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Strategic Initiative

A strategic initiative is an endeavor intended to

achieve three interrelated outcomes:
 A boundary-spanning vision or “strategic
 Realization of important benefits to “strategic”
stakeholders and
 Transformation & Alignment of the
Strategic Initiative

Objective Vs Initiative

Strategy Vs Operation
Strategic Initiative

 Focus on change

 Focus on scope

 Resource intensive

 Ownership driven
Why Strategic Initiatives Succeed?

 Leadership buy-in and support including funding

 Skilled implementation

 A good fit between specific initiative and strategy

 Good planning and communication

 Ability to manage organizational change

Strategic Initiatives Characteristics

 Few Not Many – the “right” number will depend on

organizational maturity and purpose
 Strategic Impact - Linked to corporate BSC Measure /
 “Organization wide” – visibility of CEO and senior
management team
 6 – 15 month duration
 Formally Documented using a standard template
 Accountability Clear
 Reported on and discussed Monthly by Leadership Team
 Resources Allocated

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