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The History of Human Evolution

By: Nala Garcia

Jasmine Ross
What is Evolution?
Evolution is the change, a type of change over
time in an organism. Evolution is the type of
change that helps organisms adapt to there new
environments more.

Evolution is also thought to be a process in which

different types of organisms changed and
diversified to present day organism.

Human evolution is the most important break

through in science. Human evolution, or
anthropogenesis, is the origin and evolution of
Homo sapiens as a distinct species from other
Timeline of Human Evolution
256 MA~ The earliest mammal-like reptiles are the Pelycoseiurs.

The Pelycosaurs were the first animals to have Temporal Fenestra.

220 MA~ The jaws of Cynadonts resemble modern mammal jaws.

It is very likely this group of animals contains a speciea which is the

direct ancestor of all modern mammals.

220 MA~ From Eucynodontia came the first mammals. Most of the
Early mammals where small ad they fed on insects.

125 MA~ Monotremes are an egg laying group of mammals

represented amongst modern animals by the piatypus and spiny
anteaters that split away.
65-85 MA~ A group of small, nocturnal and arboreal
insect-eating mammals called the Euarchonta. This
species lead to the Primate, tree.

40 MA~ Primates diverge into suborders, Strepsirrhini,

(wet nosed primates) and Haplorrhihi (dry nosed primates)

30 MA~ Platyrrhineg, new world monkeys have Prehensile

tails and males are colorblind.

25 MA~ Proconsul was an early genus of Catarrhine

15 MA~ Homminidae (great apes) speciate from the ancestors of
the Gibbon (lesser apes).

13 MA~ Pierolapithecus had special adaptations for tree

climbing. Just as humans and other great apes do. A wide flat
ribcage, a stiff lower spine, flexible wrists and shoulder blades
that lie along its back.

10 MA~ Hominia speiate from the ancestors of the gorillas.

7 MA~ Both Chimpanzees and humans have a layrnx that

reposition during the first two years of life to a spot between
Pharynx and the lungs.

4.4 MA~ A Ranidus which lived about 4.4 million years ago
during the early Pliocene and a Kadabba dated to approximately

5.6 millions years ago.
3.6 MA~ An anallysis of Australopithecus africanus lower
vertebrae suggests that females had changes to support
bipedalism even while pregnant.

3.5 MA~ Kenyanthropus platyops a possible ancestor of

homo, emerges from the Australopithecus genus.

3. MA~ Loss of body hair take place in the period 3-2 ma in

parallel with the development of full bipedaism.

2.5 MA~ Appearance of Homo. Homo habilis is thought to

be the ancestor of the lankier and more sophisticated

1.8 MA~Homo erectus evolves in Africa. Homo erectus would

bear a striking resemblance to modern humans, but had a
1.2 MA~ Homo antecessor is the common genetic
ancestor of humans and Neanderthal. At present
estimate, humans have approximately 20,00025,000
genes and share 99% of their DNA with the now extinct

600 KA~ Three 1.5 m (5 ft) tall Homo heidelbergensis

left footprints in powdery volcanic ash solidified in Italy.

200 KA~ Omo1, Omo2 (Ethiopia, Omo river) are the

earliest fossil evidence for archaic Homo sapiens
The Facts:
1) Human-like fossils have been found in rocks, caves,
dry lakes, glaciers, and other sites
2) Most fossils have been found as scattered bits and
3) The stickleback fish is part of the Gasterosteidae
family and can be found in freshwater environments in
Europe, Asia, and North America. We came from these
believe it or not!

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