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Overview ToT

Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course

Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2014 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel and Intel Education are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its
subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
Tujuan Pelatihan

Memberikan pengetahuan mengenai materi yang terdapat pada:

1. Modul Intel Teach: Essential Course

2. Membentuk komunitas trainer baik itu offline maupun
3. Sharing pengalaman sebagai trainer untuk implementasi di
kota/kabupaten masing-masing

2 Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2014 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel and Intel Education are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel
Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
Rangkaian Kegiatan Pelatihan

Hari 1 Hari 2
Intel Teach: Intel Teach:
Essential Course Essential Course
Modul 1 - 4 Modul 4 - 8

3 Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2014 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel and Intel Education are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel
Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
Agenda Pelatihan Hari 1:

08:00-09:00 : Input Data Identitas Peserta (Google Form)

09:00-10:00 : Perkenalan
10:00-11:00 : Modalitas Belajar
11:00-12:00 : KWLH (Menentukan Tema) - CFQ - GRASPS
12:00-13:00 : Istirahat
13:00-13:30 : Membuat Kelompok & Peran dalam Kelompok (Excel)
13:30-14:00 : Praktik Pengisian Identitas dan Kompetensi
14:00-16:00 : Praktik PjBL + Contoh Karya Siswa (Padlet)
16:00-17:00 : Melengkapi RPP

4 Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2014 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel and Intel Education are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel
Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
Agenda Pelatihan Hari 2:

08:00-09:00 : Pengenalan Portal I T I S

09:00-10.00 : Diskusi & Upload Hasil Tugas Kelompok
10.00-10.15 : Istirahat
10.15-11.00 : Lanjutan
11.00-12.00 : Praktik Aplikasi Pendukung (GF-WS-Padlet-AT) : Ishoma
13.00-14.00 : Lanjutan
14.00-Selesai : Diskusi Strategi implementasi Di Daerah
Modul Modul, Aplikasi & Panduan, Mekanisme Pelaksanaan didaerah, Komunitas
untuk berbagi kendala dan Hal baru.

5 Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2014 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel and Intel Education are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel
Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
Agenda Pelatihan Hari 3:

08:00-Selesai : Intel Easy Step

6 Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2014 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel and Intel Education are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel
Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
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7 Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2014 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel and Intel Education are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel
Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
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8 Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2014 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel and Intel Education are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel
Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
Download Materi
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Jika anda belum memiliki materi modul intel teach

essensial course silahkan download di :

9 Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2014 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel and Intel Education are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel
Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
Informasi Blog
Lampiran :

10 Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2014 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel and Intel Education are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel
Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2014 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel and Intel Education are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel
Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

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