporting English language learners in every classroom Effective
practice building students English language skills. You can adapt this project
for students of all ages and varying levels of proficiency in English.

Give English language learners opportunities to work with same language

partners (example: think, pair, share in first language).
Invite students to produce dual-language assignments (example: create dual-
language books).
Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning

The research indicates that the Teachers who use cultural

responsive instructional strategy recognizes the culture strength and
experiences that ELLs bring and they use that knowledge to support
students in mastering new social and academic learning. The
Implementation of culture responsive environment benefits all
students. This teaching helps to bridge the different ways in which
the students learn.


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