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Islam † Christianity

• Believe in one god (monotheistic Religion)

• God is omnipotent
• God is the only creator
• God makes agreements or Covenants with
• Humans have the ability (free will) to choose
between good and evil
• Prophets brought spiritual instruction.
• This world will come to an end someday and
no-one knows when
Islam † †Christianity
Islam does not view Christians believe in the
Trinity (Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit)
God as “the Father.” As a member of the
AND do not believe in Trinity, Jesus is viewed
the Trinity  as God Himself.
Christianity believes that
Jesus is a Prophet and the Bible is inspired by
a servant of God. But God and has been
Muhammad is the last accurately transmitted
to the present day by
prophet of God. thousands of manuscript
Islam teaches that the copies. The Bible is the
Bible is corrupt and that final authority for faith
and practice and it
the New Testament does contains God’s final
not contain the actual revelation to man.
words of Jesus but other Christians believe that
people’s words about Jesus was crucified on
a cross.
Jesus. Jesus original
words were thus corrupt.
Jesus was not
crucified on a cross.

The Islamic view of The Christian view of

Adam's sin is of a Sin is that due to
personal nature, Adam's sin all men
what Adam did is are born with the
not applicable to propensity to sin.
anyone but Adam. And according to
That our sin is Christians Adam is
personal and men the first man on
have the ability to earth and also the
not sin and thus first who did a sin so
follow Allah's will. because of this
reason all the
human beings after
him done sins.
Salvation comes by
Salvation is by grace
through an obedient faith Salvation comes only
Salvation comes only through Allah. Only those
through Jesus who obey Allah and
Jesus died on the cross Mohammed his prophet
as atonement for our can enter into Heaven: 
sins. Personal righteousness
He is the source of is weighed against
eternal salvation to all personal sin, which ever
who obey Him . is greater determines
One becomes a salvation.
Christian by: Salvation must be
a. Believing that Christ earned:
died for your sins.
By good work.
b. Repenting of your sins.
c. Confessing your faith in By almsgiving
Jesus as the Christ, the One get salvation by
Son of God. having firm faith on God.
d. Being baptized into
Christ for the remission
of your sins.
Islam Islam
Those who kill or are killed by
unbelievers will return to the garden Those who invoke a God other than Allah.
of paradise (martyrs). Those who donot have a faith on God and
Those who follow the teachings of his last prophet Hazrat Muhammad
Quran and do good deeds will get (P.B.U.H).
paradise Those who persicute others.

† Christianity

Those who have believed on † Christianity

the Lord Jesus Christ and
submitted their lives to his
Lordship will enjoy eternal Those who reject
bliss in heaven, where there Jesus Christ will
will be no pain or sorrow, no suffer eternal
disease or death.
torments in hell.
In Islam, salvation is attained by performing good deeds,
following the moral law and firm belive on God and His
Prophet and follow the teachings of Quran. But in
Christianity this is not enough and the role of Jesus
Christ as Savior is essential. Also that Christians believe
that the Jesus is died on cross to save His disciples
(followers). So who have firm believe on Jesus would
attain salvation and get paradise but the person who
have no firm believe on Jesus does not get salvation.
And went in heaven or hell according to his or her
deeds. If one do good deeds get reward and went to
paradise and if do bad deeds get punishment and went
to hell.

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