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By: Alicia Aliaga, Anamika Tasnim,

Celeste Ospino, Evelyn Yao, Sean
Ein, and Tasmeen Arin
By: Anamika

Did you know that 36 football fields of trees are lost every minute? Deforestation is a real
problem that needs to be noticed by many individuals. Theres only 30 percent of forests left
on Earth and six billion trees are gone every year. Deforestation is caused by agriculture.
Farmers cut down trees for space for planting crops and grazing livestock , this process can be
cutting down the trees or burning them. Another cause is logging operation this is when
loggers cut down trees for the necessities in our daily lives. Such as papers, pencils, furniture
etc. Deforestation is also for the growth of urbanization and developed of dwellings.
Sometimes deforestation can happen intentionally, theres natural factors such as wildfires
and overgrazing (exposed to intense grazing damaging the ground) that will prevent the
growth for young trees. Deforestation of any kind will permanently damage the quality of the
land and the growth of the plants/ trees. Deforestation negatively effects and impacts the
environment. Such as the millions of species habitats gone because of this, 80 percent of
Earths land species live in the forest, if tree are cut down their homes are destroyed and
cannot survive in this environment if we keep cutting trees down. Half of the species of Earth
will be extinct by 2050 if we keep living this way wasting and destroying trees for our usage.
Deforestation can also drive to climate change, forest land soil will brittle and dry up if trees
are cut down causing them to be exposed to the sun for two long and damaging the land and
not being able to grow more trees. Trees are perpetual to the water cycle by returning the
water vapor into its environment but if trees are gone they will become desserts. Deforestation
By: Tasmeen Arin

This image portrays how the Amazon Rainforest is running out of

trees rapidly. Soon, there wont be any trees left in one of the
most biggest rainforests in the world. The Amazon Rainforest will
become the Amazon Desert in only a few years.
By: Sean Ein & Celeste
Ospino Charts

The charts placed above show how the population rates rises in the first
chart while the deforestation rates rises as well. The second chart demonstrates
how in the beginning of the 1700s about 400 million hectares are gone in
temperate forest (which are forest that correspond to to the climate change in
their area and animal adaptations), But soon start to decrease from the late
1700s to 2010, as for tropical forest the deforestation rate has been increasing
from the 1700s to 2010 mostly from the 1950s to 1979, showing that tropical
By: Tasmeen Arin


This pie chart shows the percentages of This bar graph portrays the statistics of
their remaining habitat for each area. countries with the highest
Theres not much habitat left for most deforestation rates. As the years go by,
places because of deforestation. The the deforestation rates will increase
chances for habitats in rainforests will go leaving no trees nowhere with a
By: Tasmeen Arin
We have surveyed the students from around I.S.230 with these

Do you know how many trees are being cut down annually?
Yes No

6 84

This part of the survey portrays how most people arent even aware of the amount of
trees being cut down annually. Change cant be made with others having knowledge
about this.

What year do you think trees are going to become extinct?

Around 2050? Around 3000?

57 33

People thinking that trees are going to be extinct around 2050 (and they are correct) this proves
how the cutting down of trees is becoming faster every day and will become extinct very soon.
People saying that trees are going to be extinct around 3000 proves how they dont really have
By: Tasmeen
Arin and Alicia

This is a method of deforestation, wild fires can occur there, some

being made by human cause just to get wood. Trees are used for
human necessities that people are realizing their true importance
in this world.

Predictions and Recommendations

By: Evelyn Yao

Trees are so crucial to our survival that a world without them would be unimaginable. Trees
provide food and shelter for organisms, provide us with oxygen, and is necessary for our survival.
Global warming might become worse causing flooding and erosion.
Endangered species might become extinct in the near future because of their loss of habitat.
Air wont be clean for us to breathe because of pollution
Eventually trees wont be able to grow back fast enough at the rate it is being cut down
To protect our trees, better laws must be passed especially in the US. In some countries logging
has been banned. There needs to be investigations of logging companies to track down illegal
Laws on timber wood fuel, farming, and other forest resources must be advanced and reinforced
to limit deforestation
We can practice the three Rs of reduce, reuse, and recycle. Use paper as least as possible
We could donate to small organizations that are against deforestation to help them become a
bigger organization. Such as Greenpeace who collaborates with first nations, governments and
other forest companies to make the environment healthier and to try their best to save trees.

By: Evelyn Yao

Area of historical deforestation for the years 1995, 2000, 2006, 2013 and
predicted deforestation for the year 2043.
The bar graph illustrates how more and more forest areas are decreasing
about every 6 years and non forest areas are increasing. Business as
usual, optimistic and pessimistic predictions by the next 26 years, less

By: Alicia, Celeste, and

Evelyn Reflection
To sum up, deforestation has impacted our environment so greatly that one day the Amazon
Rainforest may cease to exist. The earth is covered with 31% of forests on land. 1.6 billion humans
rely on these forests for wanting to have our daily necessities of furniture, jewelry, doors, bridges,
bed sheets, grocery bags, wrapping paper, floor tiles, life jackets, life buoys, safety helmets, and etc.
This then poses a serious threat to the wildlife living there causing some to be endangered or extinct
especially in Brazil where theres the highest deforestation rate. Deforestation affects our climate as
well by increasing greenhouse gas emissions, disrupting the water cycle, and and increasing soil
erosion. In other words, deforestation holds many trouble not only for the animals living there, but
everyone in general. In some places deforestation has been reversed. Successful attempts in East
Asian countries have completed reforestation. Reforestation is the opposite of deforestation. It is
where trees or plants are replanted or added to a depleted or diminishing forest. It improves human
life by absorbing pollution and the chemicals in the air . This makes the air cleaner and takes in dust.
It also means habitats for animals are reformed. 17% of forests has been lost in the last 50 years
imagine how much we are losing each year, and not many people know about this, so we are here to
let you know whats happening to the forests around our planet.

By: Anamika Tasnim

The environment is apart of us, the trees are our

lungs and the rivers are our bloodstreams, so if those
trees are cut down and gone. We wont be living any
longer. If trees keep rapidly going away our life span

By: Anamika, Sean, and
Celeste Fun Facts
Forests take up 30% of earths land.
About 48 football fields of trees are being cut down every minute.
There are more than 121 natural remedies in rain forests
Agriculture is one of the main causes of deforestation.
Loggers illegally build roads to access more remote forests to cut down.
80% of Earths land animals and plants live in forests, and many cannot survive the deforestation that destroys their homes.
An estimated 18 million acres of forest, which is about the size of the country of Panama, are lost each year.
NASA believes that if current deforestation levels proceed, the world's rainforests may be completely vanished in as little as
100 years.
300 billion tons of carbon, that's about 40 times the annual greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels, is stored in trees.
Deforestation comes in many forms, like fires, clear cutting for agriculture, ranching and development, unsustainable logging
for timber, and degradation due to climate change.
Over half the world timber and 72% of paper are only consumed by 20% of the population
Over 20% of the oxygen is produced in the Amazon (too bad theyre going to be gone)
By: Anamika Tasnim

The image on the left represents the difference

between healthy living trees v.s. the dead lifeless
destroyed land because of cutting down trees.
The image on the right represents the destruction of
trees that may cause droughts and damage to the
Title: Tree Deforestation Statistics
Author: Statistic Brain
Year: 2016
Title: Deforestation Facts, Information and Effects- Natural Geographic\
Title: Deforestation: Facts Causes and Effects
Author: Alina Bradford
Year: 2015 ( Going to this website will

show you the many creations made with trees and how were so careless ans wasteful with the
products made.)
Title: Solution to Deforestation- Greenspace USA - Title: World Wildlife Fund:WWF- Endangered Species Conservation
Title: Deforestation
Author: Nigel Dickinson
Year: Unknown

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