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1 The Methods and Substances Used in

Food Technology
Students should be able to:
describe what processed food is;
give examples of processed food;
explain the purpose of processing food.
state the chemicals used in food processing;
explain the functions of the chemicals used in
food processing;
explain the effects of excessive use of
chemicals in food processing.
explain with examples the technology used in
food processing and packaging.

Processed food is food which is

made from raw food materials.
This food may have undergone
certain processes or may have
chemicals added to it.
Yogurt, cheese
and full cream
milk are made
from milk
Sardine, corned
beef and tuna
are made from
meat and fish.
Take a look at these different kinds of food.

They are processed food that contain

Preservative is a natural or synthetic chemicals
used to prevent food from decaying and spoiling
due to exposure to air, moisture, bacteria or

It also prevents undesirable chemicals changes

that make food become brown, rancid or
develop black spot.

Therefore, preservative helps to maintain the

shelf life of food.
Consuming excessive amounts of food containing
preservative may :
Upset the digestive system
Cause itchiness
Cause asthma
Consuming excessive amounts of food containing
artificial colouring may cause :
Allergic reactions
Food poisoning

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