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White sponge

Variants of Geographic
Normal tongue

Fissure tongue

Linea alba

Fordyces granule
Manifestations of ectopic
sebaceous glands
Clinical finding : appear
white to yellow in color,
either discreetly
plaques, may be slightly
raised, size 1-2mm
Location : commonly
noted within buccal
mucose and labial
mucose altough can be
found on any mucosal
oral site
Clinical findings :
white veil-like, diffuse, and filmy
Leukoedema is less clinically
evident after streching the
mucosa and cant be scrapped
Location :
bilaterally in the buccal mucosa
(frequent site),
border of the tongue, soft palate
& floor of the mouth (rare site)
Differential diagnosis : Lichen
planus, white sponge nevus,
cheek biting
White sponge nevus
Clinical findings : white
lesion with an elevated and
irreguler surface comprising
fissures or plaque formations
Ethiology : autosomal
dominant developmental
anatomaly link with genes
Location :
buccal mucosa,
other sites:
parakeratinezed or
nonkeratinized ephitelium
in oral cavity,
may involve extraoral
sites -> esophagus and
anogenital mucosa
Geographic Tongue/Benign Migratory
Glossitis/Erythema Migrans

Clinical findings : Irregularly

shaped erythemathous
macules with surronding
elevated white borders. (map
like apparence)
Location :
Dorsum of the tongue,
Fissured tongue
Clinical findings :
presence of fissured and
grooves along the dorsal
surface 2-6mm,
severe case : numerous
fissures cover entire dorsal
surface and divide the
tongue papilae into
multiple islands
Location : anterior dorsum of
the tongue
Linea Alba
Common alteration of the
buccal mucosa that is most
likely associated with
pressure, fricitional
irritattion, or sucking trauma
Clinical findings : irreguler,
shaggy, white line running
along the inside of the cheek
Location : buccal mucosa
Treatment : elimination of
predisposing factor
Diferential diagnosis :
1. Frictional keratosis
2. Cheek biting
Torus and Exostoses
Clinical findings : Benign,
developmental bony growth.
Covered by
Location :
Maxillary tori occur in the
midline of hard palate
Mandibular tori decelop
along the lingual aspect
Exostoses appear clinnicaly
identical to mandibular tori
on the buccal surface of the
mandible or maxilla
Treatment : No treatment
needed. If denture fabrication is
required, tori can be surgically
Bruch, Jean M and Nathaniel S Treister. Clinical Oral
Medicine And Pathology. New York: Humana Press, 2010.
Burket, Lester W et al. Burket's Oral Medicine. Hamilton,
Ont.: BC Decker, 2008. Print.
Kim, June Woo et al. "Leukoedema Of The Oral Mucosa".
Annals of Dermatology 18.1 (2006): 21. Web.

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