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12 Mei 2017 (one day)

S: ithcy and the pain of area foot

O : Vital signs
A : Eritema Nodosum Leprosum
- Blood plesure 110/80 mmHg P:
- pulse 80x/menute Non-Medical
- Temperature 37,8oC
- Respiratory 20x/menute improve the general condition of
Dermatology status the pasient
- Location : Regio ekstremitas superior Medikamentosa
dextra et sinistra, regio
Prednison 5 mg (4 - 4 0)
ekstremitas inferior dextra
dan regio vertebra Lampren 3 x 100 mg
- Size : Numular Vit. C 1 x 1
- Efloresensi : Appearance of skin disorder
Form nodul ertitematous
PCT 3 x 1
multiple, to regio Neurodex 2 x 1
ekstremitas superior dextra
et sinistra, regio
ekstremitas inferior dextra,
and regio vertebra
Result Laboratorium
No. Examinaton result result informationt

1 Reitz Serum +3/Positif location : dextra , sinistra

lobe and letions
Nerve examinations result :
Ulnaris nerve
Anesthesia on the fingertips of the anterior pinkie and ring finger
Medianus nerve
Anesthesia on the fingertips of the anterior portion of the index
finger, and middle finger
Radialis nerve
No abnormalities
poplitea lateralis nerve
no abnormalities
tibialis posterior nerve
no abnormalities
Nervus Facialis
no abnormalities
13 Mei 2017 (two day)

S: stiill ithcy and the pain of area foot

O : Vital signs
A : Eritema Nodosum Leprosum
- Blood plesure 120/80 mmHg P:
- pulse 82x/menit Non-Medical
- Temperature 36,7oC
- Respiratory 20x/menit improve the general condition of
Dermatology status the pasient
- Location : Regio ekstremitas superior Medikamentosa
dextra et sinistra, regio
Prednison 5 mg (4 - 4 0)
ekstremitas inferior dextra
dan regio vertebra Lampren 3 x 100 mg
- Size : Numular Vit. C 1 x 1
- Efloresensi : Appearance of skin disorder
Form nodul ertitematous
PCT 3 x 1
multiple, to regio Neurodex 2 x 1
ekstremitas superior dextra
et sinistra, regio
ekstremitas inferior dextra,
and regio vertebra
14 Mei 2017 (three day)

S: comlplain the patient has reduced

O : Vital signs
A : Eritema Nodosum Leprosum
- Blood plesure 120/80 mmHg P:
- pulse 82x/menit Non-Medical
- Temperature 36,7oC
- Respiratory 20x/menit improve the general condition of
Dermatology status the pasient
- Location : Regio ekstremitas superior Medikamentosa
dextra et sinistra, regio
Prednison 5 mg (4 - 4 0)
ekstremitas inferior dextra
dan regio vertebra Lampren 3 x 100 mg
- Size : Numular Vit. C 1 x 1
- Efloresensi : Tampak ujud kelainan kulit
berupa nodul ertitematous
PCT 3 x 1
multiple, pada regio Neurodex 2 x 1
ekstremitas superior dextra
et sinistra, regio
ekstremitas inferior dextra,
dan regio vertebra
15 Mei 2017 (four day)

S: comlplain the patient has reduced

O : Vital signs
A : Eritema Nodosum Leprosum
- Blood plesure 120/80 mmHg P:
- pulse 82x/menit Non-Medical
- Temperature 36,7oC
- Respiratory 20x/menit improve the general condition of
Dermatology status the pasient
- Location : Regio ekstremitas superior Medikamentosa
dextra et sinistra, regio
Prednison 5 mg (4 - 4 0)
ekstremitas inferior dextra
dan regio vertebra Lampren 3 x 100 mg
- Size : Numular Vit. C 1 x 1
- Efloresensi : Appearance of skin disorder
Form nodul ertitematous
PCT 3 x 1
multiple, to regio Neurodex 2 x 1
ekstremitas superior dextra
et sinistra, regio
ekstremitas inferior dextra,
and regio vertebra

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