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(Amur)Siberian Tiger

Panthera Tigris Altaica

By: Rebekah Rivera

and Lifespan
Siberian tigers have a reddish orange coat with vertical black stripes along
the whole body.The underside of the limbs,belly,chest throat and muzzle are
white or light in color.
Some siberian tigers can be white.
The siberian tiger can live to become 18-25 years in captivity they end up to
live 25 years.
The siberian tiger is the largest of any tiger species in the world.

Siberian tigers are found in temperate forests of China,

North Korea and Eastern Russia
World Wildlife Fund. “Amur Tiger.” WWF, World Wildlife Fund, 12 Feb. 2018,
Enemies and survival

Siberian tigers eat mostly hoofed animals like deer, wild boar,cattle, elk and goats, but they will also eat wolves
and bears, also fish,rabbits, and lynx. But mostly 50% of the Siberian tiger’s diet consists of wild boar.

The siberian tiger’s role is to maintain the population of the forest in balance so it's forest doesn’t get
overpopulated, with herbivores

Siberian tigers can mate anytime in the year but mating is most common from
November through April
Siberian Tigers reproduce every 2 to 2.5 years
When female siberian tigers are ready to mate they mark their territory with
distinctive smelling urine . This lets the male siberian tigers know that she is
ready to mate.
She may also make noises to attract any males nearby. When the male arrives it
starts whining and howling, in which the female tiger responds to accordingly.
Then they smell one another,lick ,and purr while rubbing their bodies together.

A siberian tiger’s gestation period ranges from 3 to 4 months. A female tiger

can have up to 2-7 cubs.After the cubs are born the mother will look after them
for 2.5 years then they will leave their mom and find their own food.She must
look after them carefully because a leopard or other predator might eat her
cubs.If for any reason the cubs die, the female siberian tiger will be able to have
more cubs in 5 months

Siberian Tigers depend on the food they eats if the animals disappear then they will start eating people’s
pets and cattle.This causes people to hunt them, because they want to protect their pets and cattle.
Humans are also impacting the siberian tiger because they are making space for homes in the forest and
this makes the Tiger run and run until eventually poachers catch them for their fur and meat.

World Wildlife Fund. “Amur Tiger.” WWF, World Wildlife Fund, 12 Feb. 2018,

Canine Distemper Virus

Canine distemper is a viral disease that causes a wide range of symptoms including fever,
diarrhea,labored breathing,dehydration and seizures in a tiger. The scientists think that the
siberian tigers got this viral disease when they eat a dog from somebody.
Conservation and Future

Tigers are part of our planet's natural heritage, a symbol of Earth’s biodiversity. They are a
keystone species, crucial for the integrity of the ecosystems in which they live. As top predators,
they keep populations of prey species in check, which in turn maintains the balance between
herbivores and the vegetation upon which they feed. When tigers thrive.
There are only 500 siberian tigers left in the wild.
The governments that these tigers call home have set up nature preserves in an attempt to
stabilize the numbers. And captive populations are monitored and carefully bred with the hope of
keeping the species alive.

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