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Leading people

Influencing people

Commanding people

Guiding people
What is Leadership?



ã There can be no leadership without followers.

ã A leader is capable of influencing them.

ã It is an illusive art, practiced more on the basis

of feel than on the basis of knowledge.







ã In simple words if we describe leadership in business

world is that it is same like management both works
for the flourishing the business but management more
works on facts and figures but leadership works on
persons own instinct how much he is able to influence
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Management & leadership
ã [ eadership and management are two
distinctive and complementary systems of
action. Each has its own function and
characteristic activities. Both are necessary for
success in an increasingly complex and volatile
business environment...strong leadership with
weak management is no better, and is
sometimes actually worse, than the reverse.
The real challenge is to combine strong
leadership and strong management and use
each to balance the other.[  hn Ktter,
Management/ eadership Authr and Pressr
 rganizati Behvir, Hrvrd Busiess
Management leadership
ã Processes ã People
ã Facts ã Feelings
ã Intellectual ã Emotional
ã Head ã Heart
ã Position power ã Persuasion power
ã Control ã Commitment
ã Problem solving ã Possibility thinking
ã Reactive ã Proactive
ã Doing things right ã Doing the right things
ã Rules ã Values
ã Goals ã Vision
ã Light a fire under people ã Stoke the fire within people
ã Written communications ã Verbal communications
ã Standardization ã Innovation

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What is More Important?
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eadership Characteristic
ã Self-Esteem
ã Strong Internal Motivation
e ƏFire
ã olerance to Ambiguity
ã Courage
ã ptimism
ã Goal  ientation / Vision
ã Locus of Cont ol
ã Sc eening Fo ppo uni
ã eed o Ac
ëow to Become Winning eader

ã Make People us .
ã Se an example.
ã Be app oac
able and accessible.
ã P aise and c i icize on due ime.
ã Do no ake c edi fo ou eamƍs
wo .
ã Know ou eam well.
ã Focus on ac
ieving ou goals.
ã Mae su e
a eve membe of ou
eam feels impo an .
ã ae ini ia ive o ge
ings done.
ã A leade
as vision.
ã ae ini ia ive o ge
ings done.
ã A leade
as vision.
  ëIP Të I 

ã Charismatic Theory

ã Trait Theory

ã Behavioural Theory

ã ituational Theory

ã This theory is also known as Great Man Theory.

ã It is based on a principle Ơa leader is born and is not


ã A leader has some charisma which acts as influencer.

ã Charisma is a God gifted attribute in a person which

makes him a leader irrespective of the situations in which
he works.

ã Charismatic leaders are those who inspire followers and

have a major impact on their organizations through their
personal vision and energy
Acco ding o Robe House
ƠCharismatic leader has extremely high levels of self confidence,
dominance, and a strong conviction in the normal righteousness
of his/her beliefs, or at least the ability to convince the followers
that he/she possesses such confidence or conviction.ơ

Assump ions of C
a isma ic
ã Leaders have some exceptional inborn leadership qualities
which are bestowed upon them by the divine power.
ã Inborn qualities are sufficient for a leader to be successful.
ã These qualities canƞt be enhanced through education and
ã These qualities make a leader effective and situational factors
donƞt have any influence.
Trait Theory
ã The weakness of charismatic theory gave way to more realistic
approach to leadership.

ã Trait is defined as relatively enduring quality of an individual.

ã This theory accepted the fact that leadership traits are not
completely inborn but can also be acquired through learning
and experience.

ã This approach seeks to determine Ɲwhat makes a successful

leaderƞ from the leaders own personal characteristics.

ã It gives hypothesis on the qualities such as intelligence,

attitudes, personality and biological factors for effective leaders.

ã Various traits are classified into innate and acquirable traits.

u nnate traits
Innate qualities are those which are possessed by various individuals
since their birth. These qualities are natural and often known as
god-gifted. On the basis of such qualities, it is said that Ɲleaders are
born and not madeƞ. These qualities can not be acquired by the
individuals. The following are the major innate qualities :

â P
ical fea u e :- Physical features of a man are determined by
heredity factors. Physical characteristics and rate of maturation
determine the personality formation. To some extent, height,
weight, physique, health and appearance are important for

â In elligence :- Intelligence is generally expressed in terms of

mental ability. It, to a very great extent is a natural quality in the
individuals because it is directly related with brain. Though, many
psychologists claim that the level of intelligence in an individual can
be increased through various training methods
Ô irable Traits
Acquirable qualities of leadership are those which can be acquired and
increased through various processes. Such as, when a child is born, he
learns many of the behavioural patterns through socialisation and
identification processes. The following are the major acquirable
ã 'mo ional S abili - A leader should have high level of emotional
stability. He should be free from bias, is consistent in action, and
refrains from anger. He must be self confident and believes that he can
meet most situations successfully.
ã Human Rela ion- A leader should know how to deal with human
beings. He should have intimate knowledge of people, their relationship
to each other and their reaction to various situations.
ã 'mpa
- 'mpathy refers to observing the things or situations from
others point of view. It is considered as very important aspect for
successful leader. 'mpathy requires respect for the other persons, their
rights, beliefs, values and feelings.
ã bjec ivi - Objectivity implies that what a leader does should be
based on relevant facts and information. The leader must be objective
and doesnƞt permit himself to get emotionally involved to the extent
that he finds it difficult to make an objective diagnosis and implement
the action required.
ã Mo iva ing Sill:- A leader must be self motivated and also has
requisite quality to motivate his followers. Both the inner drive and
external forces motivate a person for higher performance. The leader
can play active role in stimulating the inner drives of his followers.
ã ec
nical Sill:- Leader must have the ability to plan, organise,
delegate, analyses, seek advice, make decision, control and win
cooperation. The use of these abilities constitute technical competence
of leadership.
ã Communica ion Sill:- A successful leader knows how to
communicate effectively. Communication has greater force in getting
the acceptance from the receivers of communication. A leader uses
communication skillfully for persuasive, informative, and stimulating
ã Social Sill:- A successful leader has social skills. He understand
people and knows their strengths and weaknesses. He has the ability
to work with people and conducts himself so that he gains their
confidence and loyalty, and people cooperate willingly with him.
Behavioural Theory
ã Behavioural theory emphasises that strong leadership is the
result of effective role behaviour.

ã Leadership is shown by a personƞs acts more than by his traits.

ã Researchers exploring leadership role come to the conclusion

that to operate effectively, group needs to perform two

(i) Task Related Function:- It is also known as problem solving

functions, relates to providing solutions to the problem faced by
the group, in performing jobs and activities.

(ii) Group Maintenance Function:- It is also known as social

functions, relates to action of mediating disputes and ensuring
that individuals feel valued by groups.

ã Func ional Be
aviou -Func ional be
influence followe  poi ivel and include uc
func ion a
e ing clea goal mo iva ing emplo ee fo ac
ieving goal
e level of mo ale building eam pi i  effec ive o
a communica ion.

ã Difunc ional Be
aviou -Difunc ional be
aviou i
unfavo able o
e folloe  and deno e ineffec ive
ip. Suc
a be
aviou ma be inabili o accep
emplo ee idea dipla of emo ional imma u i  poo
ela ion e c.
mitational Theory
ã Si ua ional
eo i alo non a Con ingenc
eo .

eo a applied fi  ime in 1920 in
e a med
fo ce of Ge man i

e objec ive o ge good
gene al unde diffe en i ua ion.

e p ime a en ion in
eo i given o
i ua ion in 
ip i exe cied.

ã 'ffec ivene of leade 

ip i affec ed b
e fac o 
aocia ed i

e leade Leade ƍ be
aviou  and
fac o aocia ed i

e i ua ionSi ua ional fac o .
ã Transactional leadership ƛ based on
the principles of social exchange.
The basic premise is that individuals
engage in social interaction
expecting mutual social, political,
psychological, and economic
benefits or rewards.
ã Transformational leadership ƛ is
focused on effecting revolutionary
change in organizations through
commitment to the organization in
all its facets.
eaderԂs Behavior
Leade ƍ be
aviou i fu
e affec ed b o va iable-
ã Leade ƍ C
a ac e i ic-
e be
aviou of
e individual
i influenced b in elligence and abili 
a ac e i ic lie
i pe onali c
a ac e i ic
a i ude in e e  mo iva ion and p
a ac e i ic uc
a age  ex and p
ical fea u e.

ã Leade ƍ Hie a c
ical Poi ion-Leade ƍ
ie a c
poi ion in
e o gania ion i e impo an becaue
pe on a diffe en leel face diffe en ind of
p oblem 
e deg ee of pa icipa ion
be een
e upe io and
i ubo dina e in a iing a
deciion o ole
e p oblem.
mitational Fa tors
The various situational factors are grouped into four categories:-
ã Subo dina e C
a ac e i ic:-It includes personality
characteristics, attitude, interest, motivation, physical
characteristics such as age, sex, physical features.

ã Leade ƍ Si ua ion:-The variables which determine the leaders

situation are:
(i)Leade ƍ poi ion poe :-It helps in influencing others. High
position power simplifies the leaderƞs task of influencing others,
while low position power makes the leaderƞs task more difficult.
(ii)Leade ƍ Subo dina e ela ion:-It is based on the classic
exchange theory which suggests that there is two way influence in
a social relationship. If the leader has good subordinates, and good
relation with them, he is likely to be more effective.
ã G oup Fac o - Va iou g oup fac o  lie a
deign g oup compoi ion g oup no m pee g oup
ela ion
ip affec leade 
ip effec iene and
pe fo mance. If
ee fac o  a e faou able
e leade
ill be effec ie.

ã  gania ional Fac o -  gania ional fac o 

lie o gania ional clima e and o gania ional cul u e
affec leade 
ip effec iene. If
ee a e conduc ie

e leade ill be effec ie.
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eadership is Ena ted Throgh Commni ation

ãA Leader should be :

Ö Communication Oriented

Ö Responsive and receptive to questions from


Ö Ask and persuade rather than order or command

Ö 'xplain the reasons behind changes and policies

Types of Commni ation


Li ening

on Ve bal

W i ing
Communication Tools for eaders

ãG oup Dicuion

ãPublic Speaing

ãne on ne

ãFo mal Mee ing

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Commni ation eadership
ã Co e communica ion ill
ã Ac ie li ening
ã I emized epone app ecia ie full
epone e.g. [What I like about it is ....[ or
[What concerns me is ...Ơ .

ã Pa ap
ae e.g. ƏI
ea u a ingƕƐ

ã Maing  a emen  a
an aing
que ion . e.g., [donƞt you think it would be
better if ...[.
ã Manage ial Communica ion Sill
- li ening ubodina e aff
- Facili a ing
- Di ec ing.
- Que ioning cloe que ioning open
que ioningpeonal que ioning

ã Co po a e Communica ion Sill

-In e pe onal communica ion
- public peaing
- p een a ion
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‰eeping the Commni ation Channels

ã Responsible leaders work hard to prevent bottlenecks

and keep channels open up, down, and throughout the organization

ã (1) 'stablishing an appropriate working climate and adjusting

their communication behavior to fit the situation, and

ã (2) Practicing techniques to improve communication in their

Practicing Techniques are
ã Po en ial ec
Active listening.

Being with the audience.

Making words count.

Tone and body language.

Using silence.
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ã Consistent and regular communica ion is key to
organizational harmony. 'mployees interpret corporate
silence in many ways - not least of which is that
the leade 
ip has something to hide.

ã Part and parcel of being a leader is to take hard

decisions; to take responsibility for those and to live with
the consequences. Leade 
ip communica ion is of
necessity honest and open - it deals with the bad news
as confidently as with the good.
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o lead people al beide
em ...
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e be leade 
e people do no
no ice
ei exi ence.

e nex be 
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ono and
p aie.

e nex 
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"We did i ou ele"
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Case tudy Ri hard Branson: m 
ã Si Ric
a d B anon is an iconic and
legendary figure within business circles.
His Vi gin companies span the globe,
while his thirst for brand domination and
sense of adventure tell a story of an
fascinating and thought provoking life
sprinkled with danger, high risk tactics ƛ
that push the boundaries of the possible,
ƛ and an all encompassing purpose.
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ã S epping u ide of ã Mee ing e People
Comfo Zone ã ing e
ã Facing P oblem Head- ã 'njo  Wo ing
on ã Ca ie a o epad
ã pen o C
ange ã Su ound Self i

ã Maing 'e Second G ea People

Coun ã ae Calcula ed Ri
ã Hun ing fo e ã ae ime o Read &
ppo uni ie Lea n
ã Aing Que ion ã ae ime o Ca nap &
ã C
allenging Self Da d eam
ã 'njo  Liing Life o ã ae ime o
ã Haing Fun
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People do what their minds and
emotions tells them to doƦ. The
works on their emotions through
his/her thoughts and actions.
So, our advise to our dear
classmates is to be a future
action L'AD'R

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