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observations from ground (scatterometer) and space

(satellite) are useful in assessing the variations of
backscattering due to the growth of rice plant.

simultaneous observation is difficult.

Thus, studying and comparing the relationship

between rice plant and ground-based instrument vs
rice plant and space borne sensor is important.
Objectives of the study
To study biomass from rice paddies through analyses of
the multi-temporal simultaneous datasets and to invert
biomass of rice plant from rice paddies in the study

In particular, the scatterometer data are used in the

development and validation of a backscatter model and
NN inversion algorithm.
Q sets of rice growth parameters
, , , , ,
, ,

Growth parameters plus needed

model inputs values
are derived.

Q sets of backscattering
coefficients , ,
are modeled using
backscattering model.

We train the NN with { ,

, ),
Until the RMSE of Biomass Rice biomass retrieval using neural network (NN), the
from NN is <0.5 kg/2 procedure consists of a. simulation and training b. inversion
and validation c. biomass mapping
The validation consists of two
Validation on the site:- the derived
biomass data are assessed with those
measured in the field.

The modeled backscattering

are applied to the NN to output the
biomass that is compared with the
biomass from the growth model.

SAR image classification was done

using SVM classifiers.
Rice backscattering, coefficients are
extracted from rice map and input to
NN to create rice biomass map.

Rice biomass retrieval using neural network (NN), the

procedure consists of a. simulation and training b. inversion
and validation c. biomass mapping

The trend of simulated biomass values

was similar with the observed one,
however, the values fluctuated because
each parameter of the growth model
was generated based on an individual
random distribution function that
reflects the variability of the actual
sampling data.

Observed and simulated biomass values after

transplanting. Eight open circles representing
measurements made at eight stages of the
growth period in 2012.
Monte Carlo simulations
At HH, the modeled and observed
backscattering coefficients were
close to each other until ripening
After that stage, the model
overestimated the backscattering.

At VV, the modeled and observed

backscattering coefficients were
also close to each other except for
the tile ring stage, at which the
measured value was larger than the
modeled one.

Measured and modeled backscattering coefficients

versus rice age.
Comparisons of multitemporal
scatterometer and radarsat-2

The average errors of four

simultaneous observations were
-0.41,-0.64, and 0.87 for HH,
VV, and HV, respectively, and
the correlation coefficients were
0.93, 0.87, and 0.99.

Therefore, the backscattering

coefficients agreed with each
polarization in the rice-growing
although the spatial scale of
observation is different. Comparison of retrieved biomass by the NN and
simulated biomass by the growth model.

Multitemporal rice biomass data measured and NN retrieved


RMSE = 0.582 kg/m & r= 0.983

and the Overall, results show that
a good retrieval performance was
obtained using the NN inversion

Multitemporal RADARSAT-2
images can be used to monitor the
growth of rice very well.

Comparison of inverted and measured biomass

of rice plants at four dates, using RADARSAT-2
images as inputs to the NN.

The inversion result was satisfactory because RMSE =

0.582 kg/2 & R= 0.983 was achieved by comparing
NN-retrieved and measured biomass data.

In summary, using the trained NN, successful retrieval

of rice plant biomass with the acquired multitemporal
ground-based scatterometer data and space borne
RADARSAT-2 images has been achieved.
Thank you for your attention!!!!

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