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Seismic Inversion for

Reservoir Characterization


Inversion Method

Bandlimited (Recursive Inversion)

Model Base Inversion (Constraints)
Sparse Spike Inversion
Neural Network Inversion
Coloured Inversion
Recursive Band-limited Inversion
Recursive Inversion
r (i) = { Z(i+1) Z(i) } / { Z(i+1) + Z(i) }
Simple math.
1 + r(i) = { Z(i+1) + Z(i) } / { Z(i+1) + Z(i) } +
{ Z(i+1) Z(i) } / { Z(i+1) + Z(i) } = 2 Z(i+1) / {Z(i+1) + Z(i)}

1 - r(i) = { Z(i+1) + Z(i) } / { Z(i+1) + Z(i) } -

{ Z(i+1) Z(i) } / { Z(i+1) + Z(i) } = 2 Z(i) / {Z(i+1) + Z(i)}

Z(i+1) = Z(i) . {1 + r(i)} / {1 - r(i)}
The Discrete
Inversion formula:

Z(i+1) = Z(i) *
Fundamental assumption
which measures the
success of our inversion
Life is not that simple
The earth is an attenuating medium:
Energy lost, Reflection amplitude decay.
The earth acts like a bandpass filter:
Frequency lost, Lost of resolution (vertical).
Rough subsurface layers:
Diffraction, Scattering, Lost of resolution (horizontal).
Noises: Random, Coherent, Natural, Man-made:
Masking our reflectivity information

Violating our 1-D convolutional model

The effect of noises/ multiples
on recursive inversion
The effect of wavelet (= bandlimiting)
on recursive inversion
Model-based Inversion
Flowchart Model Based Inversion
Sparse-spike Inversion

Maximum-Likelihood Deconvolusion and Inversion

L1 norm Deconvolusion and Inversion

Sparse-Spike Inversion Method
Reflectivity Synthetic
Sparse-Spike Inversion Method
Synthetic test of L1 Norm Inversion

Input Impedance Input Reflectivity Spectrum of b

Low Frequency Deconvolution of d Spectrum of d

Model Trace

Estimate Impedance Estimated Reflectivity Spectrum of h

from L1 Norm Method

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