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Constructing Frequency

Distribution Table
The following are heights in centimeters of
35 students. Find Q1.

124 126 134 138 142 143 136

131 138 135 128 131 146 136

133 120 136 126 137 139 137

141 131 127 130 132 138 142

140 136 132 133 138 140 144

Steps in constructing frequency distribution

1. Find the range.

Range = Highest Value – Lowest Value
2. Determine the approximate number of classes using the sturges’
k = 1 + 3.3 log N
3. Determine the class interval i.
i = Range / k
4. Determine the classes starting from the lower class.
5. Determine the boundaries.
6. Tally the quantities.
7. Determine the frequency.
8. Determine the cumulative frequency.
The following are heights in centimeters of
40 students. Find Q1.

124 126 134 138 142 143 136 140

131 138 135 128 131 146 136 141

133 120 136 126 137 139 137 152

141 131 127 130 132 138 142 153

140 136 132 133 138 140 144 148

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