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The Long Childhood

The brain of rats and pigeons could

tell something but not everything
about man
The plasticity of human brain is what
makes man unique
Both science and art are expressions
of mind flexibility
The brain and the baby is exactly
where the plasticity of human
behavior begins
Otak = Komputer?
Tidak. Otak lebih dari komputer untuk itu harus
memiliki perintah yang telah ditetapkan bekerja
Otak berkembang melalui proses evolusi
Otak mengontrol tangan, bicara, pandangan ke depan
dan merencanakan
Mengendalikan tangan berada di daerah yang cukup spesifik dari
bagian otak
Bicara: dilokalisasi dalam dua wilayah yang terhubung dari otak
manusia (1) dekat dengan daerah pendengaran pusat (2) depan
dan lebih tinggi di depan cuping. Berbicara juga dikendalikan di sisi
kiri otak
Cuping besar bagian depan memungkinkan manusia untuk
memikirkan tindakan di masa depan.
Otak adalah alat persiapan sebelum melakukan tindakan
Masa kanak-kanak
Anak-anak sudah belajar untuk memahami
ketidaktahuan dari potensi luar biasa otak
Anak-anak menyesuaikan diri dengan gambaran orang
dewasa; gadis bertindak seperti ibu dan anak laki-laki
meniru peran ayah
Pendakian manusia tidak pernah datang untuk
berhenti. Tapi, pendakian anak muda, yang
berbakat, dan imajinatif akan berhenti berkali-
kali karena
anak sekadar mengikuti langkah-langkah orang tua
kebebasan imajinasi terbatas
John von Neumann
Put himself different from his father and grandfather as
Jewish preacher.
He devoted his life in math, making him famous before
twenty five of age.
Real life consists of bluffing (trick), of little tactics of
deception, of asking yourself what is the other man going
to think I mean to do. (Theory of Games as first creative
His second great creative idea was that computer is
technically important, but one must understand clearly
that real life situation is different from computer situation.
We must be a democracy of the intellect. We must not
perish by the distance between people and government,
people and power. The distance can only be conflated,
can only be closed, if knowledge sits the homes and
heads of people with no ambition to control others, and
not up in the isolated seats of power.
Scientific society
Is one in which specialists can indeed do
the things like making the electric light
But it is you, it is I, who have to know
nature works, and how (for example)
electricity is one of her expressions in the
light and in my brain.
Our action as adults, as decision makers, as human
beings, are mediated by values as general strategies in
in which we balance opposing impulses. We dont run
our lives by any computer scheme of problem solving.
We shape our conduct by finding principles to guide it.
We devise ethical strategies or systems of values to
ensure that what is attractive in the short term is weighed
in the balance of the ultimate, long-term satisfactions.
The ascent of man is always teetering in the balance.
There is always a sense of uncertainty before us. All that
we have learned should take us to understand where we
have come: what man is.
Knowledge is not a loose-leaf notebook of facts. It is
responsibility for the integrity of what we are, primarily of
what we are as ethical creature.
We are natures unique experiment to make the rational
intelligence prove itself sounder than reflex.
Knowledge is our destiny. Self knowledge, at last
bringing together the experience of the arts and
explanations of science, waits ahead of us.
We are a scientific civilization, a civilization in which
knowledge and its integrity are crucial. Science is only a
Latin word for knowledge.
The personal commitment of a man to his skill, the
intellectual commitment and the emotional commitment
working together as one, has made the Ascent of Man

The journey of knowledge development takes long time

Human brain exceeds any brain of animal, capable of
forecasting future occurrence

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