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Cherie Chu (PhD)
Victoria University of Wellington
Association of Pasifika Staff in Tertiary Education (APSTE)
Presentation Schedule
Background & rationale
The research & purpose
Process Kakala Framework
Key learnings & challenges
Pasifika Education
Tertiary Challenges
Association of Pasifika
Staff in Tertiary
Education (APSTE)
To identify, investigate, analyse and report policies,
programmes and practices at institutional level that
implement and facilitate Pasifika community educational
aspirations as well as support the governments tertiary
Pasifika educational priorities and strategies.
To identify, analyse and describe specific programmes and
practice that support effective teaching and learning for
Pasifika learners.
To investigate, analyse and describe internal and external
motivational factors that contribute to Pasifika learners
development and success.
What are the key enabling
characteristics of programmes
that have successful learning
outcomes for Pasifika students?
Tertiary Institutes
Victoria University of Wellington
University of Otago
Manukau Institute of Technology
Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology
Pacific Training Institute (PTI) - Wellington
The Kakala Framework
The Teu Stage conceptualisation: perceptions,
beliefs and philosophies.
The Toli Stage- data collections methodologies-
The Tui Stage - Analysis
The Luva Stage
The Malie stage- relevancy and worthwhileness
The Mafana stage- application and
Appreciative Inquiry
Learnings and

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