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*About 4.6 billion years ago , in the Orion arm of the
Milky Way galaxy, a slowly-rotating gas and dust cloud
dominated by hydrogen and helium starts to contract
due to gravity .
Orion Arm- is a minor spiral arm of the Milky Way some 3,500 light-
years (1,100 parsecs) across and approximately 10,000 light-years
(3,100 parsecs) in length.
Milky Way Galaxy-is the galaxy that contains our Solar System. Its
name "milky" is derived from its appearance as a dim glowing band
arching across the night sky whose individual stars cannot be
distinguished by the naked eye..
*As most of the mass move to the center eventually
become a proto-Sun, the remaining materials form a
disk that will eventually become a planets and
momentum is transferred outwards.

Proto-Sun- the gaseous cloud that underwent gravitational

collapse to form the sun.
*Due to collisions, fragments of dust and solid matter
begin sticking to each other to form larger and larger
bodies from meter to kilometer in size. These proto-
planets are accretions of frozen water, ammonia,
methane, silicon, aluminum, iron and other metals in rock
and mineral grains enveloped in hydrogen and helium.

Accretion- a gradual process in which layers of a material are

formed as small amounts are added over time.
*High-speed collisions with large
objects destroys much of the
mantle of Mercury, puts Venus in
retrograde rotation.
*Collision of the Earth large object
produces the moon l. This is supported by
the composition of the moon very similar
to the Earth’s Mantle.
When the proto-Sun is established as a star, its solar wind
blasts hydrogen, helium and volatiles from the inner
planets to beyond Mars to form the gas giants leaving
behind a system we know today.

Solar wind-plasma continuously ejected from the sun's surface

into and through interplanetary space

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