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Blood circulation and Transport

Suria Prakash
Blood Components and their functions

What is blood?
Blood is the life-maintaining fluid that circulates
through the body's:Heart.
• Arteries.
• Veins.
• Capillaries.
• What is the function of blood?
Blood carries the following to the body tissues:
• Nourishment.
• Electrolytes.
• Hormones.
• Vitamins.
• Antibodies.
• Heat
• Oxygen.
• Blood carries the following away from the body tissues:
• Waste matter.
• Carbon dioxide.
• What are the components of blood?
Human blood consists of about 22 percent solids
and 78 percent water. The components of human
blood are:
• Plasma, in which the blood cells are suspended,
– Red blood cells (erythrocytes) - carry oxygen from the
lungs to the rest of the body.
– White blood cells (leukocytes) - help fight infections
and aid in the immune process. Types of white blood
cells include:
• Lymphocytes.
• Monocytes.
• Eosinophils.
• Basophils.
• Neutrophils (granulocytes).
• Platelets (thrombocytes) - help in blood
• Fat globules.
• Chemical substances, including:
– Carbohydrates.
– Proteins.
– Hormones.
• Gases, including:
– Oxygen.
– Carbon dioxide.
– Nitrogen.
Human circolatory system cross section
The recipient and the donor blood group
• Human blood can be clasifify into four groups: A,B,O and AB.
• The blood group is determind by the type of protein on the
surface of the red blood cells.
• Blood group O :
• known as the universal donor because it can be accepted by a
person of any blood group
• can receive blood from the donor who has blood group O only
• Blood Group AB
a)known as the universal recipient because the person can
receive blood from the donor of any blood group
• can donate to only group AB recipient
• The knowledge of blood group is essential in the blood
transfusion between two individuals
• Transsfusion is the process of transferring blood from a
donor to a recipient
• Donating and receiving of blood must be carried out
correctly according to the suitability and compatibility of
blood group
• When the blood of two incompatible groups are mixed
together,the red blood cells of the donor and recipient
will clump together. This condition is called agglutination.
• Agglutination reduces the efficiency ofred blood cells in
transporting oxygen.
• agglutination can also lead to death of the recipient.
Importance of blood donating blood

• Blood is needed for major surgery, childbirth

or cancer treatment.
• Blood is a renewable tissue.Therefore there is
no harm to anyone who donate blood.
• Blood donation can save the life of people
who undergo major surgeries, battle long
term deseases or are the victims of accidents.
Handling and storing blood
• The donated blood is stored and handled properly to
ensure the safety of the blood recipient .
• The blood donor is interviewed and given medical
• The donated blood is tested for it’s group.
• The donated is also screened for the following diseases
:patitis B and C,sexually transmitted diseases such as
syphilis, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
• The donated blood is collected in a plastic bag which
contains a substance that prevent it from clotting and
to preserve it.

A scanning electron microscope (SEM) image

of normal circulating human blood. One can
see red blood cells, several knobby white
blood cells including lymphocytes, a
monocyte, a neutrophil, and many small disc-
shaped platelets.

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