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Sharks are super Unlike many of the
sensitive to marine fish species,
smells. sharks do not have
scales around their
It can detect one body.
part of blood in It is covered by
one million parts small plates with
of water which is enamel all around
equivalent to a them.
teaspoon of blood
Humans are not part of a
in a swimming Their teeth
shark's normal prey. Their are very
diet consists mainly of sharp, wide
fish. They also sometimes
eat dolphins and sea
turtles. designed for
catching and
Colored with Colored with Colored
color pencil water color with crayon
The clownfish is also known as the
The anemone provides clownfish with
shelter and protection. In
exchange the clownfish help the
anemone by cleaning its
All clownfish
A sea anemone may looktentacles are born
of detritus.
like a flower but it is male.
actually a fish- They have the ability to
eating marine switch their gender,
animal. but will do so only to
become the dominant
female of a group. The
change is
Cap the bottle.
Which sea creature has a
blowhole on top of its body?
1. Amazing octopus changing transformation: National Geographic
( )
2. Animal Facts - Do Starfish Have Brains - TellMeWhy Educational Lessons
( )
3. Animal Facts - Do Starfish Have Eyes - TellMeWhy Educational Lessons
( )
4. Animal Facts - What Is A Dolphin - TellMeWhy Educational Lessons
( )
5. Animal Facts - How Do Dolphins Sleep - TellMeWhy Educational Lessons
( )
6 Beautiful Coral Reef Tank
( )
7. Exploring the Coral Reef: Learn about Oceans for Kids FreeSchool
( )
8. How Clownfish Choose Their Gender
( )
9. I'm a Whale ( )
10. I'm A Jellyfish ( )
11. I'm an Octopus ( )
12. sea turtle laying 209 eggs on bird island
( )
13. SEA TURTLES. Animals for children. Kids videos. Kindergarten | Preschool
learning ( )
14. Shark Smell | SHARK ACADEMY
( )
15. SHARKS: Animals for children. Kids videos. Kindergarten | Preschool
learning ( )
16. Staring at a Pilot Whale's Blow Hole
( )
17. SUBMARINE: Videos for kids. Preschool & Kindergarten learning.
( )

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