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Bible Class

Wednesday, August 30th

Warm Up
What in the World
WHAT happened?
HOW can we pray for those involved?
6 Stages of the Bible
1. Creation
2. Fall
3. Israel
4. Jesus
5. Church
6. Restoration
Genesis 15:1-6
In what stage of the Bible did this event take place?

What did God promise to Abram?

What do you think Abram believed (verse 6)?

What do you think Abram and Moses (the author)

understood about the words credited it to him as
Romans 4:18-25
In what stage of the Bible did Paul write these words?

How do you think Pauls Jewish readers understood

the Genesis 15 passage?

What information did Paul have that Abram and

Moses did not?

How was Pauls interpretation of credited it to him as

righteousness different from, or more complete than,
the interpretation of Abram and Moses?
Romans 4:18-25
When we read and interpret Genesis 15:1-6, why is it
important to remember that it was written in Stage 3?
How does that affect the way we interpret the Genesis
15 passage?

Why is it important to remind ourselves that even

though Paul quotes Genesis 15, he wrote the book in
Stage 5? How does that fact affect the was we interpret
Romans 4?
Preparation for Study
Answer the following two questions before reading the

1. What do you expect to find in this book?

2. What do you already know about this book?

Class Work
Worktext 1.4
Answer the questions under Preparation to Study on
your own.
As a group, open to Philemon in your Bible
Read through Philemon as a group and answer the
questions under Observation to the best of your ability.

1. Who wrote the book?

2. When was the book written?

3. Who were the first readers?


4. What kind of writing is in the book (narrative, poetry, law,

prophecy, Gospel, letter, etc.)?

5. What are some of the major themes or topics covered in the


6. What seem to be the key verses or passages in the book?


7. What other parts of Scripture were you reminded of as

you read the book?

8. What unfamiliar words or ideas did you find?

9. What questions do you have after reading the book?

10. Consult another interpretera Bible commentary,
study Bible, or other study resourceand read the
introduction to this book.

With that introduction in mind, read the Observation

questions again. Add new notes to the Observation
Answer the following questions;
skim or reread parts of the book as

1. What was the authors purpose

in writing the book?

2. What response did the author

want from the first readers?

3. How does the book fit into the

Big Story of the Bible?
4. Consult your second interpreter (study resource) as you
review the book. Make appropriate notes in the
Interpretation section as you acquire additional
information from this interpreter.

5. How has this interpreter (study resource) enriched your

1. What message does this book
have for people today?

2. How might you apply the

message of this book to your
Review your answers in the
Preparation for Study
section above.

1. How has your thinking

about this book changed?

2. How has this study

changed your thinking
about the truths
presented in the book?

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