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Bubble dynamics


At a certain value of the wall superheat ,

vapor bubbles appear on the heater

Vapor/gas trapped in imperfections such as

cavities and scratches on the heated surface
serve as nuclei for bubbles.

In liquids that wet the surface well, the onset of

nucleation may be delayed.
Fluid Properties

Detachment of a vapor bubble

from a heated surface is most
strongly influenced by the
surface tension and the
buoyancy force.

It was concluded by Hatton and

Hall that bubble departure
diameter is most strongly affected
by fluid pressure and cavity size. A
correlation was proposed that
involves the cavity diameter,
thermal diffusivity, and Jakob
Researchers have found it to be extremely difficult to conduct accurate and
effective boiling experimental measurements because of the small spatial
scales and rapid time constants which are involved in the phase change

Boiling heat transfer is one among the difficult challenges for numerical
simulations owing to its many influencing factors, including solid surface
structure, surface tension, the discontinuous flow properties across the phase
interface, and complicated phase interface dynamics.

X-ray tomography techniques can achieve much higher resolution and are
gaining more attention in the research for flow visualization. It can provide
planar solid distribution profiles in a fluidized bed without disturbing the internal

D. Z. Guo, D. L. Sun, Z. Y. Li and W. Q. Tao, Phase Change Heat Transfer Simulation for Boiling
Bubbles Arising from a Vapor Film by the VOSET Method, J. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A:
Applications > An International Journal of Computational and Methodology, vol. 59, pp. 857-881,

Rajiva Lochan Mohanty, Mihir Kumar Das, A critical review on bubble dynamic parameters
influencing boiling heat transfer, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, ELSEVIER pp. 466-
494, 2017.

Verma, V., Padding, J. T., Deen, N. G., Kuipers, J. A. M., Barthel, F., Bieberle, M., Wagner, M. and
Hampel, U. (2014), Bubble dynamics in a 3-D gassolid fluidized bed using ultrafast electron beam
X-ray tomography and two-fluid model. AIChE J., 60: 16321644. doi:10.1002/aic.14393

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