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Effects of the Transmission Network

on Electricity Markets

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington

No longer assume that all generators and loads are
connected to the same bus
Need to consider:
Congestion, constraints on flows
Two forms of trading
Bilateral or decentralized trading
Pool or centralized trading

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 2

Bilateral or decentralized trading

Transactions involves only buyer and seller

Agree on price, quantity and other conditions
System operator
Does not get involved directly in trading
Maintains balance and security of the system
Buys or sells limited amounts of energy to keep load and
generation in balance
Limits the amount of power that generators can inject at
some nodes if security cannot be ensured by other means

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 3

Example of bilateral trading
Bus A Bus B

G1 L1

G2 L2

G1 sold 300 MW to L1
G2 sold 200 MW to L2
Prices are a private matter
Quantities must be reported to system operator so it can check

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 4

Example of bilateral trading
Bus A Bus B

G1 L1

G2 L2

G1 sold 300 MW to L1
G2 sold 200 MW to L2
If capacity of corridor 500 MW No problem
If capacity of corridor < 500 MW some of these transactions
may have to be curtailed

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 5

But curtail which one?
Could use administrative procedures
These procedures consider:
Firm vs. non-firm transactions
Order in which they were registered
Historical considerations
Do not consider relative economic benefits
Economically inefficient
Better to let the participants themselves decide what makes
Participants should purchase right to use the network
when arranging a trade in energy
Physical transmission rights
Support actual transmission of power over a given link
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 6
Physical transmission rights
Bus A Bus B

G1 L1

G2 L2

G1 sold 300 MW to L1 at 30 $/MWh
G2 sold 200 MW to L2 at 32 $/MWh
G3 selling energy at 35 $/MWh
L2 should not pay more than 3 $/MWh for transmission rights
L1 should not pay more than 5 $/MWh for transmission rights

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 7

Problems with physical rights

Parallel paths
Market power

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 8

Parallel paths


P 1
FA 2 P


xB B
= P F = P
xA + xB xA + xB

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 9

Parallel paths

Branch Reactance Capacity

[p.u.] [MW]
1 2
1-2 0.2 126
1-3 0.2 250

2-3 0.1 130

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 10

Parallel paths


Z 1 II 2


400 MW transaction between B and Y

Need to buy transmission rights on all lines

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 11

Parallel paths
A C Branch Reactance Capacity
[p.u.] [MW]
1-2 0.2 126

1-3 0.2 250
1 II 2
2-3 0.1 130

D 400 MW transaction between B and Y

I 0.2 II 0.3
F = 400 = 160 MW F = 400 = 240 MW
0.2 + 0.3 0.2 + 0.3

Not possible because exceeds capacities of lines 1-2 and 2-3

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 12

200 MW transaction
between D and Z
Z 1 IV 2

III 0.2
F = 200 = 80 MW
0.2 + 0.3
D IV 0.3
F = 200 = 120 MW
0.2 + 0.3

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 13

Resultant flows
A C Branch Reactance Capacity
[p.u.] [MW]
1-2 0.2 126

1-3 0.2 250
1 2
2-3 0.1 130

D F12 = F23 = F - F = 160 - 80 = 80 MW
F13 = F -F = 240 - 120 = 120 MW

The resultant flows are within the limits

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 14

Physical rights and parallel paths

Counter-flows create additional physical transmission

Economic efficiency requires that these rights be
Decentralized trading:
System operator only checks overall feasibility
Participants trade physical rights bilaterally
Enough participants market discovers optimum
Complexity and amount of information involved are such that it is
unlikely that this optimum can be found in time

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 15

Physical rights and market power
Bus A Bus B

G1 L1

G2 L2

G3 only generator at bus B
G3 purchases transmission rights from A to B
G3 does not use or resell these rights
Effectively reduces capacity from A to B
Allows G3 to increase price at B
Use them or loose them provision for transmission rights:
difficult to enforce in a timely manner
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 16
Centralized or Pool Trading
Producers and consumers submit bids and offers
to a central market
Independent system operator selects the winning
bids and offers in a way that:
Optimally clears the market
Respects security constraints imposed by the network
No congestion and no losses: uniform price
Congestion or losses: price depend on location
where generator or load is connected

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 17

Borduria-Syldavia Interconnection
Borduria Syldavia

DB= 500MW DS= 1500 MW

Perfect competition within each country

No congestion or losses within each country
Single price for electrical energy for each country
Price = marginal cost of production

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 18

Borduria-Syldavia Interconnection
Borduria Syldavia

DB= 500MW DS= 1500 MW

p B = MC B = 10 + 0.01PB [$ / MWh] p S = MC S = 13 + 0.02 P S [$ / MWh]

$/MWh $/MWh

15 13
500 1500 MW

p B = MC B = 10 + 0.01 500 = 15 $ / MWh p S = MC S = 13 + 0.02 1500 = 43 $ / MWh

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 19

Borduria-Syldavia Interconnection
Borduria Syldavia

DB= 500MW DS= 1500 MW

Economic effect of an interconnection?

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 20

Can Borduria supply all the demand?
Borduria Syldavia

DB= 500MW DS= 1500 MW

PB = 2000MW MC B = 30$ / MWh

PS = 0MW
MC S = 13$ / MWh
Generators in Syldavia can sell at a lower price than generators
in Borduria
Situation is not tenable
Not a market equilibrium
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 21
Market equilibrium
Borduria Syldavia

DB= 500MW DS= 1500 MW

p =pB =p S
PB + PS = D B + D S = 500 + 1500 = 2000MW
p B = MC B = 10 + 0.01PB [$ / MWh] p S = MC S = 13 + 0.02 P S [$ / MWh]

p = p B = p S = 24.30$ / MWh
PB = 1433MW
PS = 567MW
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 22
Flow at the market equilibrium
Borduria Syldavia

DB= 500MW DS= 1500 MW

PB = 1433MW
PS = 567MW

FBS = PB - D B = DS - PS = 933MW

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 23

Graphical representation
p B = MC B p S = MC S
Supply curve for Syldavia

Supply curve for Borduria

24.3 $/MWh 24.3 $/MWh

PB= 1433 MW PS = 567 MW

FBS= 933 MW
D B = 500 MW D S = 1500 MW

D B + D S = 2000 MW

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 24

Constrained transmission
What if the interconnection can carry only 400
PB = 500 MW + 400 MW = 900 MW
PS = 1500 MW - 400 MW = 1100 MW

p B = MC B = 10 + 0.01 900 = 19 $ / MWh

p S = MC S = 13 + 0.02 1100 = 35 $ / MWh

Price difference between the two locations

Locational marginal pricing or nodal pricing

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 25

Graphical representation

p B = MC B p S = MC S

35 $/MWh

16 $/MWh

PB= 900 MW PS= 1100 MW

FBS= 400 MW
D B= 500 MW D S = 1500 MW

D B + D S = 2000 MW

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 26

Separate markets Single market Single market
with congestion
PB [MW] 500 1,433 900
p B [$/MWh] 15 24.33 19
R B [$/h] 7,500 34,865 17,100
E B [$/h] 7,500 12,165 9,500
PS [MW] 1500 567 1100
p S [$/MWh] 43 24.33 35
R S [$/h] 64,500 13,795 38,500
E S [$/h] 64,500 36,495 52,500
F BS [MW] 0 933 400
R TOTAL = R B + R S 72,000 48,660 55,600
E TOTAL = E B + E S 72,000 48,660 62,000
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 27
Winners and Losers
Bordurian generators
Syldavian consumers
Bordurian consumers
Syldavian generators
Congestion in the interconnection reduces these

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 28

Congestion surplus
Consumer payments:
E TOTAL = p B DB + p S D S
Producers revenues:
RTOTAL = p B PB + p S PS = p B ( D B + FBS ) + p S ( D S - F BS )
Congestion or merchandising surplus:
E TOTAL - R TOTAL = p S D S + p B DB - p S P S - p B PB
= p S ( D S - P S ) + p B ( DB - P B )
= p S F BS + p B ( - F BS )
= ( p S - p B ) F BS
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 29
Congestion surplus

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 30

Congestion surplus

Collected by the market operator in pool trading

Should not be kept by market operator in pool
trading because it gives a perverse incentive
Should not be returned directly to network users
because that would blunt the economic incentive
provided by nodal pricing

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 31

Pool trading in a three-bus example
A C Branch Reactance Capacity
[p.u.] [MW]
1-2 0.2 126
1-3 0.2 250
1 2
50 MW
2-3 0.1 130
60 MW

3 Generator Capacity Marginal Cost

D [MW] [$/MWh]
300 MW
A 140 7.5
B 285 6
C 90 14
D 85 10

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 32

Economic dispatch
A 125 MW C
0 MW

B 285 MW

1 2
F13 F 23
50 MW 60 MW

0 MW

300 MW
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 33
360 MW 60 MW

1 2

300 MW
300 MW

1 2

300 MW

60 MW 60 MW

1 2

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 34

Flows with economic dispatch
A 125 MW C
0 MW

B 285 MW
156 MW

1 2
204 MW 96 MW
50 MW 60 MW

0 MW

300 MW
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 35
A 125 MW C
0 MW

FMAX = 126 MW
B 285 MW
156 MW

1 2
204 MW 96 MW
50 MW 60 MW

0 MW

300 MW
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 36
Correcting the economic dispatch
Additional generation at bus 2

0.6 MW
1 MW 1 MW

1 2

0.4 MW

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 37

1 2
360 MW 60 MW
156 MW

204 MW 96 MW

300 MW

50 MW 50 MW
30 MW

1 2

3 1 2
310 MW 10 MW
126 MW

184 MW 116 MW

300 MW
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 38
Correcting the economic dispatch
Additional generation at bus 3

1 MW

0.4 MW
1 2
0.6 MW

1 MW

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 39

1 2
360 MW 60 MW
156 MW

204 MW 96 MW

300 MW

75 MW
30 MW
1 45 MW 2

1 2
285 MW 60 MW
75 MW 126 MW

159 MW 66 MW

225 MW
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 40
Cost of the dispatches

Economic dispatch: 2,647.50 $/h

Redispatch generator 2: 2,972.50 $/h
Redispatch generator 3: 2,835.00 $/h
Cost of security: 187.50 $/h

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 41

Security constrained dispatch
A 50 MW C
0 MW

B 285 MW
126 MW

1 2
159 MW 66 MW
50 MW 60 MW

75 MW

300 MW
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 42
Nodal prices

Cost of supplying an additional MW of load at a

particular node without violating the security
Start from the security constrained dispatch

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 43

Nodal prices
A 50 MW C
0 MW

B 285 MW

1 159 MW 2
66 MW
50 MW 60 MW

Node 1:
75 MW
A is cheapest
300 MW generator
p 1 = MC A = 7.50 $ / MWh
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 44
Nodal prices
A 50 MW C
0 MW

B 285 MW

1 159 MW 2 60 MW
66 MW
50 MW
Node 3
A is cheaper than D
Increasing A would overload
75 MW
line 1-2
300 MW D is cheaper than C
Increase D by 1 MW
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington
p 3 = MC D = 10 $ / MWh 45
Nodal prices
A 50 MW C
0 MW

B 285 MW

1 159 MW 2
66 MW
50 MW 60 MW

Node 2
3 C is very expensive
75 MW Increasing A or D would
D overload line 1-2
300 MW

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 46

Nodal price at node 2
0.6 MW
1 MW 1 MW

1 0.4 MW

1 MW

0.2 MW
1 0.8 MW 2


2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 47

Nodal price at node 2

Increase generation at node 3 AND decrease

generation at node 1
DF12 =0

DP1 DP2 = 1 MW

1 2

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 48
Nodal price using superposition
0.6 MW
DP1 + DP 3 = DP2 = 1 MW
1 MW 1 MW

0.4 MW
0.6 DP1 + 0.2 DP3 = DF12 = 0 MW
1 2

DP1 = -0.5 MW
DP3 = 1.5 MW
1 MW

0.2 MW

1 0.8 MW 2

1 MW p 2 = 1.5 MC D - 0.5 MC A = 11.25 $ / MWh

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 49

Generators A and D are marginal generators
because they supply the next MW of load at the
bus where they are located
Generators B and C are not marginal
Unconstrained system: 1 marginal generator
m constraints: m+1 marginal generators
Prices at nodes where there is no marginal
generator are set by a linear combination of the
prices at the other nodes

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 50

Summary for three-bus system

Bus 1 Bus 2 Bus 3 System

Consumption [MW] 50 60 300 410
Production [MW] 335 0 75 410
Nodal marginal price [$/MWh] 7.50 11.25 10.00 -
Consumer payments [$/h] 375.00 675.00 3,000.00 4,050.00
Producer revenues [$/h] 2,512.50 0.00 750.00 3,262.50
Merchandising surplus [$/h] 787.50
(= congestion surplus)

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 51

Counter-intuitive flows
A 50 MW C
1=7.50 $/MWh 0 MW

B 285 MW
126 MW 2=11.25 $/MWh

1 2
159 MW 66 MW
50 MW 60 MW

Power flows from

3=10.00 $/MWh 3 high price to low
75 MW
300 MW
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 52
Counter-intuitive prices

Prices at nodes without a marginal generator can

be higher or lower than prices at the other nodes
Nodal prices can even be negative!
Predicting nodal prices requires calculations
Strategically placed generators can control prices
Network congestion helps generators exert market

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 53

Effect of losses on prices
1 2

variable S 2
P2 +Q2 R
=I R R= R P = K P
2 2 2
V V 2
V 2

G( D) = D + L = D + K D

DG = G( D + DD) - G( D) = DD + 2 DD DK = (1+ 2 D K ) DD

DC = c (1 + 2D K ) DD
p1 = c
= c (1 + 2D K ) p 2 = p 1 (1 + 2 DK )
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 54
Losses between Borduria & Syldavia

PS = D S - FBS PB = D B + FBS + K FBS


Minimization of the total cost

With losses
No losses


Generation Cost [$/h]






























Power Transfer [MW]

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 55

Mathematical Formulation
of Nodal Pricing

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington


Independent System Operator needs systematic

method to calculate prices
Constrained optimization problem
Maximization of global welfare
Assume perfect competition

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 57

One-bus network
D Total demand of the consumers
P Total production of the generators
B(D) Consumers benefit function
C(P) Producers cost function
B(D) - C(P) Global welfare

Maximize B(D) - C(P)

Subject to: P-D= 0

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 58

One-bus network
Lagrangian: (D, P, p ) = B(D) - C(P) + p (P - D)

Optimality conditions:
-p = 0
D dD dB dC
dC = =p
- +p = 0 dD dP
P dP

Consumption and production increase
up to the point where marginal value =
marginal cost = price
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 59
Network of infinite capacity with losses

I k = Pk - Dk : net injection at bus k

Network creates economic welfare by allowing trades between
nodes with positive injections and nodes with negative injections

Ik < 0 Benefits of consumers at node k

Wk (I k )
Ik > 0 - Cost of producers at node k

W = Wk (I k ) : Global welfare

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 60

Network of infinite capacity with losses
Welfare maximization: max (W ) = max Wk (I k )
Ik Ik
Alternative formulations:

n n
min ( -W ) = min [ -Wk (I k )] = min Ck (I k )
Ik Ik
k=1 I k k=1

Assumes that:
Demands are insensitive to prices
Loads are constant
Hence consumers benefits are constant
Equivalent to Optimal Power Flow problem
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 61
Network of infinite capacity with losses

min Ck (I k )
No constraints on network flows because infinite capacity
Total generation = total load + losses
Net injection = total losses in the branches of the network

I k = L(I1 , I 2 , .. I n-1 )

(Bus n is the slack bus)

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 62
Network of infinite capacity with losses
= Ck (I k ) + p L ( I1 , I 2 , .. , I n-1 ) - I k
k=1 k=1
dCk L
+p -1 = 0
I k dI k I k dCk dCn L L
= 1- = p 1-
dI k dI n I k I k
-p = 0
I n dI n k = 1, .. n - 1

L ( I1 , I 2 , .. , I n-1 ) - I k = 0
p k=1
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 63
Network of infinite capacity with losses

dCk dCn L L
= 1- = p 1- k = 1, .. n -1
dI k dI n I k I k

Nodal price at bus k is related to the nodal price at the slack bus

L dCk dCn
>0 <
I k dI k dI n

If the injection at a bus increases the losses, the price at that node
will be less than the price at the slack bus
Penalizes the generators at that bus
Encourages consumers at that bus

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 64

Network of finite capacity

Limits on line flows: Fl ( I1, I 2 , .. I n-1 ) Fl max

l = 1, .. m

= Ck (I k ) + p L ( I1 , I 2 , .. , I n-1 ) - I k
k=1 k=1
+ ml Fl max
- Fl ( I1 , I 2 , .. , I n-1 )

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 65

Network of finite capacity
= Ck (I k ) + p L ( I1 , I 2 , .. , I n-1 ) - I k + ml Fl max - Fl ( I1 , I 2 , .. , I n-1 )
k=1 k=1 l=1
dCk L m Fl
+p - 1 - ml =0 k = 1, .. n - 1
I k dI k I k l=1 I k
-p = 0
I n dI n
L ( I1 , I 2 , .. , I n-1 ) - I k = 0
p k=1

Fl max - Fl ( I1 , I 2 , .. I n-1 ) 0 l = 1, .. m
ml Fl max - Fl ( I1, I 2 , .. I n-1 ) = 0 ; ml 0 l = 1, .. m
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 66
Assume that only line i is congested
mi 0; m j = 0 for j i
dCk L Fi
= p 1- + mi k = 1, .. n -1
dI k I k I k
dI n Price at all buses (except
n slack bus) is affected by
I k = L ( I1 , I 2 , .. , I n-1 ) the congestion on one line.

Fi ( I1, I 2 , .. I n-1 ) = Fi max

; mi > 0

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 67

Network of finite capacity: DC model
DC power flow:
I i = yij q i - q j ) i = 1, .. n

Line flows: (
Fij = yij q i - q j ) i, j = 1, .. n

Line flow constraints: (

yij q i - q j F ) max
ij i, j = 1, .. n

Lagrangian function
n n
n n
= Ci (I i ) + p i yij (q i - q j ) - I i + mij Fijmax - yij (q i - q j )
i=1 i=1 j=1 i=1 j=1
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 68
Network of finite capacity: DC model
n n
n n
= Ci (I i ) + p i yij (q i - q j ) - I i + mij Fij - yij (q i - q j )

i=1 i=1 j=1 i=1 j=1

- p i = 0 i = 1, .. n
I i dI i

( )
yij p i - p j + mij - m ji = 0 i = 1, .. n -1 (Slack at bus n)
q i j=1

yij q i - q j - I i = 0 i = 1, .. n
p i j=1

Fijmax - yij (q i - q j ) 0 i, j = 1, .. n
mij Fijmax - yij (q i - q j ) = 0 ; mij 0 i, j = 1, .. n
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 69

m binding constraints m+1 marginal generators

Price at these buses determined using dCi
- pi = 0
m+1 known prices
n-m-1 unknown prices
m unknown Lagrange multipliers mij
Use the second optimality condition to determine
these prices and shadow prices:

yij p i - p j + mij - m ji = 0
q i j=1
) i = 1, .. n -1 (Slack at bus n)

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 70


y (p ij i - p j + mij - m ji = 0 ) i = 1, .. n -1

K: set of buses where the price is known

U: set of buses where the price is unknown
Yiip i - yijp j + yij ( mij - m ji ) = yijp j i U; i slack bus
jU j=1 jK

- yijp j + yij ( mij - m ji ) = -Yiip i + yijp j i K; i slack bus
jU j=1 jK

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 71


1 2

dC A
p1 = = 7.5$/MWh

Marginal generators at buses 1 & 3
dC D
p3 = = 10.0 $/MWh
Price at bus 2 is unknown dPD
m12 is also unknown K = {1, 3}
U = {2}
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 72
Choose bus 3 as the slack bus

Yiip i - yijp j + yij ( mij - m ji ) = yijp j i U; i slack bus
jU j=1 jK

K = {1, 3}
i = 2 : Y22p 2 - y12 m12 = y21p 1 + y23p 3
U = {2}
- yijp j + yij ( mij - m ji ) = -Yiip i + yijp j i K; i slack bus
jU j=1 jK

i = 1: - y12p 2 + y12 m12 = -Y11p 1 + y13p 3

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 73
Pool trading in a three-bus example
A C Branch Reactance Capacity

[p.u.] [MW]
1-2 0.2 126
1 2 1-3 0.2 250
2-3 0.1 130


-10 5 5
Y = 5 -15 10

5 10 -15

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 74

Y22p 2 - y12 m12 = y21p 1 + y23p 3 -10 5 5
Y = 5 -15 10
-y12p 2 + y12 m12 = -Y11p 1 + y13p 3
5 10 -15

5p 2 - 5 m12 = 25

-15p 2 + 5 m12 = -137.5

p 2 = 11.25 $/MWh

m12 = 6.25 $/MWh

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 75

Financial Transmission Rights

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington

Managing transmission risks

Congestion and losses affect nodal prices

Additional source of uncertainty and risk
Market participants seek ways of avoiding risks
Need financial instruments to deal with nodal
price risk

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 77

Contracts for difference

Centralized market
Producers must sell at their nodal price
Consumers must buy at their nodal price
Producers and consumers are allowed to enter
into bilateral financial contracts
Contracts for difference

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 78

Example of contract for difference

Borduria Syldavia

400 MW
Borduria 400 MW

Contract between Borduria Power and Syldavia Steel

Quantity: 400 MW
Strike price: 30 $/MWh
Other participants also trade across the
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 79
No congestion market price is uniform
Borduria Syldavia

400 MW
Borduria 400 MW

B = 24.30 $/MWh S = 24.30 $/MWh

Borduria Power sells 400 at 24.30 gets $9,720
Syldavia Steel buys 400 at 24.30 pays $9,720
Syldavia Steel pays 400 (30 - 24.30) = $2,280 to Borduria Power
Syldavia Steels net cost is $12,000
Borduria Powers net revenue is $12,000
They have effectively traded 400 MW at 30 $/MWh
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 80
Congestion Locational price differences

Borduria Syldavia

400 MW
Borduria 400 MW

B = 19 $/MWh S = 35 $/MWh

Borduria Power sells 400 at 19.00 gets $7,600

Syldavia Steel buys 400 at 35.00 pays $14,000
Borduria Power expects 400 (30 -19) = $4,400 from Syldavia Steel
Syldavia Steel expects 400 (35 -30) = $2,000 from Borduria Power
Shortfall of $6,400
Basic contracts for difference break down with nodal pricing!
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 81
Financial Transmission Rights (FTR)
Shortfall in contracts for difference is equal to congestion
Congestion surplus is collected by the system operator
System operator sells financial transmission rights to users
FTR contract for F MW between Borduria and Syldavia entitles
the owner to receive: F ( p S - p B )

Holders of FTRs are indifferent about where they trade energy

System operator collects exactly enough money in congestion
surplus to cover the payments to holders of FTRs

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 82

Example of Financial Transmission Rights
Borduria Syldavia

400 MW
Borduria 400 MW

Contract between Borduria Power and Syldavia Steel

Quantity: 400 MW
For delivery in Syldavia
Strike price: 30 $/MWh
To cover itself against location price risk, Borduria Power
purchases 400 MW of financial transmission rights from the
System Operator
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 83
Example of Financial Transmission Rights
Borduria Syldavia

400 MW
Borduria 400 MW 400 MW

B = 19 $/MWh S = 35 $/MWh

Borduria Power sells 400 at 19.00 gets $7,600

Syldavia Steel buys 400 at 35.00 pays $14,000
The system operator collects 400 (35 -19) = $ 6,400 in congestion surplus
Borduria Power collects 400 (35 -19) = $6,400 from the system operator
Borduria Power pays Syldavia Steel 400 (35 -30) = $2,000
Syldavia Steel net cost is $12,000
Borduria power net revenue is $12,000 The books balance!
2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 84
Financial transmission rights (FTR)
FTRs provide a perfect hedge against variations in nodal
Auction transmission rights for the maximum
transmission capacity of the network
The system operator cannot sell more transmission rights than
the amount of power that it can deliver
If it does, it will lose money!
Proceeds of the auction help cover the investment costs
of the transmission network
Users of FTRs must estimate the value of the rights they
buy at auction

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 85

Financial transmission rights
FTRs are defined from point-to-point
No need for a direct branch connecting directly the points
between which the FTRs are defined
FTRs automatically factor in the effect of Kirchoffs
voltage law
There are many possible point-to-point transmission rights
Difficult to assess the value of all possible rights
Difficult to set up a market for point-to-point transmission rights

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 86

Flowgate rights
Typically, only a small number of branches are congested
Buy transmission rights only on those lines that are congested
Theoretically equivalent to point-to-point rights
Fewer rights need to be traded
More liquid market
Identify the branches that are likely to be congested

2011 D. Kirschen and the University of Washington 87

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