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Menjadi institusi pendidikan dokter spesialis yang professional dan bermartabat, yang
menghasilkan Dokter Spesialis Obstetri dan Ginekologi yang kompeten dan bermoral tinggi.

1. Pengelolaan IPDS yang taat azas
2. Mengembangkan staf edukasi yang paham, kompeten, berintegritas, dan bermoral
tinggi dalam melaksanakan pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Obstetri dan Ginekologi
3. Memiliki Sarana dan prasarana yang memadai
4. Menciptakan atmosfir pendidikan yang humanis, nalar, kreatif, dan kondusif, dengan
mengutamakan kepentingan pasien
5. Menghasilkan penelitian-penelitian yang ikut mewarnai perkembangan ilmu dan
profesi Obstetri dan Ginekologi
6. Melaksanakan pengabdian masyarakat yang bersifat solutif terhadap permasalahan
Obstetri dan Ginekologi mendasar yang ada di masyarakat
7. Menghasilkan lulusan yang menjadi panutan semua pihak
dr. Ribeldi Bimantara
Name : Mrs. Linda Gusriyanti
Age : 23 years old
Register number : 13 59 49
Date : Oct 12th 2016
A 23 years old patient was admitted to the Delivery Room of Solok
Regency Hospital on October 12th 2016 at 04.00 Pm transferred from
Alahan Panjang Community Health Clinic diagnosed with Incomplete
Patient came with vaginal bleeding
A meat-shaped tissue expulted from the vagina 3 hours before
No expulsion of a fish-eye shaped tissue from the vagina
Its has been 3,5 months since her last period
Last menstrual period was in July 6th 2016
Estimated due date is April 13th 2017
History of trauma, fever and flour albus were absent
Bowel and bladder function are normal
This is her first pregnancy
Menarche occurs when shes 13 years old
Mentruation period occurs regularly from 5 to 7 days in each cycle,
had 2-3 times pad changes, without menstrual pain.
There wasnt any previous history of heart disesas, lung, liver and
kidney, diabetes, hypertension, and allergy.

There wasnt any history of hereditary disease, contagious and

psychological illness in the family
Md CMC 100 / 60 84 20 37 54 Kg 150 cm 24

Eyes : Conjunctiva was anemic, sclera wasnt icteric

Neck : JVP 5-2 cmH20, no enlargement in thyroid glands
Chest : H/L normal
Abdoment : OR
Genitalia : OR
Extremities : No edema, normal physiological reflex,
no phatological reflex
I : No enlargement, strie gravidarum (+), Cicatrix (-)
Pa : Fundus height was 1 finger above the shymphisis pubis,
pain on pressure (-), rebound tenderness (-), defense musculaire (-)
Pe : Tympani
Au : Normal peristaltic sound
I : V/U normal, vaginal bleeding (+)
Vagina : Tumor (-); Laceration (-); Fluxus (+) blood in fornix posterior
Portio : Multiparous, size is equal to adult thumb; Tumor (-); Laceration (-);
Fluxus (+) small amount of lood came out from cervical canal;
OUE diameter 1 cm.
Bimanual VT
Vagina : Tumor (-)
Portio : Multiparous; Tumor (-), size is equal to adult thumb
OUE : 1 cm in diameter, no tissues occurs
CUT : Ante-flexi, size of a ducks egg
AP : Supple left=right
CD : Bulging (-)
Hb 9.3 gr/dl N 11.5 16.5
Ht 28.8 % N 37.0 45.0
Leu 9.92 10^3/UL N 4.0 11.0
Tro 218 10^3/UL N 150 - 400
Eri 4.39 10^6/UL N 4.0 5.0

Pregnancy test (+)

G1-P0-A0-L0 13 14 weeks of pregnancy
+ Incomplete abortion + Mild anemia (Hb 9.3 gr/dl)
Control GA, VS, Vaginal bleeding
Check routine hematology
Antibiotic (skin test)
Informed consent
Consult to operation room and anesthesiologist

Curettage under general anesthesia

October 13th 2016 ; 09:00 Am Curettage was performed
Curettage were systematically & carefully performed by curette spoon
no 8, 6, 2
60 gr conception tissue were pulled out
Blood loss 150 cc

P0-A1-L0 Post Curettage on indication of incomplete abortion

+ Mild anemia

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