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“Shots Fired”

Allison Roberts, Matthew Robinson, & Donikea Sanders

“It is 4am and we receive a call from university
police that shots have been fired outside of a
residence hall. A residence hall window has
been shattered and a bullet found in the
molding of a doorway”
Salient Issues Latent Issues

A. Communication with Law A. Trauma

Enforcement B. Alert System Concerns
B. Campus Alert System C. Media Response
Student Development Issues
● Trauma/PTSD
● Mistrust
● Attrition
Legal Implications Ethical Implications

A. Liability A. For Faculty & Staff

a. School/Personnel B. For Law Enforcement
i. Safety & Security
ii. Clarification on
b. Government
Best Practices/Plans of Action
● Prevention
○ Identifying Threats
● Emergency Action Plan
○ Input from a multidisciplinary committee to create policies, procedures, etc.
● Training Exercises
○ Recognizing a threat
○ Run, hide, fight
○ Interacting with law enforcement
● Communication Plan
○ Key personnel roles and responsibilities
○ Internal & External
● Short & Long Term Psychological Support Services
The Law
● The Clery Act
○ Annual Security Reports/Crime Statistics
○ Timely Warning
● States that allow guns on campus
● Ohio Gun Laws
○ Laws about discharging firearms
● WSU’s Policy
● WSU Residence Life and Housing Policy
● In 2015, 22,018 people committed suicide by firearm. 12,979 were murdered by firearm. In 2016,
38,551 people died by firearm.
● Suicide is the #2 cause of death in those aged 15-34
● A USA Today report in 2016 indicated that 1 in 12 college students make a plan.
○ The same report indicated that 49.5% of students who reported felt helpless at some point.
○ 60.5% of students who reported felt lonely at some point.
● In 2013, 95% of college presidents who responded to a survey about concealed handguns on campus
were not supportive of the idea.
○ James H. Price, Amy Thompson, Jagdish Khubchandani, Joseph Dake, Erica Payton & Karen
Teeple (2014) University Presidents’ Perceptions and Practice Regarding the Carrying of
Concealed Handguns on College Campuses, Journal of American College Health, 62:7, 461-469,
DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2014.920336
Politics Interpersonal
A. Media
B. Pro/Anti Gun Groups A. Students
C. Lawmakers B. Residence Hall Staff
D. Alumni C. Administrators
E. Local Community D. Campus Police
F. Prospective Students
Immediate Game Plan
● Ensure that the scene is clear and no one was hurt
● Check with police if any information about the shooter is
known or if they have suspect in custody
● Make sure all RA’s and Res Life staff are aware of the
situation and protocols in place
● Notify campus community through emergency alert system
including instructions such as lock your doors, etc.
● Keep students updated with constant communication
Next Steps / Follow Up
● Take initiative with response (Set the tone)
● Offer training (ALICE)
● Counseling for those impacted
● Install more surveillance systems
● Follow up with police on investigation
● Constant communication with students and staff
Thank you!

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