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The story of birds

By Kyle and Jake

Taxonomy of Birds
Birds are in the Phylum Chordata (Animals
with a backbone).The Class for birds is
Aves. There are 23 different orders of
birds. More than half of the class of Aves
are in the order Passeriformes.
Passeriformes are perching birds. Here
are some examples of perching birds:
Wildlife Ecology
An example of a bird that fits well in the ecosystem here is the hummingbird.
They are pollinators which help fertilize plants.

Another example is the Bald Eagle. They are carnivores who eat meat. They eat
like mice and snakes.

In the summer some birds migrate to rain forests due to the changing of the

A lot of birds eat berries and poop them out to help the plants spread so they can
grow in different areas.
Life Cycle
The birds life cycle is a 6 stage cycle

Incubation- Birds begin their life in a hard egg. One or both of the parent birds will sit on the eggs until they hatch.

Nestlings- Nestlings are birds when they hatch, the parent will continue to sit on the nest and bring the birds food so they
may grow.

Fledglings- Fledglings are birds who can feed themselves but still need their parents. They are independent at the end of
this stage.

Courtship- Some birds will migrate others will stay in the region. Courtship generally happens late winter early spring.

Nesting- Next the couple will build the nest, most of the time it is the female building the nest.

Mating- The couple will mate then the female will lay the eggs to begin the life cycle again.
Natural History KingFisher---

Life Span: Small birds generally live to be about 2 years old but the larger the bird
the more likely it will live longer.

Habitat: The habitat of a bird ranges greatly between species. As long as there's a
steady food source and water source they will be there.

Requirements: Food, Water, Air.

Niche: A favorable habitat unique to one species of bird.

Food chain placement: Depending on the species of bird can range from mid to
Anatomy and Physiology
Digestion: Birds heavily depend on their digestive systems to remain to remain
nourished and healthy. Many birds may die within hours if deprived of food.

Respiratory: Birds have 7 to 9 air sacs in their bodies along with lung. Air is moved
through the lungs from pressure of the air sacs opening and closing.
Pathogens and invasives

One pathogen is herein, a disease causing organism carried by birds or bats which can be transmitted to

Avian Influenza (bird flu) is an infection of birds with type A viruses. It makes bird sick and can even kill

Salmonellosis is another pathogen caused by bacteria which the birds can spread by their faeces(waste
matter discharged from the bowels after food has been digested; excrement).

There are three categories for pathogens:

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