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3 . R A I S A E LVA N I TA
In language as cultural practices, we have to
know the meaning of the idea of culture.
There are some people who say that the
culture will only reduce the complexity of the
socio-cultural historical because it can hide
the moral and social contradictions that exist
in the community.
To follow the theories developed by some of the
expert :
1. Culture distinct from nature

There are some common view of culture: something learned,

transmitted, just passed down from one generation to the next,
through human actions, often in the form of face-to-face
interaction, and, of course, through linguistic communication.
What is clear at this point is that in the acquisition of language,
nature and culture interact in a number of ways to produce the
uniqueness of human languages. Culture means the ability to step
out of our own way, limited to look at things and take the
perspective of others.
2. Culture as Knowledge

If culture is studied, then it can be considered in terms of

knowledge about the world. Culture, into what people have earn
the toll different from their biological heritage, the end product
must consist of learning: knowledge, in a most general, if
relative, sense of the term. By this denition, we should note
that culture is not a material phenomenon; It does not consist of
things, people, behavior or emotions.
3.Culture as Communication

Culture is a communication tool to view it as a

system of signs. This is a cultural semiotic
theory. In its most basic version, this view
argues that culture is are presentation of the
world, away of making sense of reality by
objectifying in stories, myths, descriptions,
theory, Proverbs, art products and
performances. In this perspective, people's
cultural products, e.g., Myths, Rituals,
classications of the natural and social world
Culture as communication divided
into 2 part
3.1 Approach indexicality and metapragmatik

the strength of the communicative culture of working not only in representing aspects
of reality. . In view of this, the means (of messages, actions, situations) is made possible
not only through conventional relations ship between the sign and its contents for
example the Word table means a certain kind of material objects in which people sit
and carry out specific tasks-but also through sign-enabled the relationship between
certain aspects of the ongoing situation and other aspects of the situation.

these forms of communicative (linguistic expression, graphic signs, gestures, live

performances) is a vehicle for cultural practices to the extent they either assumed or
founded several contextual features (for example, who is the recipient of what is being
said, the relative social relationships between speaker and listener)
3.2 the metaphor as the theory of the people of the
The studies of metaphor has been primarily of interest to anthropologists who
subscribe to the view of cognitive culture, from a functional view of
metaphor as a way to control the social and natural environment (Sapir and
Crocker 1977) to the more recent cognitive theory, who see the metaphor as
a process "by which we understand and structure of one domain to another
domain in terms of experience of different types

Studies cognitif metaphor as the culture's schemata (or as an expression is

dependent on your schemata) is closely related to the idea that we perceive
the world, including language
4. Culture as a system mediation

The common use of language occur at the same level as the use of generally all
objects that surround us in the community in which we were born and where we
live. (Rossi-Landi 1970:521). This device is meant as mediational object.
A working tools are the things, or things complex, which labor interposes
between himself and the object of his work, and serves as the conductor of its
activities. He utilizes the mechanical properties, physical, and chemical
substances to make some other substances subject to its purpose
The tool as an alternative to mediation between humans and the environment
culture including material objects such as umbrellas and ideational objects such
as a belief system and linguistic codes. Both the ideational structure of
materials and instruments through which humans mediate the relationship with
the world.
Mediation is a concept that is quite neutral in which no subject/User
or/mediate the Objects given prominence.
the mediation system that is used by certain groups in certain types of
Cultural theory as mediation activities between the community and the world
they inhabit (mental and physical) is simply an extension of the idea of
language as a system of mediation.
5. Culture as a system of practices

The theory of practice as a practice asserted, contrary to positivist materialism,

that the object of knowledge is constructed, not passive noted, and, contrary to the
principle of intellectual idealism, that this construction system is structured, the
disposition of the structures, habitus, which formed in practice and always oriented
in a practical function.

This approach is an attempt to overcome the dichotomy between

subjektivis/objektivis in the social sciences by emphasizing the fact that the actor
Subject or human culture can exist and function only as a participant in a series of
activities requires a good habit and reproduced by individual action.
6. Culture as a system of participation

The idea of culture as a system of participation relate to culture as a system

of practice and is based on the assumption that every action in the world,
including verbal communications, have an inherent quality of social,
collective, and participatory.

This is due to the ability of that language must describe the world as well as
its ability to connect us with its people, objects, places, and dates; every
time reaffirms the dimensions of sosiohistoris human action among others.

The indexicality of language is thus a part of the Constitution any act of

speaking as an act of participation in the community of users of the
language. We might come to a common language for the assumption
situation then realized that through the Act of speaking that language as an
established, challenged, and changed.

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