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1) What are two options for diapering your baby?
a. Disposable
b. Cloth
2) How do babies get diaper rash?
a. Heat
b. Moisture
3) How can diaper rash be prevented?
a. By changing the diaper often
b. Allowing child to go a short time without a diaper
c. Using diaper rash ointment
4) What are the disadvantages of cloth diapers?
a. Takes more time and energy
b. Need a diaper pail
c. Makes long distance traveling harder
d. Limited in colors and sizes
e. Need plastic pants
5) What are the advantages of cloth diapers?
a. Lower cost
b. Environmentally sound
c. More apt to change infant frequently
6) What are the disadvantages of disposable diapers?
a. Costs a lot more than cloth
b. Environmentally unsound by swamping landfills
c. Less apt to change infant frequently
7) What are the advantages of disposable diapers?
a. Easy to care for
b. Available in a wide variety of colors, sizes, and types
c. Makes long distance traveling easier
8)What is a Merconium?
A neonates first bowel movement. It looks like and has the
consistency of hot tar. Lasts only a few days.
9) What item of clothing is most needed and a must to purchase?
10) What is the most important to consider when buying clothes
for the new baby?
The babys COMFORT
11) What is a basic rule for keeping a baby warm?
Put the baby in one more layer of clothing than what you have on
12) What are the three basic options for feeding an infant?
a. Breast
b. Bottle
c. Combination of both
13)How can the let-down reflex be triggered?
Crying of an infant, or even the thought of the infant.
14)What is colostrum?
It is first produced by the mothers body. It is a thick watery looking pre-milk fluid that is
produced by the breast the first few days of breast feeding before the milk comes in. It
is extremely high in proteins, vitamins, and minerals, and has a large amount of
antibodies, white blood cells, and other immunological properties.
15) What are some advantages of breast feeding?
a. Right proportions of nutrients that the baby needs
b. Easy to digest
c. Always ready
d. Wont overfeed the baby
e. Less constipation
f. Fewer digestive upsets
g. Satisfies the need for sucking
h. Immunities to certain diseases are passed to the baby

16) What are some disadvantages of breast feeding?

a. Illness and stress of mother can limit milk supply
b. Other caregivers may not assist with feeding
c. Reluctant to feed if others are present
d. Mothers diet affects milk
17) How can it be possible for a working mother to breast feed her baby?
By using a breast pump and storing in the freezer.
18) What are the advantages of formula feeding an infant?
a. Similar to breast milk
b. Makes it easier to be away from home
c. No nursing pads or special bras needed
d. No worrying about an inadequate supply of milk
e. Mom can eat whatever she wants
f. Anyone can help feed the baby

19) What are the disadvantages of formula feeding an infant?

a. Difficult to digest
b. Prep time is required
c. More expensive
20) Why is it not a good idea to leave an infant with a propped bottle?
What can it cause?
Feeding time should be a time to bond with the baby. The baby should be
held during feedings. Leaving an infant with a bottle can cause tooth decay
later on in life.
21) How often should you wash the babys bottle?
After each use
22) How often should a baby be burped?
Once after each breast, or after every two ounces of bottle
23) How can you help to prevent the baby from spitting up?
a. Feed the infant more slowly
b. Burp more frequently
c. Feed the infant in a more restful and relaxing setting
d. Hold in a more upright
24) List all baby equipment that is a NECESSITY NICE TO HAVE
a. Approved car seat a. Baby pack
b. Car seat cover and headrest
b. Bassinet
c. Crib and sheets
d. Stair gate
c. Playpen
e. Bottles d. Infant seat
f. Stroller e. Lamp/night light
g. High chair f. Mobiles and decorations
h. Diaper bag
i. Chest of drawers
j. Pacifier LUXURY
k. Blankets a. Baby bathtub
l. Clothes b. Jump seat
m. Nail clippers c. Changing table
n. Cotton swabs
d. Infant swing
o. Rectal thermometer
p. Soft brush and comb
e. Breast pump
q. Baby shampoo and soap

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