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We regarded age over the idea of gender as the cast consisted of

Our film would initially be targeted at 15-24 The age group/demographic males. This also limited how we represented females throughout
year olds as the film circulates around of which we have chosen the initial sequence. Yet the film is directed more towards males
events including this age group. As well as has disposable income, therefore we thought it would be more suitable to have a male
this, many of the main actors in the film are much more so compared to cast. However, a female in the cast at the same age as the
16/17 years old of which makes it relatable. older demographics of audience (16-20) could have attracted more males as it would be
whom have to pay for their eye-candy for them.
children, rent, etc of GENDER Stereotypically,
AGE which in the long run will females like films
prevent them from with romance an
spending too much money humour
As well as this, this age group
However, we on willentertainment.
aim also to As analysed with the female genre surrounding
has more control over what
target the older market preference, males tend to like films with romance of which
they consume in terms of
through different forms of action/mystery of which have a grungy isnt what out
media. This can be compared
marketing. Just to widen the PIRMARY mood or tone, therefore, out film is suited thriller is about,
to younger age brackets of
entire audience. SUDIENCE to their film preference. therefore it would
which have little control over it
DEMOGRAPHI be best suited to a
due to their parents
C male audience.

The entire film represents in a low-key and

No specific ethnic metaphoric way the divisions and issues
group is targeted. within society, focusing on a small/maybe Yet, we know how much the LGBT
minority group of which can be seen as a community has gone through to push
collective society. for equality in society, therefore, even
though they arent the target group
ETHNICITY similar to older demographics they
may find interest In our film as it SEXUALITY
represents the inequality and division
I initially thought that if we were to represent an ethnic group, in the whole of humanity yet is
we would have to cast someone with origin from that group or represented by just a scaled down
we would have to heavily research it in order to portray the section of it. Similar to ethnicity, we didnt target or
right image and not cause any offence to the group itself. include a specific group to avoid
Therefore, we didnt include any references to ethnic groups misinterpretation.
in order to avoid misinterpretation or offence..
The target audience would engage with many media texts including film, TV and music. Films
such as Kingsman: The Secret Service of which is rough, British based and violent coincide with
the theme and genre of our production, as well as this, more intricate pieces such as Gone Girl
which is violent as well but also has a gripping story would typically attract a more moderate and
mature audience giving reference to the idea of the older demographic of which e hope to reach
as well. TV show wise, The Walking Dead and Arrow would be shows that would interest out
audience due again to the similarity of themes and storyline to our production. However, shows
of which are BBC dramas may intrigue the more moderate audience due initially to the
origin/culture of out film. These shows may include The Wrong Mans. Music is more of a broader
aspect as films and shows have diverse soundtracks to accompany the story, an example of this
is the soundtrack to Suicide Squad of which has songs from Bohemian Rapsody by Panic at the
Disco (Originally by Queen) to Gangsta by Kehlani of which are two very opposite songs in
terms of genre. Therefore, the music that would interest our audience is that of which tells a
story if it be metaphoric or worded. Magazines and books of which consist of an intricate thriller
story would intrigue our target audience as it is what our film aiming to portray.
To conclude, the target audience are males of which fit in the demographic of 16-20 year olds
and who enjoy media of which is intricate, action packed and diverse in the sense that it focuses
on real time issues. Yet, since we are attempting to appeal to a wider audience, the media that
interests our audience can be anything of which mildly follows the mood and theme of our film.

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