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TRIGGER 4: How do we assess Peggys ability to self-

care and carry out the requirements of peritoneal

dialysis? What are these/ and how do these impact on
an individuals life
I. Nutrition II. Constipation
a. What do you need to focus on in your a. Do you have constipation?
daily nutrition? b. What kinds of problems are due to
b. Can you make a list of your daily diet? constipation?
c. How much salt do you use in your c. What do you do when you get
meals? constipated?
d. What should you do in order not to get
III. Exchange room IV. Peritonitis
a. How and how often do you clean the a. What is peritonitis?
area where you perform your b. What are the signs of peritonitis?
exchanges? c. What should you do if you get
b. Is there anyone else who comes into peritonitis?
the room during the exchanges? d. What should you do in order not to get
c. Is it necessary to keep the dialysis peritonitis?
room clean and tidy?
d. What is most difficult for you during
the exchange?
V. Infections VI. Medications
a. When did your transfer set get a. Who measures your blood pressure?
replaced? b. Do you use i.v. injections? If so, who
b. What should be done if the transfer gives them to you?
set or the tips of the bags come in c. How do you calculate the amount of
contact with the floor? fluid you will drink in a day?
c. How often should the transfer set be d. What may be the reason if your fluid is
replaced? not completely discharged? What
d. What should you use for catheter should be done in this situation?
dressing? e. How do you understand if too much
e. What are the signs of catheter exit site fluid is accumulated in your body?
infection? What should be done in this situation?
f. How do you understand whether there f. How many times and at what time do
is a hernia or leakage from dialysate? you make exchanges?
VII. Personal hygiene VIII. Dialysis materials
a. How often do you take a bath? a. How do you warm the solution bags if
b. How often do you wash your hands? you do not have a heater?
b. What are the favourable and
unfavourable aspects of the peritoneal
The well-being
The repetition and frequency of dialysis procedure constantly reminds one of the
disease, favouring self-analysis that exaggerates physiological phenomena. Dietary
restrictions are perceived as the deprivation of the last pleasure" that patients keep.
Body Image
Issues like skin colour, body odour, loss of urinary function, internal arteriovenous
fistula or peritoneal catheter presence, scars, or abdominal distension help patients to
perceive their bodies negatively and with inferiority feeling. And these feelings will
limit the social and family relationships, encouraging introversion.
The frequency of dialysis (either HD or exchange sessions in PD) interferes and
limits the lifestyle of patients. On the other hand, inferiority feelings facilitate physical
deterioration, passivity, neglect, and dependency, often enhanced by the good-
intentioned help from patients family and social environment.
Mental Attitude
Anxiety is always in the background due to daily contact with the disease and the
risk of death. And that anxiety leads to distress, somatisation, obsessive attitudes,
depression, aggression, and so forth.
TRIGGER 5: What is the role of the community nurse
in this situation?
The community nurses role in this situation is to firstly build rapport and a
therapeutic relationship within the community and with individuals, especially Peggy in
this situation, to be able to gain trust. The nurse must be aware of any and all
disadvantages the community and Peggy face that may increase the risk of illness or
decrease their ability to access services and healthcare; in this case the nurse should
be aware and take into consideration that the nature of their remote community and
that they are isolated from multiple healthcare services and education that would
otherwise be available to those not living in a remote area. Also, Peggy is of Aboriginal
descent and has significant increases in the risk of multiple illnesses, including chronic
kidney disease and diabetes. (Treas & Wilkinson, 2014)

The community nurses role is to educate the community in regards to health

promotion and preventative strategies and to provide nursing and first aid care given
the need arises. In this situation, the community nurse should educate Peggy on
strategies to monitor and manage her DMT2 and her dialysis. This could include
common symptoms for her Tenckhoff catheter, how to properly care for and use the
catheter and foods to eat and avoid in her diet to make sure her glucose levels remain
stable. (Rosdahl & Kowalski, 2012)

Moreiras-Plaz, M., Blanco-Garca, R., Cossio-Aranibar, C.R., & Rodriguez-Goyanes, G.

(2011). Assessment of health related quality of life: The cinderella of peritoneal
dialysis? International Journal of Nephrology, 2011(2011), 8. doi:
Muntean, A., Tomita, M., & Ungureanu, R. (2013). The role of the community nurse in
promoting health and human dignity. Iran Journal Public Health, 42(10), 1077-
1084. Retrieved from

Ozturk, S., Yucel, L., Guvenc, S., Ekiz, S., & Kazancioglu, R. (2009). Assessing and training
patients on peritoneal dialysis in their own homes can influence better
practice. Journal of Renal Care, 35(3), 141-146. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-

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