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SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar)

Nouns Verbs Adverbs

Adjectives Pronouns

Prepositions Conjunctions

Nouns: A noun is the name of any object: a person, an animal, a thing, an idea or a place.

Adjective: An adjective is a word used to describe a noun. It tells you more about it.

Verb: Verbs are very common. They are commonly known as ‘doing words.’

Adverb: An adverb is used to describe a verb. It adds information to the verb. Adverbs are easy to spot because they
usually end in the letters ‘ly.’

Conjunction/Connectives: A conjunction such as ‘and,’ ‘or’ and ‘but’ is used to link words, clauses and sentences.

Pronouns: Pronouns can take the place of nouns that have already been used. Sentences would become cluttered and ugly
without them eg:he, she, them, his him etc…

Preposition: The words that tells the position of the noun such as up, down, beside,etcc…

Interjection: The function of interjections is to express emotions or sudden bursts of feelings. They can express a wide
variety of emotions such as: excitement, joy, surprise, or disgust.Eg:Wow!, yikes!, Oh no!
however but because
despite yet
Pick the best connective from above for each
sentence below:

1. Ben went to the doctor ___________ he was feeling ill.

2. Sam was happy, ___________ he felt tears fill his eyes.

3. Jimmy entered the room __________ feeling nervous.

4. His face turned red ___________ he was embarrassed.

Pick the correct word or words from
the options for each sentence below:
1. The window was broke / broken / broked / breaked by the ball.

2. Mandy writ / wrote / witten / has wrote a letter.

3. Benjie has eaten / eated / ate / eaten a large cucumber.

Use I or me for each sentence below:

1. I wanted Dad to watch ________ in the football match.
2. He walked to school with Danny and ____ .
3. My teacher told Terry and ____ to collect the books.
4. Eddie came to school with Jim and _____ .
5. Ben and ____ are going to the cinema tomorrow.
Which of the words below need a
capital letter?

billy came to our school today from canada. he

wants to learn french.
we enjoyed visiting prince rock primary school
on wednesday.
all the english supporters waved their flags when
england scored a goal.
For each piece of text below, pick
which box should have the ? or !
Sam asked, “Can I go to the toilet”  after he
had sat down in the car. 
“Wow ”  exclaimed Benny, “I can’t believe I
got full marks.”

My mum whispered , “Would you like to eat

the last bit of ice-cream ” 

Now write any question on your whiteboard.

Modal Verbs
WALT: Identify modal verbs and understand
their importance in establishing certainty or
Verbs - Recap
• A verb is a doing word; they show action or a
state of being.
• The verb is usually performed by the subject of
the sentence.
• For example:
Action Verbs State Verbs
Ella quickly ran home. I am very tired today.
The cauldron bubbled loudly. We have PE every Tuesday
Rain-filled clouds drifted past. Harry is a chatterbox.
Modal Verbs
• Modal verbs are placed before the main verb
and show how certain or possible something
is. Learn is the main verb –
• For example: it’s what you’re doing

You will learn everything you need to about

modal verbs today.
Will is a modal verb – it shows
that I am certain you will learn
about modal verbs today.
Modal Verbs
• The modal verbs are:

will can shall may must

would could should might ought
Modal Verbs
Can you sort the modal verbs into those which indicate certainty
and those which indicate possibility?
Certainty Possibility could


will must
might ought
Modal Verbs
Can you change the modal verbs in these sentences so that they are negative?

• You must touch the big red button.

• I would recommend broccoli sandwiches.
• Oliver may be able to finish on time.
• Fish should be left out of water.
• Ava can remember where she put her
• “I will take your half of the chocolate bar,” Ralf
For each sentence below, state whether they
are a question, command or statement.
1. He liked the sandwich I made for him
2. Can I go to the toilet
3. Wow
4. Please wait over there
5. Do you know the way to Florida
6. Go outside and wash your shoes
7. Eat that cake now
8. I may like to come with you tomorrow

Now pick ! ? or . to end each sentence.

Look at the underlined words. Which are
nouns and which are adjectives? Make two
lists on your whiteboards.
I thought the play was boring but James said
he was excited when he listened to the
Carefully I opened the box. Inside I found a
red hat and a blue coat.
Yesterday I bought: a new pencil; 15
handmade cookies; a selection of pens and a
large grapefruit.
Select the correct plural for each sentence.
1. The child / children / childs are playing on the field.
2. Women / woman / womens / womans are welcome to
use the upstairs toilet.
3. Sheeps / sheep look nice and warm with their thick coats.
4. I like to watch the fishes / fish / fishs at the aquarium.
5. My foots / feets / feet ache today.
6. The mouses / mice / mices enjoyed the cheese.

Which of these sentences use the correct plural?

a. The childs are eating lots of cake.
b. Gentleman usually wear trousers or shorts.
c. The children enjoyed watching the play.
Write down the number of verbs in each sentence.

1.Ben enjoyed watching TV.

2.Suzy enjoyed watching TV while eating
3.I like playing football with Raj on the field.
4.He is huge!
5.Eating cake is one of my favourite hobbies!
6.Quietly she wondered into the hall while it
was dark.
7.I am being very noisy today!
8.My dog and I are enjoying our walk.
Which sentences below use commas correctly?
1.He bought fish, chips, mushy, peas and a can of
2.We collected leaves, twigs, stones, and seeds
from the field.
3.My brother ate cake, an apple, a banana a fish
and a packet of pork, scratchings.
4.In the bag I found, pens, pencils, crayons and a
5.My favourite lessons are maths, history and
Can you write your own list sentence that uses colons and
Find the verbs and the adverbs below. Make two
lists on your whiteboard.
Casually, Raj strolled into the room and looked
slowly around.
Running quickly, Sally escaped from the galloping
horse. She tripped carelessly on a fallen log.
Whilst out for a winter jog, Manjip was very tired.

Now write any question on your whiteboard.

Look at the underlined words in the sentences
below. Replace them with words that have a
similar meaning/synonym.
1.He liked eating cake.
2.Casey had a nice coat to wear.
3.“Ouch!” said Mrs Fox.
4.Which of these is the biggest?
5.In the dark she felt anxious.
6.My favourite book is the one with the red cover.

Now make a list of alternative words for said.

Brackets can be used in each sentence below.
Write down the words that should be included in
1.James my brother likes eating cake.
2.Hillary the woman who lives down the road
enjoys playing rugby.
3.The bus the one with the yellow bumpers
crashed yesterday.
4.His mother who enjoys snooker knitted me a
waistcoat last week.
5.Elephants especially the big ones leave large
(Note: Brackets are also used to add extra information.)
Sort these words into 3 columns: nouns, verbs
and adverbs.

to run very eat

monster casually slowly

be cake
am cat
Now write any exclamation on your whiteboard.
Change all the underlined verbs from the past
tense to the present tense.

1.I ran all the way home.

2.He hides under the table.
3.I waved at the queen and shouted.
4.I was thinking about my maths.
5.They were running towards the hill.
6.We were making lots of mess.

Now write a sentence in the past tense and then

rewrite it in the present tense.
Find the adjectives and nouns in the sentences
below. Make two lists.

The old man often makes delicious pies.

Noisy children enjoy playing in the outdoor den.
Please could I have a large fish and small portion
of chips?
What happened to that enormous building?
Where can I find a nice restaurant that serves
healthy food?
Find the connectives in the sentences below.

It was raining whilst he ate his pie.

Sunny weather always makes people smile and
Although it was windy, he still wore his hat.
Walking quickly, the elderly lady grasped her hat
as she thought it would blow off.
It is sunny today. However, my teacher says we
must stay inside.
Which of these sentences should be written as
two separate sentences?
I am a boy and my sister is a girl.
Raj is a beautiful boy he likes cake.
I eat cake while I watch TV.
Whenever we go to the shops I see my granny.
It was raining last week I had to wear a coat.
Can you get a towel for me please I am soaking
Sort these nouns into common nouns, proper
nouns, abstract nouns and pronouns.

plymouth his
shop wales
tesco dad
dog primary school
thoughtfulness lipson
elephant her
bradley i
joe my brother
table mum Now add capital letters to
happiness the proper nouns
Pick the correct word for each sentence below.

1. We was / were eating cake.

2.I was / were eating cake.

3.Jimmy go / goes to school with me.

4.I go / goes to school with Jimmy.

5.My dogs takes / take me for a walk.

6.My dog takes / take me for a walk.

7.We are /am brilliant at grammar.

8.I are / am brilliant at grammar.
Add some adverbs to the spaces below.

Shirley ran ________________ to the castle and

crept ____________ up the stairs.

While I milked the cow _____________, he

___________ groomed the horse.

The child _______________ shouted at the man

who was running ____________ .
Which clause is in bold in the sentences below?
Main or subordinate?
The car, which was old and battered, raced to the
finish line.

The test was easy because it only had two


Although it was raining, we still went out to play.

While the birds were singing I hid under my

Where do the inverted commas belong? Copy the
sentences below.

Wonderful said the teacher.

It’s ugly, said the boy, and I won’t wear it.
What are you doing? Shouted the teacher.
I’m chasing that cat! He replied.
Write the correct contraction to replace the
underlined words.
I can not eat that cake, it is too big!

He will not go outside because he is afraid.

I will try my best but I can not promise to get it


Do not shout at me or I will send you to your

room. Note: Contraction means
constricted or words made short
using a apostrophe . Eg: would
not can be written as wouldn’t.
You are annoying me today.
Have the apostrophes been used for omission or
possession? Write o or p for each sentence.
1. The girl’s bag is heavy.
2. I wouldn’t go in there if I were you.
3. She wanted to see Billy’s new book.
4. The frogs were croaking in Ben’s face.
5. I’m going to get you!
6. I couldn’t find the peg.
7. She’d like to meet you.
8. Can I see Sarah’s homework please?
9. I can’t do it!
10.Sally’s hair is the prettiest.
Find the preposition in the sentences below.
1. I put the cat on the table.
2. I wanted to go out until 8 o'clock.
3. She drove near the river.
4. We walked through the forest.
5. During the storm we hid under the house.
6. She swam across the river.
7. We played outside the park.
8. Under the bed, the lazy cat was having a
Passive and Active

An informative PowerPoint about the difference between using

a passive or active verb.
Starter Activity

Now get ready to circle up the different parts of your




Subject, Verb, Object

Subject: Who we are talking about in the sentence. For

example, Milo is who we are talking about.

Verb: The ‘doing word’ of the sentence, which tells you

what the subject is up to. For example ‘grabbed’.

Object: This is the thing the verb is working on. In this

case, the postman’s leg.
Now get ready to circle up the different parts of your sentence, Circle
the subject in blue, object in green and verb in red.

Gary was having a bad day. He accidentally threw his favourite

magazine in the bin. He then banged his leg on a chair and found

his mum had shrunk his best sweater in the wash.

It was a bad day for Gary. His favourite magazine was accidentally

thrown in the bin. His leg was banged on a chair and his best

sweater had shrunk in the wash.

Active & Passive Voice
Active Voice
When using the active voice, the subjects are the ones performing the
• All parents |love their children.
• Birds | build | nests.
• Dog | eats | bones.

In these three sentences the subject does the action. Hence they are in the
active voice.

Passive Voice
In the passive voice, the verb takes an object.
All children| are loved | by their parents.
Nests | are built | by birds.
Bones | are eaten | by dog.

These sentences are in passive voice.

The Passive voice is used in English

(a) To stress the action done rather than the doer of the
(b) If the doer is unknown
(c) When it is more convenient.
Active and passive verb forms
Part A – Recap on subject, verb, object: Link each word to its correct definition

The usual order of these in an English sentence is:

Subject person or thing that the action is done to

Object an action, or a state of being

Verb person or thing that does the action

Rules to change from active to passive

Here are two sentences. Underline the subject of each sentence.
Daniel broke his finger. Daniel’s finger was broken.

The person or thing that the action is done to, can be the subject of the sentence. Then we use a passive verb
To make a verb passive, use a “be” verb (am, are, is, was, were, be) with the past participle of the action verb
(broken, taken, helped, stolen, created, pleased, eaten ...)
Use by to show the person or thing that does the action.
Example: The cat caught a mouse. (Active) / A mouse was caught by the cat. (Passive)

I have been picked for the team. – Is this active or passive?

The manager picked his team carefully. – Is this active or passive?

Rewrite each of the following sentences into passive voice

Eg:-Greta skilfully milked the cow.

The cow was skilfully milked by Greta-Passive voice

1. Loggers cut down a giant redwood tree.

2. The immune system defends the body from infection.

3. The examiners will carefully mark your papers.

Now rewrite these sentences into active voice.

1. Philip was persuaded to come along by Gloria.

2. The winning goal was scored by Kolbeinn Sigþórsson.

3. Drivers who break the speed limit will be caught by automatic cameras.
The field was ploughed by the farmer with his blue tractor
Brackets – put the brackets around the correct
1. Jimmy the boy next door enjoyed football.
2. Yesterday when it was sunny we ate cake.
3. The chocolate bar which contained 400 calories
was enjoyed by everyone.
4. Our local supermarket Sainsbury’s is very busy
on a Saturday.
Now make a list of 10 proper nouns.

And finally, write a question beginning with Which

Write down the omitted letters for each word.
1. Don’t
2. Haven’t
3. Can’t
4. I’ll
5. We’re
6. We’ll
7. Won’t
8. She’s
9. They’re
Find the adverbs and adjectives below.
Make two separate lists.
It was a cold day when the tired baker wondered
slowly to work.

My favourite toy is the one that quickly crawls

along the floor.

My mad dog, Spot, very much likes to chase his


Tracy, the butcher’s daughter, enjoys eating small


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