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1 Corinthians 9:26
1 Corinthians 9 (New Living Translation)
24´Remember that in a race
everyone runs, but only one
person gets the prize. You also
must run in such a way that you
will win. 25All athletes practice
strict self-control. They do it to win
a prize that will fade away, but we
do it for an eternal prize.´
26´So I run straight to the goal with
purpose in every step. I am not
like a boxer who misses his
punches. 27I discipline my body
like an athlete, training it to do
what it should. Otherwise, I fear
that after preaching to others I
myself might be disqualified.´

D stablish your values ± what is

important to you
D iscover your shape ± how God made
you ± talents, gifts, etc.
D ave a plan for your life - stablish your
targets and work towards it.
D To a cause?
D To other people?
D To yourself?
D To your targets?
D To a church?
?Give yourselves completely to
God« to be used for is good
Romans 6:13 (LB)

?Offer yourselves as a living

sacrifice to God« Then you¶ll be
able to know the will of God ± that
is good, pleasing and perfect.´
Romans 12:1-2 (GN)
D It¶s what I was made for
D God knows what¶s best for me
D It¶s the key to satisfaction and success
in life.
?In everything you do, put God
first and e will crown your efforts
with success.´
Proverbs 3:6
D Resentment Toward God
?People own foolishness ruin their
lives, but in their minds they
blame the Lord.´
Proverbs 19:3
D Resentment Toward God
D istractions in our Culture
?The attractions of this world and
the delights of wealth, and the
search for success and the lure of
nice things come in and crowd out
Mark 4:19

?A full thinks only about having a

good time´
cclesiastes 7:4
D Resentment Toward God
D istractions in our Culture
D A esire for Independence
?«The self-sufficient fool falls flat
on his face.´
Proverbs 10:8
D Resentment Toward God
D istractions in our Culture
D A esire for Independence
D ear of Commitment
?Leave behind your foolishness
and begin to live!´
Proverbs 9:6 (LB)
D Compare the cost with the benefits
?on¶t begin until you count the
Luke 14:28
D I give up my right to do whatever I want
with my life
D I give up control of my resources
D I give up pursuing the world¶s values

D I loose the ultimate meaning of my life
D I loose the joy of expressing my God-
given shape
D I loose eternal life in heaven and eternal
D Compare the cost with the benefits
D Trust God to help me keep my
?Commit everything you do to the
Lord. Trust im to help you do it,
and e will.´
Psalm 37:5

?It is God who is at work within

you, giving you both the will and
the power to achieve is
Philippians 2:13

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