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Hatha Yoga

A Science of Body purification

and awakening of Pranic energy.
Hatha - Science of Body Mind
Ha Pingala nadi or sun principle
Tha Ida nadi or moon principle
Hatha is balance between Pingala and Ida
Nadi is Pranic Energy channel or passage

Pingala Ida
Right nostril Left nostril
Sun / Male principle Moon / female
Physical Energy Mental Energy
Represents Body Represents Mind
Balance of Body & Mind

Imbalance of physical and mental energies is

state of disease.
Imbalance is due to blockages in the nadis
or energy passages.
Aim of Hatha Yoga - Purification of this nadis
or energy passages.
Origin of Hatha Yoga
Origin in Tantras
Development in 6th century AD to 15th Century AD
Founded by Great Sage Matsyendranath and his
disciple Gorakshanath.
Reference books
Hatha Yoga Pradipika Swami Swatmaram
Gheranda Samhita Sage Gheranda
Goraksha Satakam Guru Gorakshanath
Shiva Samhita
Yoga Taravali Sage Adi Shankaracharya
Contents of Hatha Yoga

Shatkarmas 6 cleansing techniques

Asanas body postures
Pranayama control of prana / breath
Mudras psychic gestures (inducing mental
Bandhas Energy locks
Shatkarma Cleansing tech.
To remove accumulated toxins in the body.
Homeostasis Balance of entire body and
mind, especially the Nervous system and
endocrine system.
Removing blockages to Nadis.
Awakening the psychic faculties.
6 Shatkarmas
Neti nasal cleansing
Dhouti internal cleansing
Basti yogic enema
Nouli abdominal massage
Kapalbhati frontal brain cleansing or
cleansing of lungs
Trataka cleansing of eyes
Steady and comfortable postures
Aim of Asanas is to achieve healthy body and
stable mind
8.4 million asanas
Most important are 2, Padmasana (Lotus
pose) & Siddhasana (Perfect or balance
Mastery of Asana maintaining for 3 hours in
steady and comfortable way.
Pranayama control & extension of prana
(vital force)
Emotions, desires create blockages in nadis,
blockages dissipates energy, aim of
pranayama is to clear this blockages.
8 types of pranayama in Hatha yoga.
Preparation - Nadi Shodhan or Anuloma
Viloma or Alternate nostril breathing (purifying
the Pingala & Ida)
Types of Pranayama
Surya Bhedan right nostril breath
Ujjayi Victorious breath / psychic breath
Sitkari Cooling breath
Shitali Cooling breath
Bhramari Humming bee breath
Bhastrika Bellows breath
Murchha Swooning or fainting breath
Plavini Gulping breath
Mudras & Bandhas
Mudras Psychic gestures which induce a
particular state of mind.
Bandhas Pranic Energy locks
Mudras & Bandhas control the pranic energy,
which is awakened with pranayama practice.
10 Mudras & 3 Bandhas in Hatha Yoga
Janaldar Bandha chin lock
Moola Bandha root lock
Uddiyan Bandha Abdominal lock

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