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THIS IS NOT T-BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Rules for Group
You must work with your group.
Only one person may answer for your
You may not talk during other groups
turns or your group will lose points.
If you repeat an incorrect answer, your
group will lose points.
You may not use anything during Group
Review except your brains.
If voice levels cannot be controlled, we will
stop playing and instead have a pop quiz.
Bonus Round!!!!
At the end of each scoring round, there will be an
opportunity for Garbage Ball.
For this, one member from each team will be
given the chance to try to shoot the Garbage Ball
into the small garbage can.
If the team member makes the shot, the team
earns that rounds points as extra points.
In the case of excessive cheering, teams can be
In the case of excessive insulting, teams can be
Mrs. Davis voice registers at 75
decibels when she is yelling.
What type of observation is this?
A. A
B. B

A. Quantitative Observation

B. Qualitative Observation

A. Quantitative Observation
Whats the tested variable?

Amount of exercise.
Whats the outcome variable?

Sean is assigned to repeat his lab
partners experiment, just to double
check his work. What type of validity
check is this?
A. Repetition
B. Replication

B. Replication
When Spider-Man was wearing the
black suit, it was turning him into a
darker, meaner person while feeding
on his brain. What type of symbiosis
A. Mutualism
would this be?
B. Commensalism
C. Parasitism
D. Communism
PRODUCER - (P) An organism that captures
energy and turns it into food (chemical energy).

CONSUMER - (C#) An organism that cannot make

its own food, so it has to eat the chemical energy of
_________________ _______________ - (C1) A
one energy arrow away from a producer.
_________________ _______________ - (C2) A
two energy arrows away from a
_________________ _______________ - (C3) A
DECOMPOSERthree energy arrows away from a

________________ - (D) An organism that breaks down

dead organisms and waste products to get energy.
Which of the following contains the
ALL of the instructions for how a
cell should be created?
A. Chromosomes
B. Genes
C. Cytoplasm
D. Cell Wall
Plant cells contain

A. True
B. False
Chromosomes are different in sex
cells and body cells. Which of the
following is the only way that they
are similar?
A. They both have cross-
B. They both have a single
chromosome OR
C. They both are made of DNA.
You need two sex cells in order to
create a full set of DNA.

A. True
B. False
Which of the following contains the
ALL of the instructions for how a
cell should be created?

A. Chromosomes
B. Genes
C. Cytoplasm
D. Cell Wall
EE or Ee =
Make a Prediction
What will happen to the
Cheetah population over
time as the bison get
The deeper it is, the
older it is
27. At the zoo, Anya observes that
individuals of a certain kangaroo
species have slightly different sizes
and colors. What characteristic of
populations is Anya observing? (15.2)

A. Adaptation
B. Evolution
C. Selection
D. Variation
27. At the zoo, Anya observes that
individuals of a certain kangaroo
species have slightly different sizes
and colors. What characteristic of
populations is Anya observing? (15.2)

A. Adaptation
B. Evolution
C. Selection
D. Variation
Earth is divided into 3 basic

1. Crust

2. Mantle

3. Core
These layers are then subdivided into
smaller layers.
In Review:

1. What are the 3 main layers of the Earth?

Crust, Mantle, Core
2. Which layer is the least dense?
3. Which core layer is solid iron and nickel?
Inner core
4. What is the name given to the crunchy layer of the
crust and uppermost part of the mantle?
5. The motion in this layer is the reason Earth has a
magnetic field.
Outer core
The study of the
planet Earth.
Scientists who study the
forces that makes and
shapes the planet earth.
Igneous Rock
Forms when magma or
lava cools and hardens to
become solid.
Metamorphic Rocks
Forms when pressure,
temperature, or chemical
processes change existing
Sedimentary Rock
Forms when minerals that
form from solutions or
sediment from older rocks
get pressed and cemented
Rock Cycle
The series of processes
in which rock changes
from one type to
Rock Cycle
In Review:
1. What are the three types of plate boundaries called?
Divergent, Convergent, Transform
2. What is the motion of each of the three plate
Divergent: pull away, Convergent: come together,
Transform: shift past each other
3. What is the correlation between plate tectonics and
events like earthquakes and volcanoes?
Earthquakes and volcanoes happen along the plate
7.1 Heat Transfer
Heat is a form .energy
7.1 Heat Transfer
When faster
something has
more energy, it
7.1 Heat Transfer
As it moves apart
faster, it
begins to
7.1 Heat Transfer
As it spreads .dense
apart, it
7.1 Heat Transfer
What are the Radiation
three types of Conduction
heat transfer? Convection
7.1 Heat Transfer
How does As
Earth receive electromagneti
most of its c waves from
radiation? the sun.
7.1 Heat Transfer
How is heat Direct contact
transferred by through a
conduction? material (two
7.1 Heat Transfer
How is heat By the
transferred by circulation of a
convection? liquid or gas.
What would to an ice
happen if you cube?
added heat
It would melt
into liquid
What would to liquid
happen if you water?
added heat
It would boil
and eventually
evaporate into
water vapor
Energy The ability to
cause change.
Measured in
units called
Kinetic Energy The energy of
All moving
objects have
kinetic energy.
Potential The stored
Energy energy that
an object has
because of
its position
condition, or
Mechanical The Kinetic
Energy energy plus
the potential
energy due to
Law of Energy can be
Conservation neither
of Energy created nor
destroyed. It
can only be
Is energy being used when you are
laying around on the couch with
Cheetoh fingers, while watching
Adventure Time?
A. Yes
B. No


6. Which of the following observations
about frogs eggs found in a pond is a
quantitative observation? (N.1.1)

A. Each egg measures 0.5 cm across.

B. The center of each egg is black.

C. The eggs are found near the
shore. D. Any eggs were stuck
together in a group.
6. Which of the following observations about
frogs eggs found in a pond is a quantitative
observation? (N.1.1)

A. Each egg measures 0.5 cm across.

B. The center of each egg is black. (only

C. The eggs are found near the shore. (only
D. Any eggs were stuck together in a group.
(only letters)
7. A physicist wants to examine the
characteristics the characteristics of a
new material. The physicist will most
likely do so by what method? (N.1.5)

A. Survey a group of people. B.

Perform laboratory experiments.
C. Perform fieldwork in a remote
D. Make observations of an ecosystem.
7. A physicist wants to examine the
characteristics the characteristics of a new
material. The physicist will most likely do
so by what method? (N.1.5)

A. Survey a group of people. (people are not

B. Perform laboratory experiments.
C. Perform fieldwork in a remote location.
(why? That doesnt even make sense)
D. Make observations of an ecosystem.
( ecosystem is not a material)
9. Keisha did an experiment to study the rate of
photosynthesis in the water plant Elodea. She placed
a piece of Elodea in a beaker of water and set the
beaker 10 centimeters (cm) from a light source.
Keisha counted the bubbles released from the plant
every minute for five minutes (min). She repeated
the process two more times. First, she moved the
light to 20 cm from the beaker, and then she moved
the light to 30 cm from the beaker. What is the
outcome variable (dependent variable) in this
experiment? (N.1.4)
A. the number of bubbles produced
B. the type of plant placed in the beaker
C. the distance of light source from the plant
D. the amount of time the bubbles were counted
10. Ellies class is studying tide pools and sea
stars. They made the following prediction: If
the water temperature in a tide pool increases,
then they sea stars population decreases. They
then compared the results of the experiment to
the classs prediction; they collected data at
several other tide pools. Collecting data at
several other tide pools is an example of what?
A. Repulsion (something you think is gross)
B. Replication (only if doing someone elses
C. Reposition (moving something to a new
D. Repetition (they are repeating their
experiment over and over)
11. 1665, Robert Hooke first viewed a cell under
a microscope. His observations were
developed into the cell theory, which has
changed throughout the years. Why do theories
change over time? (N.2.1)

A. Scientists are always making new

observations which leads to new evidence.
B. New technology shows provides no new
C. Scientists dont read about each others
D. Once a theory is written it never changes
11. 1665, Robert Hooke first viewed a cell under
a microscope. His observations were
developed into the cell theory, which has
changed throughout the years. Why do theories
change over time? (N.2.1)

A. Scientists are always making new

observations which leads to new evidence.
B. New technology shows provides no new
C. Scientists dont read about each others
D. Once a theory is written it never changes
21. Yeasts are single-celled organisms that are
used in baking bread and brewing beer. They
reproduce asexually through mitosis. Which of the
following is true of yeast reproduction? (L.16.1)

A. Parent yeast cells will divide into four offspring

B. Parent yeast cells combine to produce one
offspring cell.
C. Yeast offspring will carry a single chromosome.

D. Yeast offspring will be a copy of the parent

21. Yeasts are single-celled organisms that are used in baking
bread and brewing beer. They reproduce asexually through
mitosis. Which of the following is true of yeast reproduction?

A. Parent yeast cells will divide into four offspring cells.

B. Parent yeast cells combine to produce one offspring cell.

C. Yeast offspring will carry a single chromosome.

D. Yeast offspring will be a copy of the parent yeast.

My clone has My characteristics because of
Mitosis. But thats not how it works. Its just Me.
My mom and dad came together and through Meiosis
they made Me.
22. Which of these parts of a cell contains
hereditary information? (L.16.1)

A. Cell wall
B. Lysosome
C. Endoplasmic reticulum
D. Chromosome
22. Which of these parts of a cell contains
hereditary information? (L.16.1)

A. Cell wall (holds up structure of cell)

B. Lysosome (gets rid of cell waste)
C. Endoplasmic reticulum (transports
materials in the cell)
D. Chromosome (bundles of DNA and
23. Information is passed from
the P-Generation to the F1
Generation through ________.

A. Genes
B. Cytoplasm
C. Blood cells
D. Body cells
23. Information is passed from the
P-Generation to the F1 Generation
through ________. (L.16.1)

A. Genes (duh)
B. Cytoplasm (gel that holds
C. Blood cells (transports oxygen to
D. Body cells (what about them???)
24. What is artificial selection? (L.15.2)

A. The process by which humans breed

organism for certain characteristics.
B. The process by which inherited traits in a
population change over generations.
C. The process by which individuals that are
better adapted to their environment are more
likely to survive and reproduce.
D. The process by which Charles Darwin noted
the differences among finches on the
Galapagos islands.
24. What is artificial selection? (L.15.2)

A. The process by which humans breed

organism for certain characteristics.
B. The process by which inherited traits in a
population change over generations. (evolution)
C. The process by which individuals that are
better adapted to their environment are more
likely to survive and reproduce. (natural selection)
D. The process by which Charles Darwin noted
the differences among finches on the Galapagos
islands. (evolution)
25. In sexual selection, which of the following
determines if members of a population get to
pass their genes on? (L.15.2)

A. humans
B. the environment
C. your mate
25. In sexual selection, which of the following
determines if members of a population get to
pass their genes on? (L.15.2)

A. humans (artificial selection)

B. the environment (natural selection)
C. your mate (hunka, hunka burning
cricket. Oh baby, my exoskeleton is
parasite free!)
26. Which of the following scenarios gives roaches the
best chance of adapting to bug spray? (L.15.2)

A. Offspring have many unique traits and

environmental factors (chemicals in bug spray) do not
B. Offspring have many unique traits and
environmental factors (chemicals in bug spray)
C. Offspring have few unique traits and environmental
factors (chemicals in bug spray) do not change.
D. Offspring have few unique traits and environmental
factors (chemicals in bug spray) change.
26. Which of the following scenarios gives roaches the
best chance of adapting to bug spray? (L.15.2)

A. Offspring have many unique traits and

environmental factors (chemicals in bug spray)
do not change.
B. Offspring have many unique traits and
environmental factors (chemicals in bug spray)
C. Offspring have few unique traits and environmental
factors (chemicals in bug spray) do not change.
D. Offspring have few unique traits and environmental
factors (chemicals in bug spray) change.
39. How is the location of volcanoes in the Ring
of Fire related to tectonic plate boundaries?

A. Most volcanoes in the Ring of Fire are located

at hot spots.
B. Most volcanoes in the Ring of Fire are located
along a mid-ocean ridge.
C. There is no consistent pattern in the location
of volcanoes in the Ring of Fire.
D. Most volcanoes in the Ring of Fire are located
where an oceanic plate collides with a
continental plate.
39. How is the location of volcanoes in the Ring of
Fire related to tectonic plate boundaries? (E.6.5)

A. Most volcanoes in the Ring of Fire are located

at hot spots. (no the middlethats
why its called a
B. Most volcanoes in the Ring of Fire are located
along a mid-ocean ridge. (just cause its a big
word doesnt make it the right answer)
C. There is no consistent pattern in the location of
volcanoes in the Ring of Fire.
D. Most volcanoes in the Ring of Fire are
located where an oceanic plate collides with
a continental plate.
40. Unlike Florida, a transform boundary passes
through California. What happens at a
transform boundary that can cause an
earthquake? (E.6.5)

A. Two plate collide.

B. Two plates move away from each other.
C. Two plates move in the same direction.
D. Two plates slide or glide past each other.
40. Unlike Florida, a transform boundary passes
through California. What happens at a
transform boundary that can cause an
earthquake? (E.6.5)

A. Two plate collide. (convergent)

B. Two plates move away from each other.
C. Two plates move in the same direction.
(doesnt exsist)
D. Two plates slide or glide past each
other. (ding ding ding)
41. Why do most earthquakes take place at
tectonic plate boundaries? (E.6.5)

A. the rock in the interior of a tectonic plate is

stronger so it does not deform.
B. Earthquakes take place where energy is
transferred to rock by the motion of tectonic plates.
C. Earthquakes can only occur at places where
magma can reach the surface and transfer energy
to rocks.
D. Earthquakes take place when one plate moves
over another plate, which happens only at plate
41. Why do most earthquakes take place at tectonic
plate boundaries? (E.6.5)

A. the rock in the interior of a tectonic plate is stronger

so it does not deform. (interior does not me on the
B. Earthquakes take place where energy is
transferred to rock by the motion of tectonic
C. Earthquakes can only occur at places where magma
can reach the surface and transfer energy to rocks.
D. Earthquakes take place when one plate moves over
another plate, which happens only at plate boundaries.
(True, but full explaination in B because of energy)
42. What is the primary way that mountains
are formed? (E.6.5)

A. by tension at a transform boundary

B. by compression at a convergent boundary
C. by shear stress at a divergent boundary
D. by volcanic activity
42. What is the primary way that mountains
are formed? (E.6.5)

A. by tension at a transform boundary (slide

past = no mountain)
B. by compression at a convergent
boundary (means squeezing together)
C. by shear stress at a divergent boundary
(divergent = no mountain.just big hole)
D. by volcanic activity (true, but not
primary.which means main way)
43. The Earth receives heat and light energy
that travels from the Sun. When you are at the
beach you can feel the warmth from the sun.
Which of the following is the correct
classification for this energy? (P.10.1)

A. radiation
B. nuclear
C. kinetic
D. electrical
43. The Earth receives heat and light energy
that travels from the Sun. When you are at the
beach you can feel the warmth from the sun.
Which of the following is the correct
classification for this energy? (P.10.1)

A. radiation (if you dont know this by

now..Im really, really, REALLY worried)
B. nuclear
C. kinetic
D. electrical
44. What type of heat transfer takes place in
a gas? (P.11.4)

A. Convection
B. Conduction
C. Radiation
D. Global warming
44. What type of heat transfer takes place in
a gas? (P.11.4)

A. Convection (study!)
B. Conduction (contact)
C. Radiation (from sun)
D.Global warming (really???)
55. Ashley puts a straw into a glass of water.
She notices that when she looks through the
glass and the water from the side, the straw
appears to be broken. Which term best explains
why the straw looks like it is broken? (P.10.1)

A. absorption
B. refraction
C. scattering
D. transmission
55. Ashley puts a straw into a glass of water. She
notices that when she looks through the glass and the
water from the side, the straw appears to be broken.
Which term best explains why the straw looks like it is
broken? (P.10.1)

A. absorption (would absorb image and wouldnt see

B. refraction (bends the light)
C. scattering (wouldnt just look broken.would look
shattered if light)
D. transmission (thats in a car.)
56. The energy generated by the sun travels to
Earth as electromagnetic waves. Because the
radiation from the sun travels to Earth in varying
wavelengths, scientists consider them to be a
spectrum. Which statement describes an
electromagnetic wave with a long wavelength?

A. It has a high frequency and low energy.

B. It has a high frequency and high energy.
C. It has a low frequency and can travel through a
D. It has a low frequency and needs a medium to
travel through.
56. The energy generated by the sun travels to
Earth as electromagnetic waves. Because the
radiation from the sun travels to Earth in varying
wavelengths, scientists consider them to be a
spectrum. Which statement describes an
electromagnetic wave with a long wavelength?

A. It has a high frequency and low energy. (high

frequency would mean skinny waves)
B. It has a high frequency and high energy.
C. It has a low frequency and can travel
through a vacuum.
D. It has a low frequency and needs a medium to
travel through.
57. Habib looks around his classroom at
different objects. Which object reflects almost
all of the light that strikes it? (P.10.1)

A. white poster board

B. clear window glass
C. bright overhead light
D. black construction paper
57. Habib looks around his classroom at
different objects. Which object reflects almost
all of the light that strikes it? (P.10.1)

A. white poster board (white is reflection

of all light equally)
B. clear window glass (transparent, all light
comes through with little reflection)
C. bright overhead light (light, but not
necessarily purely white)
D. black construction paper (absorbing all
58. Electromagnetic energy travels through
space as waves. The electromagnetic spectrum
includes all electromagnetic waves, arranged
according to frequency and wavelength. Which
of these is an example of an electromagnetic

A. radio wave
B. sound wave
C. ocean wave
D. gravitational pull
58. Electromagnetic energy travels through
space as waves. The electromagnetic spectrum
includes all electromagnetic waves, arranged
according to frequency and wavelength. Which
of these is an example of an electromagnetic

A. radio wave (duhthink of the song)

B. sound wave (really?)
C. ocean wave (come on.really?!)
D. gravitational pull (Seriously!!!)
59. Sonia tapped one end of a long wooden
table. Sanjay and Marc listened to the sounds.
Sanjay pressed his ear to the table and heard
the taps that seemed louder than the taps that
marc heard. Why? (P.10.3)
A. More energy reached Sanjays ear than
Marcs ear.
B. Particles of wood are farther apart than
particles of air.
C. Sound travels through air and wood at
different speeds.
D. The taps only made the table vibrate, they
did not make the air vibrate.
59. Sonia tapped one end of a long wooden
table. Sanjay and Marc listened to the sounds.
Sanjay pressed his ear to the table and heard the
taps that seemed louder than the taps that marc
heard. Why? (P.10.3)
A. More energy reached Sanjays ear than
Marcs ear. (waves travel better in solids)
B. Particles of wood are farther apart than
particles of air.
C. Sound travels through air and wood at
different speeds. (close, but does not give clear
D. The taps only made the table vibrate, they did
not make the air vibrate. (then how did Marc hear
60. Emma measured the maximum
displacement of a wave that she made by
moving the end of a string up and down.
What property of a wave was she measuring?

A. period
B. frequency
C. amplitude
D. wavelength
60. Emma measured the maximum
displacement of a wave that she made by
moving the end of a string up and down.
What property of a wave was she measuring?

A. period (length of time past)

B. frequency (how often its happening)

C. amplitude (how high up and down it

D. wavelength (how far apart each is)
12. According to current atomic theory, an atom
is made of a dense, positively charged nucleus
that is surrounded by a cloud of negatively
charged electrons. Predict what would happen if
a scientist found evidence that challenged
current atomic theory. (N.2.1)

A. The evidence would be considered to be

B. Atomic theory would be considered to be
C. Atomic theory may be modified.
D. The evidence would be ignored.
12. According to current atomic theory, an atom
is made of a dense, positively charged nucleus
that is surrounded by a cloud of negatively
charged electrons. Predict what would happen if
a scientist found evidence that challenged
current atomic theory. (N.2.1)

A. The evidence would be considered to be

B. Atomic theory would be considered to be
C. Atomic theory may be modified.
D. The evidence would be ignored.
13. Which of the following terms is another
name for a well-supported and widely
accepted explanation of nature? (N.3.1) (this is
the definition!)

A. Scientific problem.
B. Scientific hypothesis.
C. Scientific theory.
D. Scientific law.
13. Which of the following terms is another
name for a well-supported and widely accepted
explanation of nature? (N.3.1) (this is the

A. Scientific problem. (something you need

to solve)
B. Scientific hypothesis. (educated guess)
C. Scientific theory. (explanation)
D. Scientific law. (universally true)
14. Which of the following is a scientific law?

A. The Law of the Jungle because it explains

who rules the jungle
B. The Traffic Law because it helps us not to
get into car accidents.
C. The Law of Right from Wrong because it
helps us to get along with each other
D. The Law of Gravity because it explains the
force that draws objects to the center of the
14. Which of the following is a scientific law?

A. The Law of the Jungle because it explains

who rules the jungle (behavioral)
B. The Traffic Law because it helps us not to
get into car accidents. (man made)
C. The Law of Right from Wrong because it
helps us to get along with each other (man
D. The Law of Gravity because it explains
the force that draws objects to the center
of the Earth
15. Which of these answers best describes a
scientific theory? (N.3.1)

A. An explanation based on the opinion of a

B. A well-supported and widely accepted
explanation of nature.
C. A description of a specific relationship
under given conditions.
D. A statement describing what always
happens under certain conditions.
15. Which of these answers best describes a
scientific theory? (N.3.1)

A. An explanation based on the opinion of a

B. A well-supported and widely accepted
explanation of nature.
C. A description of a specific relationship
under given conditions. This is a law
D. A statement describing what always
happens under certain conditions. law
16. In the early 1900s, geologist Alfred
Wegener described a process he called
continental drift. He proposed that Earths
continents had once been a single landmass
that had broken up, and the continents had then
moved apart. At first, scientists were skeptical,
but they accepted Wegeners idea when new
discoveries supported it. Which term describes
continental drift? (N.3.1)

A. hypothesis
B. Law
C. theory
D. empirical evidence
16. In the early 1900s, geologist Alfred Wegener
described a process he called continental drift.
He proposed that Earths continents had once
been a single landmass that had broken up, and
the continents had then moved apart. At first,
scientists were skeptical, but they accepted
Wegeners idea when new discoveries supported
it. Which term describes continental drift? (N.3.1)

A. hypothesis (educated guess)

B. Law (this is not universally true)
C. theory
D. empirical evidence (this is what he used to
support his theory)
17. Two species are living together in a
symbiotic relationship. One species benefits
from the relationship, while the other species
is totally unaffected. Which type of
relationship is this? (L.17.2)

A. Mutualism
B. Commensalism
C. Parasitism
D. Predation
E. Competition
17. Two species are living together in a
symbiotic relationship. One species benefits
from the relationship, while the other species
is totally unaffected. Which type of
relationship is this? (L.17.2)

A. Mutualism (both benefits)

B. Commensalism (you need to freakin
C. Parasitism (one benefit, one harmed)
D. Predation (one benefit, one killed)
E. Competition (both struggle)
34. Granite forms when liquid magma slowly
cools within Earths crust. If the granite is
exposed to intense heat and pressure, it can
change to gneiss. Which type of change takes
place when granite turns into gneiss? (E.6.2)

A. Sedimentary rock changes to igneous rock.

B. Metamorphic rock changes to igneous rock.
C. Igneous rock changes to metamorphic rock.
D. Sedimentary rock changes to metamorphic
34. Granite forms when liquid magma slowly
cools within Earths crust. If the granite is
exposed to intense heat and pressure, it can
change to gneiss. Which type of change takes
place when granite turns into gneiss? (E.6.2)

A. Sedimentary rock changes to igneous rock.

B. Metamorphic rock changes to igneous rock.
C. Igneous rock changes to metamorphic
rock. (Study!)
D. Sedimentary rock changes to metamorphic
35. Over a long period of time, igneous rock
can change into sedimentary rock. What must
happen to igneous rock before it can change
into sedimentary rock? (E.6.2)

A. It must be broken down into sediment.

B. Its minerals must be dissolved in water.

C. It must melt and become magma.

D. It must be exposed to high pressure and
35. Over a long period of time, igneous rock
can change into sedimentary rock. What must
happen to igneous rock before it can change
into sedimentary rock? (E.6.2)

A. It must be broken down into

B. Its minerals must be dissolved in water.

C. It must melt and become magma.

D. It must be exposed to high pressure and
37. The Red Sea formed as the African Plate
moved apart from the Arabian Plate. Which
type of boundary was involved in the
formation of the Red Sea? (E.6.5)

A. transform boundary
B. stationary boundary
C. divergent boundary
D. convergent boundary
37. The Red Sea formed as the African Plate moved
apart from the Arabian Plate. Which type of
boundary was involved in the formation of the Red
Sea? (E.6.5)

A. transform boundary (shhh, shhh past each

B. stationary boundary (um.thats the when Brock Lestner and Goldburg
didnt fight during that one Wrestle Mania)
C. divergent boundary (dive in and move
hands apart from each other)
D. convergent boundary (come together!)
38. The Rocky Mountains formed when the
Pacific plate collided with the North American
plate. Which of the following terms describes
this process? (E.6.5)

A. ridge push
B. divergent boundary
C. transform boundary
D. convergent boundary
38. The Rocky Mountains formed when the
Pacific plate collided with the North American
plate. Which of the following terms describes
this process? (E.6.5)

A. ridge push (thats not even a boundary)

B. divergent boundary (dive and away

C. transform boundary (sliding past)
D. convergent boundary (come together!
Right now! Over me!)
45. A ball is dropped from height of 1m. The
ball bounces back to height of 0.8m. What
happened to the energy that seems to have
been lost in the system? (P.11.3)

A. The lost energy was destroyed.

B. The lost energy was destroyed or
converted into thermal energy.
C. The lost energy was converted into
sound energy.
D. The lost energy was converted into
sound energy and thermal energy.
45. A ball is dropped from height of 1m. The ball
bounces back to height of 0.8m. What happened
to the energy that seems to have been lost in
the system? (P.11.3)

A. The lost energy was destroyed.

B. The lost energy was destroyed or
converted into thermal energy.
C. The lost energy was converted into sound
energy. (missing something)
D. The lost energy was converted into
sound energy and thermal energy. (woot
46. The kinetic energy of an object depends
on the objects mass and speed. As the
objects mass and speed increases, its kinetic
energy also increases. Which of the following
has the most kinetic energy? (P.11.2)

A. a trucked parked in a lot

B. a jet airplane flying on the air
C. a kitten running in a room
D. a car driving on a highway
46. The kinetic energy of an object depends on
the objects mass and speed. As the objects
mass and speed increases, its kinetic energy
also increases. Which of the following has the
most kinetic energy? (P.11.2)

A. a trucked parked in a lot (not moving)

B. a jet airplane flying on the air
C. a kitten running in a room (too small)
D. a car driving on a highway (moving but
plane bigger)
18. Clownfish and sea anemones work
together for the benefit of the whole group.
While the clownfish receives protection from
larger predators, the sea anemone receives
bits of food from the clownfishs scraps.
Which type of relationship would the clownfish
and sea anemone be a part of? (L.17.2)

A. Mutualism
B. Commensalism
C. Parasitism
D. Predation
E. Competition
18. Clownfish and sea anemones work
together for the benefit of the whole group.
While the clownfish receives protection from
larger predators, the sea anemone receives
bits of food from the clownfishs scraps.
Which type of relationship would the clownfish
and sea anemone be a part of? (L.17.2)

A. Mutualism (STUDY!)
B. Commensalism (one benefits, one
C. Parasitism (one benefits, one harmed)
D. Predation (one benefits, one killed)
E. Competition (both struggle)
19. Batmans archnemesis, the Joker, is a burden
to the city of Gotham. He constantly robs banks,
destroys property, and kidnaps innocent people.
Even The Joker, however, is not without problems.
He constantly has to fight for his illegal control of
the city from other crooks, such as The Penguin,
The Scarecrow, and The Riddler. How would you
describe The Jokers relationship with all the other
bad guys in Gotham City? (L.17.2)

A. Mutualism
B. Commensalism
C. Parasitism
D. Predation
E. Competition
19. Batmans archnemesis, the Joker, is a burden
to the city of Gotham. He constantly robs banks,
destroys property, and kidnaps innocent people.
Even The Joker, however, is not without problems.
He constantly has to fight for his illegal control of
the city from other crooks, such as The Penguin,
The Scarecrow, and The Riddler. How would you
describe The Jokers relationship with all the other
bad guys in Gotham City? (L.17.2)

A. Mutualism (both benefit)

B. Commensalism (one benefit, one unaffected)
C. Parasitism (one benefit, one harmed)
D. Predation (one benefit, one killed)
E. Competition (did I mention STUDY!!!)
20. The acacia tree and ants live together in a
mutualistic relationship. The acacia tree oozes sweet
nectar for the ants, providing them an easy and
nutritious meal. Which of the following could be the
role of the ants if the relationship between the ants
and tree are mutualistic? (L.17.2)
A. The ants bite on the tree to make the nectar flow,
which robs the leaves of sugar.
B. The ants defend the tree from other bugs that
might eat its leaves.
C. The ants eat only nectar that would have been
otherwise discarded, thereby not affecting the tree.
D. The ants send all their workers to cut through the
tree; when it is killed they receive the nectar.
E. The ants cut off leaves from the tree; the bare
stems ooze nectar.
20. The acacia tree and ants live together in a mutualistic
relationship. The acacia tree oozes sweet nectar for the
ants, providing them an easy and nutritious meal. Which of
the following could be the role of the ants if the relationship
between the ants and tree are mutualistic? (L.17.2)

A. The ants bite on the tree to make the nectar flow, which
robs the leaves of sugar. (parasitism)
B. The ants defend the tree from other bugs that
might eat its leaves.
C. The ants eat only nectar that would have been otherwise
discarded, thereby not affecting the tree. (commensalism)
D. The ants send all their workers to cut through the tree;
when it is killed they receive the nectar. (parasitism)
E. The ants cut off leaves from the tree; the bare stems
ooze nectar. (parasitism)
28. What is natural selection? (L.15.2)

A. the process by which humans breed a

species for certain traits.
B. the process in which inherited traits of a
population change over many generations.
C. the process by which Charles Darwin noted
the differences in finches while visiting the
Galapagos Islands.
D. the process by which individuals that are
better adapted to their environment are more
likely to survive and reproduce.
28. What is natural selection? (L.15.2)

A. the process by which humans breed a

species for certain traits. (artificial)
B. the process in which inherited traits of a
population change over many generations.
(evolution definition)
C. the process by which Charles Darwin noted
the differences in finches while visiting the
Galapagos Islands. (evolution)
D. the process by which individuals that
are better adapted to their environment
are more likely to survive and reproduce.
29. What is evolution? (L.15.2)

A. a group of organisms that can mate to

produce fertile offspring
B. the process in which inherited traits of a
population change over many generations.
C. the process by which individuals that are
better adapted to their environment are more
likely to survive and reproduce
D. a trait that allows organisms in a
population to better survive and reproduce in
their environment.
29. What is evolution? (L.15.2)

A. a group of organisms that can mate to

produce fertile offspring (this is a species)
B. the process in which inherited traits of
a population change over many
generations. (definition)
C. the process by which individuals that are
better adapted to their environment are more
likely to survive and reproduce (natural
D. a trait that allows organisms in a population
to better survive and reproduce in their
environment. (natural selection)
30. Which of the following scenarios will help the
Pig populations better adapt to attacks from the
Angry Birds? (L.15.2)
A. The Pigs have offspring with low genetic
variation, and their environmental factors (types of
attacks from the Angry Birds) remain the same.
B. The Pigs have offspring with low genetic
variation, and their environmental factors (types of
attacks from the Angry Birds) change.
C. The Pigs have offspring with high genetic
variation, and their environmental factors (types of
attacks from the Angry Birds) remain the same.
D. The Pigs have offspring with high genetic
variation, and their environmental factors (types of
attacks from the Angry Birds) change.
30. Which of the following scenarios will help the Pig
populations better adapt to attacks from the Angry
Birds? (L.15.2)
A. The Pigs have offspring with low genetic variation,
and their environmental factors (types of attacks from
the Angry Birds) remain the same.
B. The Pigs have offspring with low genetic variation,
and their environmental factors (types of attacks from
the Angry Birds) change.
C. The Pigs have offspring with high genetic
variation, and their environmental factors
(types of attacks from the Angry Birds) remain
the same.
D. The Pigs have offspring with high genetic variation,
and their environmental factors (types of attacks from
the Angry Birds) change.
49. Sunlight is composed of energy that is
visible to humans and energy that is not
visible to humans. Which statement describes
how the visible energy from the Sun is
different from the non-visible energy? (P.10.1)

A. It travels at a different speed.

B. It travels a different distance.
C. It has different wavelengths.
D. it has different amplitudes.
49. Sunlight is composed of energy that is
visible to humans and energy that is not
visible to humans. Which statement describes
how the visible energy from the Sun is
different from the non-visible energy? (P.10.1)

A. It travels at a different speed.

B. It travels a different distance.
C. It has different wavelengths. (all light
is differences in wavelengths.always)
D. it has different amplitudes. (part of a
50. A toy robot can walk and talk and runs
on batteries. What type of energy is stored in
the batteries? (P.11.2)

A. chemical
B. kinetic
C. nuclear
D. Thermal
50. A toy robot can walk and talk and runs
on batteries. What type of energy is stored in
the batteries? (P.11.2)

A. Chemical (type of stored energy)

B. kinetic (moving)
C. nuclear (radioactive toys would be
bad.just watch the music video.that
pink bear is freaky)
D. Thermal (heat is moving)
51. A guitar string vibrates to produce sound.
Which type of energy is converted to sound
energy? (P.11.2)

A. chemical energy
B. light energy
C. kinetic energy
D. thermal energy
51. A guitar string vibrates to produce sound.
Which type of energy is converted to sound
energy? (P.11.2)

A. chemical energy (stored.not moving)

B. light energy (doesnt vibrate cause doesnt

need a medium)
C. kinetic energy (movement)
D. thermal energy (hot guitar = ow for fingers)
52. On a cold winter day, Delia puts logs into
a fireplace. Then she strikes a match and sets
the logs on fire. As the fire burns, which two
forms of energy are released? (P.11.2)

A. light and thermal

B. thermal and electrical
C. chemical and light
D. electrical and chemical
52. On a cold winter day, Delia puts logs into
a fireplace. Then she strikes a match and sets
the logs on fire. As the fire burns, which two
forms of energy are released? (P.11.2)

A. light and thermal

B. thermal and electrical
C. chemical and light (chemical not released,
it was there in the beginning)
D. electrical and chemical
53. A flashlight runs on a battery. If the light
is left on the battery runs out and the
flashlight stops working. Which statement
best describes what has happened to the
batterys energy? (P.11.3)

A. It has been destroyed.

B. It has been stored as kinetic energy.
C. It has changed to potential energy.
D. It has changed to thermal energy and light
53. A flashlight runs on a battery. If the light
is left on the battery runs out and the
flashlight stops working. Which statement
best describes what has happened to the
batterys energy? (P.11.3)

A. It has been destroyed.

B. It has been stored as kinetic energy.
C. It has changed to potential energy.
D. It has changed to thermal energy and
light energy.
54. Which description defines heat? (P.11.4)

A. total thermal energy of an object or

B. change in the temperature of a substance
degrees Celsius
C. energy transferred between objects at
differ temperatures
D. average kinetic energy of the particles
that make up a substance
54. Which description defines heat? (P.11.4)

A. total thermal energy of an object or

B. change in the temperature of a substance
degrees Celsius
C. energy transferred between objects
at differ temperatures (defines
d. average kinetic energy of the particles that
make up a substance
31. A scientist described two modern-day species
as sharing a common ancestor. What does it
mean when two species share a common
ancestor? (L15.2)

A. It means that the two species are actually the

same species.
B. It means that one of the species evolved from
other species.
C. It means that both species evolved from one
species that lived in the past.
D. It means that the two species share all the
same traits.
31. A scientist described two modern-day species
as sharing a common ancestor. What does it
mean when two species share a common
ancestor? (L15.2)

A. It means that the two species are actually the

same species.
B. It means that one of the species evolved from
other species.
C. It means that both species evolved from
one species that lived in the past.
D. It means that the two species share all the
same traits.
32. All organisms are made of one of two kinds of
cells, prokaryotic cells or eukaryotic cells. Both
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells undergo cell division.
The two types of cells have very different processes
for division, but they both begin the process in the
same way. What do both types of cells need to do
before they begin cell division? (L.16.1)

A. The nuclear membrane dissolves

B. Copy their DNA
C. The cell pinches around the middle
D. DNA moves to opposite sides of the cell
32. All organisms are made of one of two kinds of
cells, prokaryotic cells or eukaryotic cells. Both
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells undergo cell division.
The two types of cells have very different processes
for division, but they both begin the process in the
same way. What do both types of cells need to do
before they begin cell division? (L.16.1)

A. The nuclear membrane dissolves

B. Copy their DNA (study)
C. The cell pinches around the middle
D. DNA moves to opposite sides of the cell
33. A river carrying sediment downstream is
an example of (E.6.2)

A. deposition because it has laid down the

B. erosion because it is carrying the sediment
C. physical weathering because it is
physically breaking down the sediment.
D. chemical weathering because it is
chemically breaking down the sediment.
33. A river carrying sediment downstream is
an example of (E.6.2)

A. deposition because it has laid down the

B. erosion because it is carrying the
sediment away.
C. physical weathering because it is
physically breaking down the sediment.
D. chemical weathering because it is
chemically breaking down the sediment.
47. When a skateboarder reaches the top of
a half-pipe ramp, what type of energy is at its
maximum? (P.11.2)

A. Mechanical energy
B. Kinetic energy
C. Potential energy
D. Chemical energy
47. When a skateboarder reaches the top of
a half-pipe ramp, what type of energy is at its
maximum? (P.11.2)

A. Mechanical energy
B. Kinetic energy
C. Potential energy (this is from 6th
D. Chemical energy
48. Kins teacher has given the class the task
of designing a roller coaster using pipe
insulation tubing for the track and a marble
for the car. Which of the following factors will
decrease the speed of the marble down a
slope? (P.11.2)

A. Friction
B. Gravity
C. Mass
D. Momentum
48. Kins teacher has given the class the task
of designing a roller coaster using pipe
insulation tubing for the track and a marble
for the car. Which of the following factors will
decrease the speed of the marble down a
slope? (P.11.2)

A. Friction (again.6th grade)

B. Gravity
C. Mass
D. Momentum
6 Grade Review

Sally heard that if you freeze lifesavers, they will
melt faster. For her science project she has
decided to measure how fast lifesavers will
melt in water if they are frozen, kept in the
refrigerator, and left on the counter. She will
leave one lifesaver on the counter, one in the
refrigerator, and one in the freezer over night.
The next morning, she puts each of them in a
separate bowl of water. Every two hours, she
checks the progress and records the
If Sally wanted to do this as an accurate
Science Fair project, what would she have to

A. Sally needs approval from her teacher

B. Sally needs to use the same brand of
C. Sally needs to make sure they all taste
D. Sally needs to do it at the same time of
If Sally wanted to do this as an accurate
Science Fair project, what would she have to

A. Sally needs approval from her teacher

need, but looking for accurate
B. Sally needs to use the same brand of
C. Sally needs to make sure they all taste
good. opinion
D. Sally needs to do it at the same time of
day. If in controlled environment like house,
not needed
What is the outcome (dependent) variable in
the experiment?

A. the temperature the lifesaver is kept in

B. the rate at which it melts
C. the brand of lifesavers
D. the amount of water in the bowls
What is the outcome (dependent) variable in
the experiment?

A. the temperature the lifesaver is kept in

overnight test (independent, I control)
B. the rate at which it melts
C. the brand of lifesavers constant, doesnt
D. the amount of water in the bowls constant,
doesnt change
What is the test (independent) variable in the

A. the temperature the lifesaver is kept in

B. the color of lifesavers used
C. the brand of lifesavers
D. time of day she does the experiment
What is the test (independent) variable in the

A. the temperature the lifesaver is kept

in overnight
B. the color of lifesavers used doesnt matter
or constant
C. the brand of lifesavers constant, doesnt
D. time of day she does the experiment
doesnt matter or constant
If Sallys class wanted to repeat the
experiment, how would they alter it to verify
the results?

A. Run the same experiment but use a

different brand.
B. Run the same experiment using a different
type of candy.
C. Run the experiment at the same
D. Run the experiment at a different time of
If Sallys class wanted to repeat the
experiment, how would they alter it to verify
the results?

A. Run the same experiment but use a

different brand.
B. Run the same experiment using a different
type of candy.
C. Run the experiment at the same
D. Run the experiment at a different time of
Hayley is conducting an experiment to
determine if the shape of a container affects
the rate water evaporates. Why is it
important that she keeps accurate notes
about her procedures and results? (1.2)
A. To repeat the same experiment to
determine if her results are valid.
B. To prevent other scientists from getting
credit for her experiment.
C. To make sure that others will pay attention
to her work.
D. To prove that Hayley conducted the
Hayley is conducting an experiment to
determine if the shape of a container affects
the rate water evaporates. Why is it important
that she keeps accurate notes about her
procedures and results? (1.2)
A. To repeat the same experiment to
determine if her results are valid.
B. To prevent other scientists from getting
credit for her experiment.
C. To make sure that others will pay attention
to her work.
D. To prove that Hayley conducted the
Glaciers are large frozen bodies of ice that are
slowly flowing downhill. As it travels, it
changes earths surface by creating new land
formations. If you were studying glaciers,
where would be the best place to conduct
your research? (1.3)

A. laboratory
B. classroom
C. at the glacier
D. library
Glaciers are large frozen bodies of ice that are
slowly flowing downhill. As it travels, it
changes earths surface by creating new land
formations. If you were studying glaciers,
where would be the best place to conduct
your research? (1.3)

A. laboratory
B. classroom
C. at the glacier thats where it actually
D. library
Which of the following uses scientific
thinking? (2.1)

A. Voting for a Voice contestant.

B. Choosing what to wear to school.
C. Figuring out how to build a working TV
remote out of LEGOs.
D. Following a recipe.
Which of the following uses scientific
thinking? (2.1)

A. Voting for a Voice contestant. Just opinion

B. Choosing what to wear to school. Just
C. Figuring out how to build a working
TV remote out of LEGOs.
D. Following a recipe. Basic thought since
following and not creating
1665, Robert Hooke first viewed a cell under a
microscope. His observations were
developed into the cell theory, which has
changed throughout the years. Why do
theories change over time? (2.2)

A. Scientists are always making new

observations which leads to new evidence.
B. New technology provides no new data.
C. Scientists dont read about each others
D. Once a theory is written it never changes
1665, Robert Hooke first viewed a cell under a
microscope. His observations were
developed into the cell theory, which has
changed throughout the years. Why do
theories change over time? (2.2)

A. Scientists are always making new

observations which leads to new
B. New technology provides no new data.
C. Scientists dont read about each others
D. Once a theory is written it never changes
# 10
Sir Isaac Newton first published his ideas
about gravity in 1687. Why are his ideas so
durable? (2.2)

A. They are open to change.

B. They have been written about many times.

C. They are observed every day.

D. They have been talked about since that
# 10
Sir Isaac Newton first published his ideas
about gravity in 1687. Why are his ideas so
durable (lasts a long time)? (2.2)

A. They are open to change.

B. They have been written about many times.

C. They are observed every day.

D. They have been talked about since that
# 11
Scientists come from different backgrounds.
(2.3) Circle True or False.
# 11
Scientists come from different backgrounds.
(2.3) Circle True or False.
# 12
Which of the following terms is another name
for a well-supported and widely accepted
explanation of nature? (3.1)
A. Scientific problem.
B. Scientific hypothesis.
C. Scientific theory.
D. Scientific law.
# 12
Which of the following terms is another name
for a well-supported and widely accepted
explanation of nature? (3.1)
A. Scientific problem.
B. Scientific hypothesis.
C. Scientific theory.
D. Scientific law.

This is the definition of a scientific theory.

# 13
Which of the following is a scientific law?
(3.32, 3.3)

A. The Law of the Jungle because it explains

who rules the jungle
B. The Traffic Law because it helps us not to
get into car accidents.
C. The Law of Right from Wrong because it
helps us to get along with each other
D. The Law of Gravity because it explains the
force that draws objects to the center of the
# 13
Which of the following is a scientific law?
(3.32, 3.3)

A. The Law of the Jungle because it explains

who rules the jungle made by animal instinct
B. The Traffic Law because it helps us not to
get into car accidents. Man made
C. The Law of Right from Wrong because it
helps us to get along with each other man
D. The Law of Gravity because it explains
the force that draws objects to the center
of the Earth cant break gravity
# 14
Ms. Ottley is training for the Olympics. In
order to study in greater detail how fast she is
running from the start, she has collected data
and turned it into a graph. This is an example
of what kind of model? (3.4)

A. Physical Model
B. Experiment Model
C. Mathematical Model
D. Observation Model
# 14
Ms. Ottley is training for the Olympics. In
order to study in greater detail how fast she is
running from the start, she has collected data
and turned it into a graph. This is an example
of what kind of model? (3.4)

A. Physical Model something you can touch

B. Experiment Model no such thing

C. Mathematical Model graphs, charts,
D. Observation Model no such thing
Erosion Deposition

Physical Weathering Chemical

# 15
A river carrying sediment downstream is an
example of (6.1)

A. deposition because it has laid down the

B. erosion because it is carrying the sediment
C. physical weathering because it is
physically breaking down the sediment.
D. chemical weathering because it is
chemically breaking down the sediment.
# 15
A river carrying sediment downstream is an
example of (6.1)

A. deposition because it has laid down the

B. erosion because it is carrying the
sediment away.
C. physical weathering because it is
physically breaking down the sediment.
D. chemical weathering because it is
chemically breaking down the sediment.
# 16
Which of the following landforms is NOT found
in Florida? (6.2)

A. dunes
B. mountains
C. rivers
D. lakes
# 16
Which of the following landforms is NOT
found in Florida? (6.2)

A. dunes
B. mountains duh..
C. rivers
D. lakes
7.1 Heat Transfer
Radiation Conduction
# 17
The Earth receives heat and light energy that
travels from the Sun. When you are at the
beach you can feel the warmth from the sun.
Which of the following is the correct
classification for this energy? (7.1)

A. radiation
B. nuclear
C. kinetic
D. electrical
# 17
The Earth receives heat and light energy that
travels from the Sun. When you are at the
beach you can feel the warmth from the sun.
Which of the following is the correct
classification for this energy? (7.1)

A. radiation
B. nuclear
C. kinetic
D. electrical
# 18
What type of heat transfer takes place in a
gas? (7.1)

A. Convection
B. Conduction
C. Radiation
D. Global warming
# 18
What type of heat transfer takes place in a
gas? (7.1)

A. Convection
B. Conduction touch
C. Radiation sun
D. Global warming not a type of heat transfer
What would happen to an ice cube?
if you added heat
It would melt into
liquid water.
What would happen to liquid water?
if you added heat
It would boil and
eventually evaporate
into water vapor
# 19
An ice cube is placed inside a metal pot and
placed on a stove. After a period of time, the
cube of ice melts into liquid water and then
begins to evaporate into water vapor. Which of
the following correctly describes the changes in
the states of matter? (7.1)
A. Heat is added to change from liquid to gas,
and then gas to solid.
B. Heat is taken away to change from solid to
liquid, and then liquid to gas.
C. Heat is added to change from solid to liquid,
and then liquid to gas.
D. Heat is taken away to change from liquid to
gas, and then gas to solid.
# 19
An ice cube is placed inside a metal pot and
placed on a stove. After a period of time, the
cube of ice melts into liquid water and then
begins to evaporate into water vapor. Which of
the following correctly describes the changes in
the states of matter? (7.1)
A. Heat is added to change from liquid to gas,
and then gas to solid.
B. Heat is taken away to change from solid to
liquid, and then liquid to gas.
C. Heat is added to change from solid to
liquid, and then liquid to gas.
D. Heat is taken away to change from liquid to
gas, and then gas to solid.
# 20
One morning, Ryan noticed there were tiny
drops of water on the grass as he walked to
school. That afternoon, he did not see any
drops of water on the grass when he returned
home. Which of the following best explains
what happened to the drops of water? (7.2)
A. The heat from the air caused the water
drops to boil.
B. The air cooled the water and caused the
drops to freeze.
C. The Sun heated the water and caused the
drops to evaporate.
D. The energy from the Sun caused the water
drops to condense.
# 20
One morning, Ryan noticed there were tiny
drops of water on the grass as he walked to
school. That afternoon, he did not see any
drops of water on the grass when he returned
home. Which of the following best explains
what happened to the drops of water? (7.2)
A. The heat from the air caused the water
drops to boil.
B. The air cooled the water and caused the
drops to freeze.
C. The Sun heated the water and caused
the drops to evaporate.
D. The energy from the Sun caused the water
drops to condense.
What is.. .the Atmosphere?

All the gases of Earth

What is.. .the Cryosphere?

All the frozen ice of

What is.. .the Biosphere?

All the living things

of Earth
What is.. .the Geosphere?

All the land of Earth

What is.. .the Hydrosphere?

All the liquid water

and water vapor of
What two spheres .if its raining?
are working
Hydrosphere and
a river is forming?

Geosphere and
bats are living in a

Biosphere and
icebergs are melting
and leaving fresh
water in the ocean?

Cryosphere and
polar bears are living
on ice sheets?

Biosphere and
wind is creating a
sand dune?

Geosphere and
# 22
What three spheres are interacting if colder
winter temperatures are forming ice on the
tundra and animals are going into
hibernation? (7.4)

A. Geosphere, Hydrosphere and Atmosphere

B. Atmosphere, Cryosphere and Biosphere

C. Hydrosphere, Biosphere and Atmosphere

D. Cryosphere, Geosphere and Hydrosphere
# 22
What three spheres are interacting if colder
winter temperatures are forming ice on the
tundra and animals are going into
hibernation? (7.4)

A. Geosphere, Hydrosphere and Atmosphere

B. Atmosphere, Cryosphere and

C. Hydrosphere, Biosphere and Atmosphere
D. Cryosphere, Geosphere and Hydrosphere
# 23
How is a glacier melting showing involvement
in the Hydrosphere and the Cryosphere? (7.4)

A. because of the frozen ice and the melted

B. because living things can live on the
melted water biosphere and hydrosphere
C. because the warm air is making it melt
atmosphere and hydrosphere
D. because rivers can form on the land
hydrosphere and geosphere
# 23
How is a glacier melting showing involvement
in the Hydrosphere and the Cryosphere? (7.4)
Water and Ice
A. because of the frozen ice and the
melted water
B. because living things can live on the
melted water biosphere and hydrosphere
C. because the warm air is making it melt
atmosphere and hydrosphere
D. because rivers can form on the land
hydrosphere and geosphere
The Suns Influence and
Temperature Differences
Which heats faster? First gases

Then solids

Finally liquids
7.5 The Suns Influence and
Temperature Differences
What causes wind? Energy from the Sun
There are 5 things.Differences in pressure
Differences in
temperature because
land, air, and water heat
at different rates
Differences in densities of
air because of amount of
heat energy
Rotation of the Earth
During the day, is Over the sand on the
the air hotter over beach because land
the sand on the (solids) heat faster
beach or over the than water (liquids)
water in the ocean?
# 24
Land temperatures and water temperatures
at Jacksonville Beach differ during the day,
which creates land and sea breeze. Which of
the following describes why the air at the
shoreline moves to create these winds? (7.5)

A. The Coriolis effect

B. Heat radiating from the land
C. The rotation of the earth
D. Unequal heating of land and water
# 24
Land temperatures and water temperatures
at Jacksonville Beach differ during the day,
which creates land and sea breeze. Which of
the following describes why the air at the
shoreline moves to create these winds? (7.5)

A. The Coriolis effect (global not shoreline)

B. Heat radiating from the land (only explains

C. The rotation of the earth (global not
D. Unequal heating of land and water
1. Cells
2. Sense and
Respond to A stimulus is
Change anything that
causes a reaction
or change in an
organism or any
part of an
maintain stable
3. Reproduction 4. DNA
5. Use Energy Grow and
# 29
Katie put a flowering plant on her kitchen
table. The light coming through the window
caused the flower to lean toward the window.
Which of the characteristics of living things is
this proving? (14A)

A. All living things are made of cells

B. All living things respond to stimuli
C. All living things have DNA
D. All living things reproduce
# 29
Katie put a flowering plant on her kitchen
table. The light coming through the window
caused the flower to lean toward the window.
Which of the characteristics of living things is
this proving? (14A)

A. All living things are made of cells

B. All living things respond to stimuli
C. All living things have DNA
D. All living things reproduce
Atoms Molecules
Cells Tissues
Organs Organ
# 30
What are the levels of organization from
smallest to largest? (14.1)

A. Cell, tissue, organ system, organ, organism

B. Cell, tissue, organ, organ system,

C. Organism, organ system, organ, tissue,
D. Tissue, cell, organ system, organ,
# 30
What are the levels of organization from
smallest to largest? (14.1)

A. Cell, tissue, organ system, organ, organism

B. Cell, tissue, organ, organ system,

C. Organism, organ system, organ, tissue,
D. Tissue, cell, organ system, organ,
The Cell 1. All organisms
are made of one
Theory or more cells

2. The cell is
the basic unit of
all living things.

3. All cells come

from existing
# 31
Which of the following statement is not part of
the cell theory? (14.2)

A. Animals and plants share the same kinds

of cells.
B. The cell is the basic unit of all living things.

C. All organisms are made up of one or more

D. All cells come from existing cells.
# 31
Which of the following statement is not part
of the cell theory? (14.2)

A. Animals and plants share the same

kinds of cells.
B. The cell is the basic unit of all living things.

C. All organisms are made up of one or more

D. All cells come from existing cells.
# 32
Anita knows that all cells reproduce. She also
knows that each type of cell reproduces for
different reasons. What is the main reason
that cells reproduce? (14.3)

A. To decrease specialization
B. To create new organisms
C. To increase specialization
D. To repair damaged cells
# 32
Anita knows that all cells reproduce. She also
knows that each type of cell reproduces for
different reasons. What is the main reason
that cells reproduce? (14.3)

A. To decrease specialization why?

B. To create new organisms sometimes,
not main
C. To increase specialization ????
D. To repair damaged cells
Plant and Animal
Cell Protects cell.
Nucleus DNA and
Mitochondr Powerhouse
Ribosomes Makes
Endoplas breaks
mic down toxic
Reticulum materials
Golgi Changes
Complex proteins
Makes and
materials to be
Cytoplas a clear,
m jellylike
Cytoskelet gives shape
on and support
to cells.
Lysosome Only
s found in
Plant Organelles Only
Large Helps give
Central the plant cell
Vacuole its shape.
Stores water
and other
Cell Supports
Wall and
the plant
Chloropla photosynthe
sts sis
# 33
Many animals have a skeletal system that
gives support to their bodies. Plants also have
parts that provide support. Which part of a
plant functions most like the skeletal system
of animals? (14.4)
A. Endoplasmic reticulum
B. Cytoplasm
C. Chloroplast
D. Large central vacuole
# 33
Many animals have a skeletal system that
gives support to their bodies. Plants also have
parts that provide support. Which part of a
plant functions most like the skeletal system
of animals? (14.4)
Skeletal system gives support
A. Endoplasmic reticulum
B. Cytoplasm
C. Chloroplast
D. Large central vacuole
# 34
In order to maintain homeostasis, the systems of
the human body work together to keep a constant
internal temperature. Which of the following
statements describes how the human body
responds in a cold environment? (14.5)
A. The nervous system moves the jaw bones and
causes the chattering of teeth.
B. The nervous system signals the muscles of the
muscular system to contract and warm the body.
C. the circulatory system delivers less carbon
dioxide to the muscular system, resulting in
stiffening of the muscles.
D. The skeletal system produces more blood cells
that circulate through the blood vessels,
increasing the warmth of the body.
# 34
In order to maintain homeostasis, the systems of the
human body work together to keep a constant internal
temperature. Which of the following statements
describes how the human body responds in a cold
environment? (14.5) *Make sure you know what the
systems do!!*
A. The nervous system moves the jaw bones and
causes the chattering of teeth.
B. The nervous system signals the muscles of the
muscular system to contract and warm the body.
C. the circulatory system delivers less carbon dioxide to
the muscular system, resulting in stiffening of the
D. The skeletal system produces more blood cells that
circulate through the blood vessels, increasing the
warmth of the body.
# 35
To multiply, a virus needs the cells of living
things. Viruses are very small. Viruses can
spread from person to person and cause
diseases. Why are viruses not considered to
be alive? (14.6)
A. because they need organisms to
B. because they spread on contact
C. because they cause diseases
D. because they are very small
# 35
To multiply, a virus needs the cells of living
things. Viruses are very small. Viruses can
spread from person to person and cause
diseases. Why are viruses not considered to
be alive? (14.6)
A. because they need organisms to
B. because they spread on contact
C. because they cause diseases
D. because they are very small

****You need to know the differences between

bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi*****
Steps of the Cell Cycle
Interphase Before mitosis
begins, DNA


Beginning of
Metaphase Anaphase

Telophase Cytokinesis
# 36
All organisms are made of one of two kinds of
cells, prokaryotic cells or eukaryotic cells.
Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells undergo
cell division. The two types of cells have very
different processes for division, but they both
begin the process in the same way. What do
both types of cells need to do before they
begin cell division? (ADV 16.14)
A. The nuclear membrane dissolves

B. Copy their DNA

C. The cell pinches around the middle
D. DNA moves to opposite sides of the cell
# 36
All organisms are made of one of two kinds of
cells, prokaryotic cells or eukaryotic cells. Both
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells undergo cell
division. The two types of cells have very different
processes for division, but they both begin the
process in the same way. What do both types of
cells need to do before they begin cell division?
(ADV 16.14)
A. The nuclear membrane dissolves
B. Copy their DNA
C. The cell pinches around the middle
D. DNA moves to opposite sides of the cell
# 37
Which of the following statements about a
single-celled eukaryote is true? (ADV 14.3)

A. The organism does not have DNA.

B. The organism does not have a nucleus.

C. The organisms DNA is in the nucleus.

D. The organism is made up of many cells.
# 37
Which of the following statements about a
single-celled eukaryote is true? (ADV 14.3)

A. The organism does not have DNA.

B. The organism does not have a nucleus.

C. The organisms DNA is in the nucleus.

D. The organism is made up of many cells.

Passive Transport
Passive Transport Active Transport
Diffusion Osmosis
# 38
For organisms to remain healthy, cells have
many methods to take in nutrients and get rid
of waste. Moving these particles can require
energy. Which of the following methods uses
energy? (ADV 14.2)
A. Osmosis
B. Active transport
C. Passive transport
D. Diffusion
# 38
For organisms to remain healthy, cells have
many methods to take in nutrients and get rid
of waste. Moving these particles can require
energy. Which of the following methods uses
energy? (ADV 14.2)
A. Osmosis
B. Active transport
C. Passive transport
D. Diffusion
# 39
On an expedition in the Pacific Ocean, you
discovered three new prokaryotic organisms. You
temporarily name the two that you found on the sea
floor in extreme environments Deep A and Deep B.
You call the third prokaryote, which you found in the
surface waters, Shallow A. Which of the following
statements about these organisms is most likely to
be true? (15.1)
A. Deep A and Deep B are more closely related to
each other than they are Shallow A.
B. Deep A is more closely related to Shallow A than
to Deep B.
C. Deep B is more closely related to Shallow A than
to Deep A.
D. The three organisms are equally related to each
# 39
On an expedition in the Pacific Ocean, you
discovered three new prokaryotic organisms. You
temporarily name the two that you found on the sea
floor in extreme environments Deep A and Deep B.
You call the third prokaryote, which you found in the
surface waters, Shallow A. Which of the following
statements about these organisms is most likely to
be true? (15.1)
A. Deep A and Deep B are more closely
related to each other than they are Shallow A.
B. Deep A is more closely related to Shallow A than
to Deep B.
C. Deep B is more closely related to Shallow A than
to Deep A.
D. The three organisms are equally related to each
# 40
This single celled organism without a nucleus
is found in extreme environments such as the
hot springs in Yellowstone National Park. In
which domain is this organism classified?

A. Prokarya
B. Eukarya
C. Bacteria
D. Archaea
# 40
This single celled organism without a
nucleus is found in extreme environments
such as the hot springs in Yellowstone
National Park. In which domain is this
organism classified? (15.6)

A. Prokarya (no nucleus, but not specific

B. Eukarya (has a nucleus)
C. Bacteria (no nucleus, but not extreme
D. Archaea
Kinetic Energy Potential Energy
Mechanical Energy
Law of Conservation Energy can be
of Energy neither created nor
destroyed. It can
only be
# 41
A ball is dropped from height of 1m. The ball
bounces back to height of 0.8m. What
happened to the energy that seems to have
been lost in the system? (11.1)
A. The lost energy was destroyed.
B. The lost energy was destroyed or
converted into thermal energy.
C. The lost energy was converted into
sound energy.
D. The lost energy was converted into
sound energy and thermal energy.
# 41
A ball is dropped from height of 1m. The ball
bounces back to height of 0.8m. What
happened to the energy that seems to have
been lost in the system? (11.1)
A. The lost energy was destroyed.
B. The lost energy was destroyed or
converted into thermal energy.
C. The lost energy was converted into
sound energy.
D. The lost energy was converted into
sound energy and thermal energy.
*Remember, Law of Conservation of Energy and
all energy transfers make heat.
# 42
The kinetic energy of an object depends on
the objects mass and speed. As the objects
mass and speed increases, its kinetic energy
also increases. Which of the following has the
most kinetic energy? (11.1)

A. a trucked parked in a lot

B. a jet airplane flying on the air
C. a kitten running in a room
D. a car driving on a highway
# 42
The kinetic energy of an object depends on
the objects mass and speed. As the objects
mass and speed increases, its kinetic energy
also increases. Which of the following has the
most kinetic energy? (11.1)

A. a trucked parked in a lot (large, but not

B. a jet airplane flying on the air
C. a kitten running in a room (moving, too
D. a car driving on a highway (moving, jet
# 43
When a skateboarder reaches the top of a
half-pipe ramp, what type of energy is at its
maximum? (11.1)

A. Mechanical energy
B. Kinetic energy
C. Potential energy
D. Chemical energy
# 43
When a skateboarder reaches the top of a
half-pipe ramp, what type of energy is at
its maximum? (11.1)

A. Mechanical energy
B. Kinetic energy
C. Potential energy
D. Chemical energy
Position Reference Point
Motion Speed
Average Speed = Distance/Time
Straight line =
Constant Speed
# 44
For his science project, Eddie is testing the
effect of cold temperatures on skateboard
wheels. For his control, he rolls the room
temperature skateboard wheels down a ramp.
He measures both the time and the distance
that the skateboard travels. He then created
this graph. What is a statement that he can
make about the graph? (12.1)
A. The speed remains the same.
B. The speed continually increases.
C. The speed increases, then decreases.
D. The speed decreases, then increases.
# 44
For his science project, Eddie is testing the
effect of cold temperatures on skateboard
wheels. For his control, he rolls the room
temperature skateboard wheels down a ramp.
He measures both the time and the distance
that the skateboard travels. He then created
this graph. What is a statement that he can
make about the graph? (12.1)
A. The speed remains the same.
B. The speed continually increases.
C. The speed increases, then decreases.
D. The speed decreases, then increases.
# 45
If Eddie traveled on his skateboard 50 meters
in 25 seconds, what would be his average
speed? (12.1)

A. 25 m/s
B. 2 km/hr
C. 2 m/s
D. 25 km/hr
# 45
If Eddie traveled on his skateboard 50 meters
in 25 seconds, what would be his average
speed? (12.1)

A. 25 m/s
B. 2 km/hr
C. 2 m/s
D. 25 km/hr

Average Speed = Total Distance Total Time

Average Speed = 50 meters 25 seconds
= 2 m/s
# 46
Jean- Paul is racing in the famous Tour de France
bicycle race. He is moving along rapidly at a speed of
15 km/hr. Suddenly, a large gust of wind blows against
him and continues for several minutes. Jean-Paul is
pedaling as fast as he can and cannot exert any more
force on the pedals. What will happen to jean-Pauls
speed for the time period that the wind blows against
him? (13.1)
A. His speed will decrease since the wind is blowing
towards him.
B. His speed will double due to two forces being
C. His speed will increase due to stronger wind
D. His speed will remain the same as he is applying
the same force to the pedals.
# 46
Jean- Paul is racing in the famous Tour de France
bicycle race. He is moving along rapidly at a speed of
15 km/hr. Suddenly, a large gust of wind blows against
him and continues for several minutes. Jean-Paul is
pedaling as fast as he can and cannot exert any more
force on the pedals. What will happen to jean-Pauls
speed for the time period that the wind blows against
him? (13.1)
A. His speed will decrease since the wind is
blowing towards him.
B. His speed will double due to two forces being
C. His speed will increase due to stronger wind
D. His speed will remain the same as he is applying
the same force to the pedals.
Gravity Gravity Affects Mass
Gravitational Force
Decreases as
Distance Increases.
How does gravity Gravity can act
differ from between objects that
friction? are not touching.
# 47
Kins teacher has given the class the task of
designing a roller coaster using pipe insulation
tubing for the track and a marble for the car.
Which of the following factors will decrease
the speed of the marble down a slope? (13.1)

A. Friction
B. Gravity
C. Mass
D. Momentum
# 47
Kins teacher has given the class the task of
designing a roller coaster using pipe insulation
tubing for the track and a marble for the car.
Which of the following factors will decrease
the speed of the marble down a slope? (13.1)

A. Friction
B. Gravity
C. Mass
D. Momentum
# 48
Of the following forces, which two act at a
distance between objects? (13.1)

A. Friction and kinetic force

B. Magnetic force and electric force
C. Visible force and unseen force
D. Balanced force and unbalanced force
# 48
Of the following forces, which two act at a
distance between objects? (13.1)

A. Friction and kinetic force (Friction is

B. Magnetic force and electric force
C. Visible force and unseen force (No such
D. Balanced force and unbalanced force
(Could be either distance or contact)
# 49
Marisol has heard that she will weigh less on
the Moon than she does on Earth. She asks
her science teacher is this is true and why.
Which of the following was most likely her
science teachers response? (13.2)
A. Yes, because the mass of the moon is less
than the mass of the Earth, which will cause
the moon to have more gravity than the Earth.
B. Yes, because the mass of the moon is less
than the mass of the Earth, which will cause
the moon to have less gravity than the Earth.
C. No, because mass of objects has no affect
on gravity.
D. No, because she would weigh the same on
the Moon as she weighs on the Earth.
# 49
Marisol has heard that she will weigh less on the
Moon than she does on Earth. She asks her
science teacher is this is true and why. Which of
the following was most likely her science
teachers response? (13.2)
A. Yes, because the mass of the moon is less
than the mass of the Earth, which will cause the
moon to have more gravity than the Earth.
B. Yes, because the mass of the moon is
less than the mass of the Earth, which will
cause the moon to have less gravity than
the Earth.
C. No, because mass of objects has no affect on
D. No, because she would weigh the same on
the Moon as she weighs on the Earth.
Force Friction
Balanced Forces Unbalanced Force
# 50
On a family road trip to Florida, the car runs out of gas.
The father tries to exert a force of 75 N in order to push
the car to the side of the road. The friction between the
road and the car exerts a combined force of 75 N
against the father. What must happen in order to for
the car to move? (13.3)
A. The father must exert more force in order to create
an unbalanced net force in the same direction that he
is pushing.
B. The father must exert more force in order to create
a balanced net force in the direction that he is pushing.
C. The car and road must exert more force in order to
create a balanced force in the opposite direction of
where the father is pushing.
D. The car will never move due to the force between
the car and the road.
# 50
On a family road trip to Florida, the car runs out of gas.
The father tries to exert a force of 75 N in order to push
the car to the side of the road. The friction between the
road and the car exerts a combined force of 75 N
against the father. What must happen in order to for
the car to move? (13.3)
A. The father must exert more force in order to
create an unbalanced net force in the same
direction that he is pushing.
B. The father must exert more force in order to create
a balanced net force in the direction that he is pushing.
C. The car and road must exert more force in order to
create a balanced force in the opposite direction of
where the father is pushing.
D. The car will never move due to the force between
the car and the road.
John enjoys riding his bike. He peddles with a
force of 200 N against a wind that exerts a
force of 50 N. The friction between the tires of
the bike and the dirt road is 25 N. What is the
net force acting on Johns bike? (13.3)
A. 75 N against the wind
B. 150 N against the wind
C. 125 N against the wind
D. 175 N against the wind
John enjoys riding his bike. He peddles with a
force of 200 N against a wind that exerts a force
of 50 N. The friction between the tires of the
bike and the dirt road is 25 N. What is the net
force acting on Johns bike? (13.3)
A. 75 N against the wind
B. 150 N against the wind
C. 125 N against the wind
D. 175 N against the wind

200 N (him peddling) 50 N (the wind)= 150 N

150 N 25 N (friction) = 125N
Final Question!!!!
Talk to your group to decide how
many points you want to

If you get the Final Question

correct, you will add the
wagered points to your score.

If you dont, you will lose the

Final Jeopardy
Everyone in Squidwards family has light blue skin,
Genetics andtrait
which is the dominant Heredity
for body color in his
hometown of Squid Valley. His family brags that they
are a purebred line. He recently married a nice girl
who has light green skin, which is a recessive trait.
Create a Punnett square to show the possibilities
that would result if Squidward and his new bride had
children. Use B to represent the dominant gene and
b to represent the recessive gene.
What is the probability of having green skinned
b Bb Bb
b Bb Bb

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