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Dr. Sc. Edwin Escalera Mejia
Analizador simultaneo

Calorimetría diferencial de Barrido DSC

Analisis termogravimetrico TG
Análisis térmicos
• Los análisis térmicos engloba al conjunto
de técnicas basadas en la medida de la
relación dinámica entre alguna propiedad de
la materia y la temperatura.

 Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)

 Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)
 Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA)
 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA)

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DSC Heat flow vs. Temp

- Tm, Tc, Tg
- DH, curing time, curing degree
- Reaction rate, kinetics

TGA Weight Loss vs. Temp

- Decomposition temperature
- %Wt percentage
- Oxidative time

TMA Dimensional Change vs. Temp

- CTE (a1, a2)
- Tg
- Softening point

DMA Viscoelastic property vs. Temp

- Storage/Loss/Complex Modulus (E’, E”, E*)
- tan d
- Viscosity and master curve

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Que información?
• A partir de este tipo de análisis se puede
obtener información sobre:
• Propiedades químicas
• Transformaciones físicas; transiciones de
• Pureza y estabilidad de las sustancias.
Calorimetría diferencial de
barrido (DSC)
Principio DSC
• Un calorímetro permite observar y
cuantificar las diferentes transiciones
energéticas que puede sufrir un material, ya
sea por calentamiento o enfriamiento, con o
sin cambio de fase o bien por reacción
Aplicaciones DSC
• DSC gives a value for the amount of absorbed or
evolved energy in a particular transition
• Applications of DTA and DSC to inorganic
samples are:
Determination of enthalpy in phase changes
Determination of phase diagrams
Determination of enthalpy in chemical reaction
Kinetic analysis
Identification and characterization

熱流式 Heat Flux DSC 熱補償式 Power Compensation DSC

-量測DT -直接量測DH

- 由DH = kDT計算DH - 不需複雜數學運算

- 爐體較大 - 爐體較小

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DSC Thermal Curve of PET

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Schematic Results in Thermal Analysis

Quality of sample process DSC(Ex) TGA TMA DMA

-Solid Melting
-Crystalline Recrystallization
-Semi-crystalline Sublimation
Solid-solid transition
-Amorphous Glass transition
-Semi-crystalline Softening without Tg
-General Decomposition
Ligand release
-Liquid Evaporation
-Unspecific Chemical reactions
Determination of %
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Representación esquemática


Porta muestra

Características de los Hornos
porta muestras
Análisis termogravimétrico (TG)
Glass Transitions
• The glass transition is a step change in
molecular mobility (in the amorphous phase of
a sample) that results in a step change in heat
• The material is rigid below the glass transition
temperature and rubbery above it. Amorphous
materials flow, they do not melt (no DSC melt
Glass Transitions
• The change in heat capacity at the glass
transition is a measure of the amount of
amorphous phase in the sample
• Enthalpic recovery at the glass transition is a
measure of order in the amorphous phase.
Annealing or storage at temperatures just
below Tg permit development of order as the
sample moves towards equilibrium

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