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What is Cell ?
• Cell is the smallest and basic living
unit of organism.
Types of Cell
What is inside the Cell
Function of basic constituents
• Reproduction: Cells divide
• Irritability: responds to stimuli
• Chemical: functions are carried out
• Excretion: Excretion wastes.
• Movement: having contractile ability.
• Growth: increase in size.
Cell Membrane
o It is a physical barrier
o regulates exchange of materials
o Allow cells to communicate
o Allow the cell to respond
o provides structural support & maintains Shape
oBiochemical reactions
oShape and growth
oTransport for genetic material.
oCellular respiration,
protein synthesis
oStored fats and sugars
Endoplasmic reticulum
oResponsible for the transportation of
proteins and carbohydrates
oHelp in formation of the skeletal
oProvide the increased surface area
oHelp in the formation of nuclear
membrane during cell division.
oVital role in the synthesis of proteins,
lipids, glycogen, cholesterol etc
Function of Mitochondria
oProduce energy.
oHelp to maintain proper
concentration of calcium
oHelp in building certain parts of
oLiver cells mitochondria detoxify
oProduction of heat: Non-shivering
Golgi Apparatus
Function of Golgi Apparatus
oAbsorption of compounds
oHelps in enzyme formation
oProduction of hormones
oStorage of protein
oFormation of plant cell wall
Function of Ribosome
oAssemble amino acids to form
specific proteins
oThe genetic message from the mRNA
into DNA translation
oDuring protein synthesis makes
oRibosome attaches amino acids
building up the protein
Function of Vacuoles
oWaste products accumulated in vacuoles
oMaintaining the right pH level
oHydrostatic pressure is also maintained
oProtect the cells from certain bacteria
oNot much important comparison to plant
Function of Chromosome
oChromosomes contain genes. Carry
hereditary information.
oHelp in cell division and cell growth.
oThey control cellular differentiation.
oControl cell metabolism.
oChromosomes can replicate themselves
oChromosomes form a link between
the offspring and the parents.
oSome chromosomes called sex
chromosomes (e.g., X and Y or X and
X) determine the sex of the individual.
oMutations are produced due to
change in gene chemistry
Overall Structure of Cell

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