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2017 Comprehensive Review

MPJE Multistate Pharmacy

Jurisprudence Examination
MPJE is a federally registered trademark and service mark owned by the National Association
of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP), which neither sponsors nor endorses this presentation

This publication is designed to provide accurate information in regard to the subject matter covered as of its publication date, with the understanding that
knowledge and best practice constantly evolve. The publisher is not engaged in rendering medical, legal, accounting, or other professional service. If
medical or legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. This publication is not intended
for use in clinical practice or the delivery of medical care. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the presentation developer Is to assume any liability for
any injury and/or damage to persons or property arising out of or related to any use of the material contained in this book.

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 1

What Is the MPJE?
120 questions
100 operational, 20 pre-test questions
2.5 hours to complete
Passing scaled score = 75, total score = 100
Requires all questions to be answered in the way they are presented
Adaptive test examination , questions will match your ability level
based on corrected responses

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 2

Bulletin link

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 3

Area 1 Pharmacy
83% of Test)
1.4.2 Transfers
120 questions
100 operational, 20 pre-test questions
2.5 hours to complete
Passing scaled score = 75, total score = 100
Requires all questions to be answered in the way they are presented
Adaptive test examination , questions will match your ability level
based on corrected responses

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 5

1.4.2 Transfers
120 questions
100 operational, 20 pre-test questions
2.5 hours to complete
Passing scaled score = 75, total score = 100
Requires all questions to be answered in the way they are presented
Adaptive test examination , questions will match your ability level
based on corrected responses

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 6

1.4.6 The Prescription Label

Animals : 4. The name of the owner and the species

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 7

1.4.7. Packaging
120 questions
100 operational, 20 pre-test questions
2.5 hours to complete
Passing scaled score = 75, total score = 100
Requires all questions to be answered in the way they are presented
Adaptive test examination , questions will match your ability level
based on corrected responses

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 8

What are conditions which a pharmaceutical product, preparation, or
device may not be dispensed
Can you define the key terms ?
and dating

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 9

1.4.8 Adulteration
What are conditions which a pharmaceutical product, preparation, or
device may not be dispensed
Can you define the key terms ?
and dating

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 10

1.4.8 Misbranded
labeling that is false or misleading

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 11

1.4.9 Compounding USP 795
nonsterile oral preparation that contains water and must be
refrigerated 14 days

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 12

1.4.9 Compounding USP 797 Personnel
nonsterile oral preparation that contains water and must be
refrigerated 14 days

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 13

1.4.10 Emergency Kits
What are conditions which a pharmaceutical product, preparation, or
device may not be dispensed
Can you define the key terms ?
and dating

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 14

Area 2 Licensure,
Certification, and
1.4.6 Labeling
120 questions
100 operational, 20 pre-test questions
2.5 hours to complete
Passing scaled score = 75, total score = 100
Requires all questions to be answered in the way they are presented
Adaptive test examination , questions will match your ability level
based on corrected responses

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 16

1.4.7. Packaging
120 questions
100 operational, 20 pre-test questions
2.5 hours to complete
Passing scaled score = 75, total score = 100
Requires all questions to be answered in the way they are presented
Adaptive test examination , questions will match your ability level
based on corrected responses

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 17

What are conditions which a pharmaceutical product, preparation, or
device may not be dispensed
Can you define the key terms ?
and dating

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 18

1.4.9 Compounding
What are conditions which a pharmaceutical product, preparation, or
device may not be dispensed
Can you define the key terms ?
and dating

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 19

1.4.10 Emergency Kits
What are conditions which a pharmaceutical product, preparation, or
device may not be dispensed
Can you define the key terms ?
and dating

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 20

Area 3 General
Processes (2%
1.4.6 Labeling
120 questions
100 operational, 20 pre-test questions
2.5 hours to complete
Passing scaled score = 75, total score = 100
Requires all questions to be answered in the way they are presented
Adaptive test examination , questions will match your ability level
based on corrected responses

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 22

1.4.7. Packaging
120 questions
100 operational, 20 pre-test questions
2.5 hours to complete
Passing scaled score = 75, total score = 100
Requires all questions to be answered in the way they are presented
Adaptive test examination , questions will match your ability level
based on corrected responses

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 23

What are conditions which a pharmaceutical product, preparation, or
device may not be dispensed
Can you define the key terms ?
and dating

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 24

1.4.9 Compounding
What are conditions which a pharmaceutical product, preparation, or
device may not be dispensed
Can you define the key terms ?
and dating

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 25

1.4.10 Emergency Kits
What are conditions which a pharmaceutical product, preparation, or
device may not be dispensed
Can you define the key terms ?
and dating

Diesel Tutors 2017 Med Reviews 26

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